AFK Arena Gear Guide for Strength Heroes

This article is going to be the continuation of the previous guide that we made for the Intelligence heroes. We are going to be focusing on the gears that are for the strength heroes this time.
Strength based heroes mostly consist of heroes that are best at dealing physical damage and can attack in close combat. Strength heroes in AFK Arena can also buff themselves which can make them tankier or deal more damage depending on the hero that you pick. These heroes have mostly a large amount of HP so it’s best to put them in the front line and tank all the damage that the enemy does.
We already discussed the different classes and rarity in the previous guide that we made for the Intelligence heroes, if you are interested to read more about them, you can refer to the link that we gave above.
The gears with lowest rarity can not be upgraded, you can use other gears as material to upgrade your equipped gear. You need to equip the gear that you want to upgrade to be able to access the gear enhancement option.
Crude Gears
- Weathered Mallet – a low quality mace, it can be put in the hands slot and gives ATK + 12.
- Wolfskin Cap – A barbarous looking cap that offers protection but is not very comfortable to wear. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 120 and ATK + 6.
- Crude Plate – This might stop an arrow or two if you’re lucky, it can be put in the body slot and gives DEF + 10
- Leather Boots – these boots will protect your toes. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 200 and ACC + 2.
Common Gears
- Guardian’s Axe – A castle guard’s axe. It can be put in the hands slot and gives ATK + 27 and ACC + 5.
- Guardian’s Helm – A castle guard’s plate helmet. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 265, ATK + 15 and DODGE + 2.
- Guardian’s Plate – A castle guard’s chest plate. It can be put in the body slot and gives DEF + 23 and HPR + 2.
- Guardian Greaves – A castle guard’s greaves. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 530 and ACC + 3.
Rare Gears
- Vanguard Axe – heavy and deadly. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 40, DEF + 6 and ACC + 8. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 52, DEF + 7.8 and ACC + 10.4.
- Vanguard Helm – Made from good steel. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 450, ATK + 25 and DODGE + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 585, ATK + 32.5 and DODGE + 6.5.
- Vanguard Plate – This plate will save your life. Can be put in the body slot and gives DEF + 40 and HRP + 4. Enhanced Attribute instead gives DEF + 52 and HPR + 5.2.
- Vanguard Greaves – Suitable for all terrains. Can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 900 and ACC + 6. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 1170 and ACC + 7.8.
RARE + Gears
- Mace of Dusk – Not many armor can withstand the Mace of Dusk. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 100, DEF + 18 and ACC + 14. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 130, DEF + 23.4 and ACC + 18.2.
- Dusk Helm – A dazzling great helm. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 1300, ATK + 50 and DODGE + 15. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 1690, ATK + 65 and DODGE + 19.5.
- Dusk Plate – Those who venture into the unknown must be well protected. It can be put in the body slot and gives DEF + 100 and HPR + 10. Enhanced Attribute instead gives DEF + 130 and HPR + 13.
- Dusk Greaves – Those who venture into the unknown must be well protected. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 2200, ACC + 16 and MSPD + 2. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 2860, ACC + 20.8 and MSPD + 2.6.
Elite Gears
- Zealot’s Axe – Forged for the knight’s of the divine order. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 175, DEF + 35 and ACC + 25. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 254, DEF + 49 and ACC + 35.
- Zealot’s Helm – Crafted for the knight’s divine order. It can be put in the head slot and gives + HP + 2200, ATK + 110 and DODGE + 15. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 3080, ATK + 154 and DODGE + 21.
- Zealot’s Plate – Crafted for the knight’s divine order. It can be put in the body slot and gives DEF + 160, ACC + 6 and HPR + 30. Enhanced Attribute instead gives DEF + 224, ACC + 8.4 and HPR + 42.
- Zealot’s Greaves – Crafted for the knight’s divine order. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 4100, ACC + 20 and MSPD + 2. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 5740, ACC + 28 and MSPD + 2.8.
Elite + Gears
- Temple Flail – Wielded by the king’s finest. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 320. DEF + 55 and ACC + 30. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 448, DEF + 77 and ACC + 42.
- Temple Helm – Worn by the king’s finest. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 3700, ATK + 150, CRIT + 2 and DODGE + 20. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 5180, ATK + 210, CRIT + 2.8 and DODGE + 28.
- Temple Plate – Worn by the king’s finest. It can be put in the body slot and gives DEF + 240, HPR + 50 and PR + 4. Enhanced Attribute instead gives DEF + 336, HPR + 70 and PR + 5.6.
- Temple Greaves – Worn by the king’s finest. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 6400, ACC + 20, MSPD + 2 and PR + 4. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 8960, ACC + 28, MSPD + 2.8 and PR + 5.6.
Legendary Gears
- Vow of Force – Wielded by the king’s guards. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 570, DEF + 90 and ACC + 60. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 855, DEF + 135 and ACC + 90.
- Vow of Valor – Worn by the king’s guards. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 5200, ATK + 370 CRIT + 3 and DODGE + 25. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 7800, ATK + 555, CRIT + 4.5 and DODGE + 37.5.
- Vow of Fortitude – Worn by the king’s guards. It can be put in the body slot and gives + DEF + 460, HPR + 70 and PR + 6. Enhanced Attribute instead gives DEF + 690, HPR + 105 and PR + 9.
- Vow of Intrepidity – Worn by king’s guards. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP +12000, ACC + 25, MSPD + 3 and PR + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 18000, ACC + 37.5, MSPD + 4.5 and PR + 7.5.
