Age of Empires Mobile Building & Technology Guide

With so many buildings and technologies, jumping into Age of Empires Mobile is overwhelming. Knowing the right order in which to do them all can give you a massive edge. This guide will break down the best upgrade priorities so you can get the good progress that you have been wanting to get for your game.
Key Building Upgrade Order
- Town Center: The town center is the heart of your city. It should be the first to be upgraded by you since it limits other buildings’ maximum levels and unlocks other game features like more slots for troops and hero slots. The more the level of the Town Center, the more heroes and troops you’ll get, hence an upper hand in battle.
- Embassies: Your Embassy will provide Alliance Assistance, thus the time taken to complete builds to upgrade will be increased. The higher the level of your embassy, the more assistance for the upgrades will be felt in all future upgrades.
- Upgrade University: Research is key if you want a long-term advance. Upgrading your university makes research faster than usual and allows access to better troops. Prioritize this building if you’re after maximizing technology efficiency to beef up your army and also economic capabilities.
That being said, you can also check out our tier list for the best civilizations, where we aim to identify and rank them according to their utility.
Critical Technology Upgrade
- Economic Technology First
First, upgrade to increase the research and building speed with Economic Technology upgrades. Maximizing “Research Speed 1” and “Building Speed 1” will benefit all other upgrades, saving precious time. These boosts are the most fundamental and should be the first thing you do when the University becomes available.
- Branch into Military Technology
Once you’ve set down your base with the economic upgrade, move on to Military Technology. Focus on unit tiers and “Deployable Troops,” which enables you to have more armies within the battlefield. This, in turn, gives you a better experience in PvE and PvP.
Other Important Buildings
- Smithy
Upgrade Smithy to speed up equipment forging, increasing your queues, thereby hastening heroes’ upgrading gears. This will assist in increasing power without having to wait for equipment craft time.
- Tavern
Increases level that can get more hero levels-upped and lower the cooldown for free summons of even more hero Medals. That way, free upgrades get much faster and quicker.
- Resource Production Buildings
While not necessary immediately, advancing one resource production building, for example, to a high level allows a more efficient rate of resources to be collected in an easier fashion to sustain in your city.
Once these enhancements are directed to Age of Empires Mobile, you will have a better foundation to start building your good city and army. Learn to level up your experience by playing Age of Empires Mobile on PC or a laptop with BlueStacks so you can enjoy convenient control and a more significant screen.