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Seite geändert am: 24. April 2021
Play Yandex.Navigator on PC
Yandex. Navigator uses voice prompts to guide you along your way, and displays your route on your device’s screen. Additionally, you can always see how many minutes and kilometers you have to go.
You can use your voice to interact with Yandex.Navigator so that you don't have to take your hands off the wheel. Just say "Hey, Yandex" and the app will start listening for your commands. For example, "Hey, Yandex, let's go to 1 Lesnaya Street" or "Hey, Yandex, take me to Domodedovo Airport". You can also let Navigator know about road events you encounter (such as "Hey, Yandex, there is an accident in the right lane") or search for locations on the map (by simply saying "Hey, Yandex, Red Square").
Save time by choosing recent destinations from your history. Look through your recent destinations and favorites from any of your devices—they are saved in the cloud and available when and where you need them.
Yandex.Navigator will guide you to your destinations in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Turkey.
The app suggests enabling the Yandex search widget for the notification panel.
Spiele Yandex.Navigator auf dem PC. Der Einstieg ist einfach.
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Suche in der Suchleiste oben rechts nach Yandex.Navigator
Klicke hier, um Yandex.Navigator aus den Suchergebnissen zu installieren
Schließe die Google-Anmeldung ab (wenn du Schritt 2 übersprungen hast), um Yandex.Navigator zu installieren.
Klicke auf dem Startbildschirm auf das Yandex.Navigator Symbol, um mit dem Spielen zu beginnen