Legendary + Gears
- Berserker’s Treachery – Strikes fear into the enemies hearts. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 980, DEF + 130, ACC + 80 and PR + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 1470, DEF + 195, ACC + 120 and PR + 7.5.
- Berserker’s Helm – A fearful looking helmet worn by the fiercest berserkers. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 11000, ATK + 570, CRIT + 4 and DODGE + 30. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 16500, ATK + 855, CRIT + 6 and DODGE + 45.
- Berserker’s Thunder – Those who gaze upon the berserker’s thunder are filled with fear. It can be put in the body slot and gives HP + 7500, DEF + 550, HPR + 70 and PR + 8. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 11250, DEF + 825, HPR + 105 and PR + 12.
- Berserker’s Greaves – Push forth and break the enemies’ will. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 22000, ACC + 35, MSPD + 4 and PR + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 33000, ACC + 52.5, MSPD + 6 and PR + 7.5.
Mythic Gears
- Gaius’ Flail – “His exploits were unmatched, but his brutality was also chilling”. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 1650, DEF + 150, ACC + 100 and PR + 12. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 2475, DEF + 225, ACC + 150 and PR + 18.
- Gaius’ Helm – “He despised authority and followed only the passions and desires of his heart”. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 18500, ATK + 950, CRIT + 5 and DODGE + 40. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 27750, ATK + 1425, CRIT + 7.5 and DODGE + 60.
- Gaius Breastplate – “I’ll reach the top of the mountains and look down on the world”. It can be put in the body slot and gives HP + 20000, DEF + 720 and PR + 10. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 3000, DEF + 1080 and PR + 15.
- Gaius’ Greaves – “His army marched to the West in high spirits, determined to cover every inch of land”. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 36500, ACC + 60, MSPD + 5 and PR + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 54750, ACC + 90, MSPD + 7.5 and PR + 7.5.
Mythic Tier 1 Gears
- Gilded Flair of Dark Vengeance – A flail that is able to easily crush anyone unfortunate enough to be on the wrong end of it. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 2100, DEF + 1500, ACC + 150 and PR + 13. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 3050, DEF + 2250, ACC + 225 and PR + 19.5.
- Visage of Dark Vengeance – Strikes fear into the hearts of those that gaze upon this intimidating looking helmet. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 36500, ATK + 1500, DEF + 600, CRIT + 5 and DODGE + 50. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 54750, ATK + 2250, DEF + 900, CRIT + 7.5 and DODGE + 75.
- Chestplate of Dark Vengeance – A powerful chest plate that is able to stop the fastest arrows and sharpest blades. It can be put in the body slot and gives HP + 38000, DEF + 1600 and PR + 10. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 57000, DEF + 2400 and PR + 15.
- Warboots of Dark Vengeance – Powerful, robust warboots that offer unparalleled protection. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 74000, ACC + 80, MSPD + 8 and PR + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 111000, ACC + 135, MSPD + 12 and PR + 7.5.
Mythic Tier 2 Gears
- Hammer of Mountains – A hammer as heavy as the mountains. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 5500, DEF + 2000, ACC + 200 and PR + 14%. Enhanced Attribute instead gives ATK + 8250, DEF + 3000, ACC + 300 and PR + 21%.
- Helm of Mountains – A helm solid as the mountains. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 75000, ATK + 3200, DEF + 1000, CRIT + 5 and DODGE + 50. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 112500, ATK + 4800, DEF + 1500, CRIT + 7.5 and DODGE + 75.
- Plate of Mountains – A set of plates as hard as the mountains. It can be put in the body slot and gives HP + 70000, DEF + 4000 and PR + 11. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 105000, DEF + 6000 and PR + 16.5.
- Greaves of Mountains – A pair of greaves that is as strong as the mountains. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 160000, ACC + 100, MSPD + 8 and PR + 5. Enhanced Attribute instead gives HP + 240000, ACC + 150, MSPD + 12 and PR + 7.5.
Mythic Tier 3 Gears
- Wraith’s Severance – “The executioner of King’s Manse had no concept of mercy. Without hesitation, he put every rebel to death”. It can be put in the hand slot and gives ATK + 9900, DEF + 3600, ACC + 360 and PR + 25.2%. Enhanced Attribute gives additional HP + 1.0%, ATK + 3.8%, DEF + 1.5% and PR + 1.8%.
- Wraith’s Casque – “He commanded the dead armies to return, seizing King’s Manse, giving this once domineering realm a whole new character”. It can be put in the head slot and gives HP + 135K, ATK + 5760, DEF + 1800, CRIT + 9% and DODGE + 90. Enhanced Attribute gives additional HP + 2.1%, DEF + 1.0%, PR + 5.0% and MR + 3.0%.
- Wraith’s Cuirass – “In the Bantus Wasteland, the screams of the dead echo through every street and alley, clusters of white bones decorating the walls of King’s Manse”. It can be put in the body slot and gives HP + 126k, DEF + 7200, and PR + 19.8k. Enhanced Attribute gives additional HP + 4.6%, ATK + 1.5%, and DEF + 4.3%.
- Wraith’s Sabatons – “Trampled by the weight of iron, those mortals who refused to submit were flattened by the legions of the dead”. It can be put in the foot slot and gives HP + 288k, ACC + 180, HASTE + 14.4k and PR + 9%. Enhanced Attribute gives additional HP + 3.8%, DEF + 3.0%, CRIT + 1.5% an MR + 2.3%.
The next and the last article for AFK Arena’s Gear Guide series is going to be for the Agility heroes next time so make sure to come back later if you are interested in that.