


| Epizodic Entertainment


使用 BlueStacks 在電腦上或透過我們的雲端玩遊戲

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網頁修改於: 2024.03.11

在 PC 或 Mac 上運行 夜鳥社會神奇之旅

Nightbird Social Magical Journey is a character-driven adventure puzzle game developed by Epizodic Entertainment. BlueStacks App Player is the best platform to play this Android game on PC and Mac, giving you an immersive gaming experience.


Divided into five journeys, the story begins with Sarah, a young aspiring singer, who encounters a mysterious man on a magical train that changes her life and the lives of others. You’ll guide Sarah and help her avoid life-threatening threats and discover a magical secret that will change the world.


You can also use BlueStacks to download Nightbird Social Magical Journey on your computer, and you will be able to continue exploring this magical world on a high-resolution big screen!


How to Download Apps on PC or Mac.

  • 在 PC 或 Mac 上下載並安裝 BlueStacks

  • 完成Google 登入後,即可連接Play商店,或等你需要使用時再登入

  • 在右上角的搜尋欄輸入並搜尋 夜鳥社會神奇之旅

  • 從搜尋結果中,安裝 夜鳥社會神奇之旅

  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 夜鳥社會神奇之旅

  • 在首頁畫面中,點擊 夜鳥社會神奇之旅 圖示來啟動遊戲,就可以在電腦上遊玩啦!

Watch Video

Download Nightbird Social Magic Tour on Windows 10/Mac or Laptop with BlueStacks and start playing right away! BlueStacks’ macros, scripts, hang-up features make it easier for you to play, and you can learn more tips about the magical journey of the night bird society here.

You can also record a video of your Night Bird social magical journey to share with your friends, or broadcast your game experience online, discuss game strategies with other viewers, and share your experience of the game’s plot with them!

You can also use a gamepad, keyboard, and mouse to quickly set key positions on your computer, allowing you to make quick and accurate judgments and enjoy unparalleled comfort and control!


您可以在滿足以下需求的設備上使用BlueStacks 5。

  • 作業系統

    Microsoft Windows 7 或更高版本, macOS 11 (Big Sur) 或更高版本

  • 處理器

    英特爾、AMD 或 Apple Silicon 處理器

  • RAM記憶體

    至少 4GB

  • 硬碟

    10GB 可用空間


* 您必須是電腦上的管理員。 Microsoft或顯示卡供應商提供的最新顯卡驅動程式。