Best Meta Picks for Mobile Legends: Bang Bang to Carry Your Team/Push Ranks Quickly

If you are stuck while grinding your way to the Mythical Glory or are you a solo player who is stuck carrying clueless randoms? then we have got you covered with a list of heroes who are currently in meta. By using one of the heroes from the list below you can surely make your way up and even hard carry your team towards victory.
Before we start discussing the heroes to use, if you are stuck in lower ranks such as Epic and above, then it is quite advisable to use a high damage dealing hero who can solo farm and push as well. Although, the player must fulfil the objectives such as tower push, lord, turtle etc.
1. Claude

A very mobile hero with an insane amount of AoE damage from his ultimate. Claude is one of the best carry heroes who fit the current meta to climb up rank. Pair him with battle spells like Retribution, Purify or Aegis and play him in either jungle or Gold Lane.
Best build for Claude:
- Demon Shoes
- Golden Staff
- Corrosion Scythe
- Demon Hunter Sword
- Queens Wing
- Malefic Roar or Immortality.
2. Brody
Another high damage Marksman received nerf in the previous path update but still runs strong. Brody’s Abyssal Mark passive escalates his damage abilities along with his AoE ultimate and second skill’s stun. Brody is a perfect jungler in this meta as he can be built tank with sustain items and deal a good amount of damage at the same time.
Best build for Brody:
- Demon Shoes or Warrior Boots
- Scarlett Phantom
- Berserker Fury
- Malefic Roar
- Immortality
- Blade of Despair.
3. Chou
The all-time meta fighter, Chou never disappoints the player who perfectly masters his skills and combos. Chou is all about timing the skills and positioning. By using Chou, you can dodge a lot of CC skills as his second skill is immune to crowd controls. Typically, Chou is played as a side lane, but can be played as a Tank too. The best spell for Chou is Flicker to date, as it perfectly syncs with his skills and combos.
Best build for Chou:
- Warrior Boots
- Blade of Heptaseas
- Blade of Despair
- Queens Wing
- Immortality
- Endless Battle.
4. Yu Zhong
Yes, the Black Dragon is one of the powerful side laner in today’s meta. His sha residue received a major nerf but still playable. Pair him with Festival of Blood along with spell vamp items and he can wreak havoc in team fights and unstoppable in side lanes. His CC skills are quite useful for team fights and his spell vamp has an AoE effect as well.
Best build for Yu Zhong:
- Bloodlust Axe
- Oracle
- Blade of Despair
- Queens Wing
- Athenas Shield
- Immortality
5. Natalia
You might find her banned in a few drafts but she’s worth learning and using if you wish to push rank quickly. Natalia can be played as a side lane and in the jungle too. Due to her unique skillsets, she is way too deadly if fed during the early game. Her abilities allow her to rotate swiftly around the map without being noticed. Her passive adds the effect of silence and she carries out her role of being an Assassin, pretty obvious. Natalia can also be a split pusher and can complete objectives such as Lord, Turtle etc.
Best build for Natalia:
- Rapid Boots
- Windtalker
- Scarlett Phantom
- Blade of Despair
- Immortality or Queens Wing
- Blade of Heptaseas
6. Mathilda
A Support and Assassin hero that can be played in mid and side lanes as well. With some adjustments, Mathilda can inflict damage if built with damage items or she can Tank for her team with a hybrid build. The current meta is all about support heroes, Mathilda’s blink and CC skills are perfect for rotation and surprised ganks. Her usual build consists of
Best build for Mathilda:
- Demon Shoes
- Courage Mask/Calamity Reaper
- Necklace of Durance
- Glowing Wand
- Immortality,
- Holy Crystal.
7. Chang’e
A cute mage with burst magic damage, who can solo hold a lane. Change’ skills allow her to generate a shield with high damage output from her ult. She usually holds the mid lane but surely you can play her in the side lanes as well. Moonton has planned a nerf for her but it seems it’s not coming soon enough. One of the best build for her is
Best build for Chang’e:
- Demon Shoes/Magic Shoes
- Ice Queen Wand
- Windtalker/Defence item
- Holy Crystal
- Necklace of Durance
- Divine Glaive
8. Vale
The wind boy of the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang roster recently rose from the unused heroes to one of the most banned heroes. Vale has multiple damage and CC skills that depend on the users to select. While your hero levels up, the game asks you to choose the type of skill you want to have. But keep in mind, Vale is very squishy and lacks escape skills. So before you head into the battle, look at the enemy comp and choose a battle spell accordingly.
Best build for vale:
- Demon Shoes
- Lightning Truncheon
- Necklace of Durance
- Genius Wand
- Ice Queen Wand
- Blood Wings/Immortality
9. Khufra
The nightmare for every blink and dash heroes. Recently, got nerfed on his 1st skill jump are but is still viable in the current meta. As we have a lot of heroes in the roster that hold blink and dash skills, Khufra counters them by using his 2nd skill. Some of the heroes, not use when the enemy has a Khufra are, Lancelot, Fanny, Chou, Alucard etc. Use Flicker as the battle spell for him.
Best tanky build for Khufra is :
- Warrior Boots
- Courage Mask
- Antique Curaiss
- Immortality
- Athena Shield
- Guardian Helmet/Dominance Ice
10. Franco
If you are good enough in aiming and precision, literally you can hook everything except towers and allies with the help of this tank. Franco is one of the best tanks who is played even in high elos too. Franco’s each and every skill is crowd control but make sure you don’t land up in the middle of a team fight as your skills target a single hero only. Use flicker or execute and use them after 1st skill and Ultimate for better results and satisfying combo.
Best tanky build for Franco :
- Rapid Boots
- Shadow Mask
- Dominance Ice
- Immortality
- Guardian Helmet
- Antique Curaiss
11. Rafaela
Although a lot of players prefer to play damage heroes but supports such as Rafaela are in meta right now. Rafaela’s heal and CC skills make her teammates unkillable if shes’ played right. Players using Rafaela must learn to position and must have proper map sense as her sole duty is to support her allies. She can be played as a mage too. Her first skill has a very low CD and can be used to check bushes to avoid ganks.
Best hybrid build for Rafaela:
- Demon Shoes
- Courage Mask/any Defensive item
- Enchanted Talisman
- Ice Queen Wand
- Necklace of Durance
- Holy Crystal
12. Kaja
The best catcher in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang indeed. Kaja is a fighter/support whose skills are best for tower diving. When paired with defensive and magic damage items, Kaja can solo hold a lane till the hyper of the team lands up with some kills and has farmed enough. It is not quite advisable to go near a Kaja as his Ult, paired with Flicker combo can land you in the enemy’s turret.
Best hybrid build for Kaja:
- Warrior Boots
- Shadow Mask
- Fleeting Time
- Immortality
- Athena’s Shield
- Ice Queen Wand
So, here are some of the best meta heroes you can use to rank up easily till Mythic. Although it is true that each and every hero is good and it entirely depends upon the skills of the players to carry a game. Additionally, here are some more heroes players can try out too –
- Hayabusa – Assassin
- Lancelot – Assassin
- Gusion – Assassin
- WanWan – Marksman
- Hanabi – Marksman
- Jawhead – Fighter
- Khaleed – Fighter
- Aldous – Fighter
- Paquito – Fighter
- Luo Yi – Mage
- Esmeralda – Mage
- Cecilion – Mage
- Tigreal – Tank
- Johnson – Tank
- Hylos – Tank
- Angela – Support
- Estes – Support