AFK Arena Thesku Guide by BlueStacks

Thesku’s race, the Sapera, was once considered as the secret weapon of the Mauler faction in their war against the Lightbearers as they can be so effective and efficient in battle. However, all things came to an end when the Lightbearers successfully managed to counter everything that the Sapera could do against them and made the Sapera race deemed as useless by the Mauler Faction which then led to the massacre of their entire race.
Treznor the Aggrieved and Thesku had almost similar fate even though their lifestyle and culture are the exact opposite, Treznor from the Graveborn Faction can definitely relate to what happened to Thesku, you can read everything about Treznor here.
Now let’s take a look at AFK Arena’s newest serpentine character and let’s know more about him.
Thesku comes from Sapeara, a serpent charmer race that can control snakes and can use them as weapons, Thesku is surrounded by his snake pets and his head resembles a lot like a snake and his skin has also a snake-like properties.
Thesku has a total of 3 pet snakes: Zilsu, Szetzu, and Ilshu who are always at his side and assist him in his skills.
Thesku’s race, which was once considered a secret weapon, was left to fend for itself against the advancing Lightbearer Imperial Army by their own Mauler faction. The Imperial Army learned to adapt against the snakes of Sapera, they wore masks to prevent inhaling poisonous miasma, developed antivenom, and also made traps against the poisonous snakes. Sapera strongly relied on the strength of their pet snakes. So when the Imperial Army managed to contain and destroy them, the Saperas didn’t have the physical prowess to defend themselves and they immediately got overrun and massacred.
Originally, Thesku had a total of four snake companions by his side but when their chieftain was captured by the Imperial Army and murdered. One of his snakes, Nuztei tried to seek revenge by charging towards the Imperial Army. Thesku tried to stop the snake but it was so adamant and eventually, it got captured and terminated. This gave Thesku time to escape. Nuztei was Thesku’s oldest and the very first pet snake he had, so the death of Nuztei had a great impact on him and it completely broke him and made him a different person. He became ruthless and doesn’t care for anything anymore.
- Neurotoxicity (first skill) – Thesku commands his snake, Zilsu to spit a deadly neurotoxin at the enemy target with the highest Attack Rating, dealing 220% damage to them, causing them to become intoxicated. While in a state of intoxication, the enemy is unable to recover any Energy and may only use Normal Attacks for 4 seconds. During this time, damage dealt by the enemy’s Normal Attacks is converted into health for the target they are currently attacking.
Lvl 2 – Damage is increased to 240% of Thesku’s Attack Rating.
Lvl 3 – The enemy target is intoxicated for 5 seconds.
Lvl 4 – Damage is increased to 260% of Thesku’s Attack Rating.
- Cursed Flame (second skill) – Thesku commands his snakes, Zilsu and Szetzu to breathe fire upon any enemies within range, dealing 160% damage three times to the targets. Enemies struck by the third attack shall have their Accuracy reduced by 50 points, Crit Rating reduced by 30 points and Crit Amplification reduced by 30 points for 6 seconds. Effect cannot be stacked.
Lvl 2 – Enemies struck by the third attack lose 70 Accuracy points, 40 Crit Rating points and 40 Crit Amplification points.
Lvl 3 – Damage is increased to 180% of Thesku’s Attack Rating.
Lvl 4 – When the third attack deals damage to the targets, the negative effects inflicted on them by this ability are extended by 1 second for every Serpent’s Mark the targets are currently marked with.
- Serpent’s Mark (third skill) – When Thesku deals damage with his Normal Attacks and other abilities, targets are marked with a Serpent’s Mark, which causes them to lose health worth 30% of Thesku’s Attack Rating every second, for 8 seconds, but shall not die as a result. Once the Serpent’s Mark has been stacked 5 times, the mark disappears, and a venomous explosion is triggered, which deals 260% damage to enemies and stuns them for 3 seconds.
Lvl 2 – Damage dealt by the venomous explosion is increased to 280% of Thesku’s Attack Rating.
Lvl 3 – The duration of the Serpent’s Marks is extended to 12 seconds.
Lvl 4 – The venomous explosion causes enemies to lose 200 Energy points.
- Ancient Terror (ultimate) – Thesku plays his bone flute and deals 240% damage to all enemies. If an enemy is marked by more than 3 Serpent’s Marks, they are petrified and turned to stone, becoming unable to complete any actions or recover Energy for 5 seconds.
Lvl 2 – After the petrification effect wears off, enemies lose 40 Haste points for the following 5 seconds.
Lvl 3 – Damage is increased to 300% of Thesku’s Attack Rating.
Signature Item
- Bone Flute (Serpent’s Guard) – is a musical instrument that has a history that can be traced back to the formation of the Bone Glade. The sounds that it makes are said to be connected with the land and it allows the people who played it to become the master of the creatures that live across that land.
Each time Thesku has cumulatively lost 20% of his max health, once his current ability ends, his snake Ilshu grants him a shield that has a value equal to 15% of Thesku’s max health, which exists for 8 seconds.
Enemies that deal damage to the shield have their Accuracy reduced by 70 points, Crit Rating reduced by 40 points, and Crit Amplification reduced by 40 points for 6 seconds. The effect cannot be stacked. Can be unlocked at + 10.
The value of the shield is raised to 25% of Thesku’s max health. Can be unlocked at + 20.
Enemies that deal damage to the shield have their Attack and Defense Ratings reduced by 20% for 6 seconds. The effect cannot be stacked. Can be unlocked at + 30.
Eternal Engravings
- Serpent’s Mark – Enhance the ability of Serpent’s Mark, The venomous explosion causes enemies to lose 200 Energy points.
Reach 2 Star Ascended with this hero to gain: CBR +3
Reach 3 star Ascended with this hero to gain: CBR +3
- Cursed Flame – Enhance the ability Cursed Flame, when the third attack deals damage to the targets, the negative effects inflicted on them by this ability are extended by 1 second for every Serpent’s Mark the targets are currently marked with.
Reach 4 Star Ascended with this hero to gain: CBR +3
Reach 5 Star Ascended with this hero to gain: CBR +3
- Endeavor – Arena of Heroes, Legend’s Challenger Tournament, Legends’ Championship, Heroes of Esperia: IS +31.85 ATK +10%
Furniture Ability
- Collect 3 out of 9 furniture to activate – When an enemy is struck by the Ultimate ability “Ancient Terror”, if they are marked by fewer than 3 Serpent’s Marks, they will be marked by an additional 1 Marks.
- Collect 9 out of 9 furniture to activate – Thesku is immune to fatal damage the first time he is dealt it, and he recovers 25% of his max health, and his Energy is immediately restored to 100%, but he will be unable to use his abilities “Cursed Flame” and ” Serpent’s Guard” for the remainder of the battle.
Heroes that can Synergize with Thesku
- Brutus – a tanky hero that is also from the Mauler faction similar to Thesku, you can use Brutus as frontline and tank all the damage. Brutus can also heal himself by converting damage that he deals into his own HP so he can tank even more damage.
- Treznor the Aggrieved – Treznor has almost similar skills to Brutus but he came from the Graveborn faction and he has a skill that can make him impossible to die for a certain duration, perfect for Thesku to attack and use all his skills.
- Skiath – is a humanoid falcon that is an intelligence-based mage that has the skill to pull enemies into a certain area which is very helpful for Thesku to ensure that more enemies are getting hit by his skills.
Thesku is an intelligent hero so if you want to build him, you can take a look at our artifacts guide for the intelligence heroes.
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