Boitoi - বইটই - Bangla eBook reader from Ridmik
도서/참고자료 | Ridmik Labs
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Boitoi - বইটই - Bangla eBook reader from Ridmik on PC
This app is currently in beta. Please let us know your feedbacks.
Boitoi (বইটই) a full featured ebook reader and book store.
*Free books*
find a download your favorite books from the collection of our free books
*Paid books*
you can download and read from a large collection of paid books. These books are collected from the authors and the publisher with due permission.
*Full featured ebook reader*
Boitoi (বইটই) is a full featured ebook reader. You can enjoy a well decorated eBook reader that is fully focused on reading Bangla books
*Book streaming*
For the first time ever, besides downloading books, you can also stream. So you can quickly jump into reading the book you love. Just click on the "Read Now" button.
We're brining more features. So stay tuned!
This app is currently in beta. Please let us know your feedbacks.
Boitoi (বইটই) a full featured ebook reader and book store.
*Free books*
find a download your favorite books from the collection of our free books
*Paid books*
you can download and read from a large collection of paid books. These books are collected from the authors and the publisher with due permission.
*Full featured ebook reader*
Boitoi (বইটই) is a full featured ebook reader. You can enjoy a well decorated eBook reader that is fully focused on reading Bangla books
*Book streaming*
For the first time ever, besides downloading books, you can also stream. So you can quickly jump into reading the book you love. Just click on the "Read Now" button.
We're brining more features. So stay tuned!
PC에서 Boitoi - বইটই - Bangla eBook reader from Ridmik 플레이해보세요.
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구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 Boitoi - বইটই - Bangla eBook reader from Ridmik 설치
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