Cut and Paste Photo Editor

Cut and Paste Photo Editor

Photography | Daily Joy Studio

BlueStacksを使ってPCでプレイ - 5憶以上のユーザーが愛用している高機能Androidゲーミングプラットフォーム

ページ更新日: 2024/12/18

Play Cut and Paste Photos on PC

🔥 Cut and Paste Photos: Effortless Cut and Paste Experience 🔥

Looking for a super app to cut and paste objects? Meet our AI-powered product:Cut and Paste, and say goodbye to complex editing tools!

All you need is 2✌️steps:
✅ Cut what you need
✅ Paste where you want

With just a few taps, you are freely cut and paste any images to create stunning photo collages! You can easily create high-quality cutout, face swap, remove background and more!

✂️ Magic cutting ✂️

Multiple tools provided:lasso, eraser, smooth, repair, auto-cut, magic cut… Cut and Paste Photos give you the easiest way to cut out any objects!

You can cut out any objects you want (people👭, trees🌲, cars🚗), or remove unwanted elements, erase background in seconds… All you need is a simple touch with your fingers.

💯 Smooth pasting 💯

Cutting is for pasting, now it’s time to paste your cutout anywhere you like and merge multiple elements to create funny photos with your imagination!

You can paste your dog in the sky, move a traffic light under the sea, swap faces with pop stars… As a powerful photo editor, Cut and Paste Photos can seamlessly merge various elements.

And feel free to adjust your result, change the color, add a neon background, flip your cutout, make multiple copies, or delete anything unperfect to make everything right.

✈️ Powerful photo editor ✈️

>Precise Cut and Paste Photos
>Fast Background Eraser
>High-Quality Results
>Unleash Limitless Creativity

Imagine pasting yourself on the red carpet at the Canne Film Festival, or flying your friends to the moon… with our cut paste photo editor, you can see how your imagination and creativity explode💥!

And don’t forget to share 🌐 your masterpiece with the world, and get ready to amaze your friends!

Cut and Paste Photo EditorをPCでプレイ

  • BlueStacksをダウンロードしてPCにインストールします。

  • GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストアにアクセスします。(こちらの操作は後で行っても問題ありません)

  • 右上の検索バーにCut and Paste Photo Editorを入力して検索します。

  • クリックして検索結果からCut and Paste Photo Editorをインストールします。

  • Googleサインインを完了してCut and Paste Photo Editorをインストールします。※手順2を飛ばしていた場合

  • ホーム画面にてCut and Paste Photo Editorのアイコンをクリックしてアプリを起動します。
