Among Us Guide - Impostor Edition: How to Get Away with Murder 101

Do you think Among Us is about tasks, camaraderie, fun, and especially games? Think again cause those are exactly the things Among Us is not about. Among Us is actually about mind games, dimensional chess, and if you are playing the game on BlueStacks then even shouting over each other on voice chat. The fact of the matter is that as an impostor you already know that tasks are there just to keep the crewmates busy since it is the impostor who has to do the dirty work.
Everyone just assumes that becoming an impostor is fun but only the real players can understand what it takes to be a great impostor. You see, normally players who become impostors have very basic tier strategies like killing a crewmate on their way to electrical to fix the lights and then venting. Players who grind the game for hours don’t even need to vent after they kill a crewmate. A real impostor kills and frames a crewmate to get a double whammy in the end.
Impostors’ Thinking / Party Cap
Think about it? What happens when a crewmate reports a body most of the time? An emergency meeting which leads to a dead-end until someone actually catches you in the act. Most of the time impostors keep getting spotted because someone either saw them on camera or more than one crewmate saw them killing someone. Both of these scenarios are extremely easy to navigate if you are playing Among Us match with more than one impostor. It is ironic that impostors tend to trust each other more than crewmates do but that is exactly what makes the game so fun in the first place.
Most game guides on Among Us for crewmates talk about impostors doing things like faking tasks or hanging out near the electrical after sabotaging lights but these are just normal things every casual player can do. What the impostors actually have to do in Among Us is learn how to get away with murder. Yes, it is a reference to the same tv show you are thinking about, and that is exactly where these tips are going to come from. Lying, cheating, scheming, and framing are part and parcel of an impostors life and the basic premise of many classics.
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Now before we continue onwards here is a disclaimer, this game guide is not going to make you win in Among Us as an impostor. For that, you need to give BlueStacks Among Us Impostor Guide – Take Meta Gaming to the Next Level a read. What this game guide will do is make your impostor mind games to another level. Crewmates may the numbers on their side but too much of anything is bad and the same is the case with crewmates. They inevitably will bicker and keep sus-ing everyone till the cows come home and if you are the impostor then just being quiet in the emergency meetings will be enough for at least three to four kills easily.
So if you want to go beyond the norms of faking tasks and just sabotaging lights or hanging out near the reactor then you are at the perfect place.
Fake Alibi Not Tasks
Going with the basics with this one but sometimes saying nothing at all may be all you need to do to keep yourself off the radar. In the first three to five minutes what you should do is start hanging out with other impostors if there is more than one in the match. So even if crewmates do see you two impostors hanging out together they won’t be suspicious of you. Most crewmates guides will inevitably talk about looking at the green taskbar or hanging out with other crewmates. So can you then. Hangout with your fellow impostors to fake alibi instead of faking tasks.
Start Memeing on Crewmates
Let’s say, Red said, “Why are alone in the cafeteria Yellow?”. Now yellow is an impostor here and has to make sure that no one suspects him. The best response here is not a justification or even lying. Move beyond that now. It’s about using memes to your advantage. Among Us has sparked this huge new rebirth of memeing and saying things like “I wanted time to think alone” is a far better response than lying. Many times crewmates won’t vote you out because you make the game which can be very mundane into something interesting.
How to Lie
This is more important for impostors in Among Us than telling them to lie. See, lying is easy. Anyone can say that the sky is neon green but it is the convincing part that is hard. When someone accuses you of being an impostor in the game then don’t start saying you’re not. Instead, go all in. Say that if they vote you out you still will do the tasks as a ghost but add that you also are suspicious of someone. Yes, this is a complete gamble and that’s why it’s after the meme step. Every step works in tandem with each other. In the end, it is up to you how to use them in combination with each other.
Play Among Us for Hours with BlueStacks Eco Mode
Playing Among Us on BlueStacks Andriod Emulator is a completely different experience. Not only you have support for keyboard and mouse but also a feature called Eco Mode. Using this feature will not only make your laptop’s battery longer but also reduces the stress on the PC’s resources. Games like Among Us don’t need the same amount of resources as games like PUBG or COD would. By enabling Eco Mode in BlueStacks when playing Among Us you will reduce the stress on both the CPU and the GPU which can be allocated to other applications or programs you need to run in the background.
So the next time you want to take a quick break from online classes or office work just enable the Eco Mode in BlueStacks and keep listening to your meeting or classes in the background. All work and no game is not a way to live anyway. This way you can keep gaming and work without a hitch or at least keep the work in the background for just one match.
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