AFK Arena Hero Guide – Yennefer, The Vengerberg’s Sorceress

In this short guide for Yennefer from AFK Arena, we will be going through her skills, abilities, furniture skills, signature items, signature abilities, and tips and tricks for using her efficiently. Let’s get right to the guide.
Yennefer – The Vengerberg’s Sorceress
Yennefer is an Intelligence-type hero from the Dimensional faction that is classified as a Mage in-game. Yennefer specializes in buffing and healing allies with her sustaining skills and abilities.
The backstory of Yennefer reads as following – “Always accompanied by the scent of lilac and gooseberries and dressed in black and white, Yennefer of Vengerberg is famous for her beauty and power. The raven-haired sorceress has made a name for herself as one of the most skilled and ambitious mages of her time. Member of the Supreme Council of Sorcerers and advisor to kings, yet always walking a path of her own choosing, Yennefer played an important role in the fate of the Northern Kingdoms. She first met Geralt of Rivia in the town of Rinde where the two had a run-in with a mighty Djinn. On that fateful day their destinies intertwined forever after the Djinn granted Geralt’s last wish. Several years later, Yennefer took it upon herself to teach the witcher’s adoptive daughter, princess Cirilla of Cintra, the basics of the art of magic and started to treat the girl as her own. She used all her powers to protect Ciri from those who wanted to hurt her.”
Yennefer’s Active Skills
The active abilities that can be used by Yennefer are as follows:
Lilac and Gooseberries (Passive Ability) – Passive. Yennefer enchants enemies within a given range around her for 2 seconds, during which they will start attacking each other with Normal Attacks. This effect can only be triggered once every 10 seconds. If Geralt is an ally, he inflicts additional damage on the enchanted enemies.
Lvl 2: Enemy is enchanted for 3 seconds.
Lvl 3: Enemy is enchanted for 4 seconds.
Lvl 4: The effect can be triggered once every 8 seconds.
Sorceress’s Wrath – Yennefer casts frost and thunder magic in turn.
Frost Magic: Channels a line of ice shards and ice storms dealing multiple hits to enemies in front, each hit causing 180% Attack Rating damage and knocking them back, while stunning them briefly.
Thunder Magic: Summons thunder on enemies in front, dealing 220% Attack Rating damage and stunning them for 2 seconds.
Lvl 2: Frost Magic damage is increased to 200%.
Lvl 3: Thunder Magic damage is increased to 240%.
Lvl 4: Thunder Magic damage increases by 20% with each additional enemy in range, by up to 60%.
Magic Barrier – Creates a magical barrier at the start of the battle, reducing the damage allied heroes on the allied side take from enemies on the enemy side of the battlefield. When upgraded, the magical barrier can knock enemies back to their side of the battlefield.
Lvl 2: Damage Reduction of the barrier is increased to 25%.
Lvl 3: For every 12 seconds the barrier lasts, it deals 200% Attack Rating damage to all enemies within it and knocks them back to their side of the battlefield.
Lvl 4: For every 6 seconds the barrier lasts, it deals 300% Attack Rating damage to all enemies within it and knocks them back to their side of the battlefield.
Frontline Tactics (Ultimate Ability) – Yenneffer dives into the most crowded area of enemies and slams into the ground, dealing 300% Attack Rating damage to enemies within the radius and imprisoning them for 3 seconds, after which Yennefer teleports to her original location. While this skill is active, Yennefer is invulnerable.
Lvl 2: Damage is increased to 340%.
Lvl 3: Damage is increased to 360%.
Signature Item and Skill
Yennefer possesses the powers of the weapon Yennefer’s Necklace, as seen in the Witcher 3 franchise. This weapon can exclusively only be equipped for Yennefer. The description of the item reads the following – “Yennefer’s favorite necklace, which shines when she is casting a spell. It is a dazzling glow possessed only by a sorceress.”
Aligned Defense (Signature Item Skill): Increases Energy Recovery by 30% for allied heroes within the Magic Barrier when they suffer damage.
+10 Unlocks: Increases Energy Recovery by 40% for allied heroes within the Magic Barrier when they suffer damage.
+20 Unlocks: Each allied hero in the Magic Barrier increases the Damage Reduction of the Magic Barrier by 5%.
+30 Unlocks: Magic Barrier duration is suspended when no enemy is within.
Furniture Bonuses: Room of Yennefer
3/9 Mythic Piece Bonus: When Yennefer is in the backline of the allied side, it greatly increases the range of Frost Magic.
9/9 Mythic Piece Bonus: When Yennefer receives melee damage from an enemy hero, she teleports herself and the enemy to their respective back lines and resets the Sorceress’ Wrath cooldown. This effect can only be triggered once every 12 seconds. Yennefer is immune to control while using this skill.
Tips for Using Yennefer
- Players should preferably use Yennefer along with Geralt as an ally in the team to maximize her own usage while also maximizing the damage that Geralt deals to enemies. Her passive skill can easily threaten opener teams in PvP game modes but the rest of her skills seem lackluster. Her 3rd skill is one of the best shielding abilities like Lucius. A magical barrier on the side of enemies remains to be one of the best strategies for assassins and warriors who like to go deep inside enemy territory. Naturally, you wouldn’t want to pair her with ranged heroes much or simply heroes that do not go to the enemy’s side.
- Yennefer is clearly made out for PvP game modes. Her ultimate ability “Frontline Tactics” can disrupt the momentum of enemies as she jumps into the most crowded areas of the battle and imprisons all enemies caught in the projectile for 3 seconds. This opens up room for your targeted heroes to either survive by getting healer/buffed/protected or move out of the aggro range of enemies.
That concludes everything to know regarding Yennefer! To play AFK Arena on your PC, it is highly recommended to use BlueStacks for the most optimized gameplay experience.