Best Mechas Ranked in Tier List for Artery Gear: Fusion

Tier lists are the best way to get an idea of what the current meta is in any game and what characters other players are using to gain an advantage over other players. In this tier list for Artery Gear: Fusion, we will be listing some of the best characters, called “Mechas” in the official terms, present in the Live 2D turn-based RPG. The BILIBILI developed and published game is releasing soon for the global region and this tier list will definitely act as a head start for many new players who will be joining the game. Artery Gear: Fusion is available on both Google Play Store and iOS App Store as a free-to-play application.
To give a brief to players about the different mechas available in the game, we must make it clear that Artery Gear: Fusion is a hero collector game that uses the gachapon mechanics of summoning your favorite mechas. Players can summon different rarities of mechas from the different available banners in-game. As with gacha games, the highest rarity unit will be having the lowest probability of being summoned while the lowest rarity units will have the highest probability of being summoned from the gacha system. There exist 3 different rarities under which all Mechas in Artery Gear: Fusion are classified:
- 5-Star Mechas (2.5% Base Rate of acquisition)
- 4-Star Mechas (13% Base Rate of acquisition)
- 3-Star Mechas (84.5% Base Rate of acquisition)
All mechas in Artery Gear: Fusion are further classified under different elements represented by the colors – Red, Blue, and Green. Like with any other similar turn-based RPG, each of these elements is stronger and weaker than another. Such tactics further increase the strategic depth of the game. For example, Blue is stronger than Red but Weaker than Green. When an element is weaker, it will deal less damage and have a high chance of missing critical hits or normal hits. When an element is stronger, it will deal more damage and have a higher chance of doing critical hits.
In this tier list, we will be covering the best of the best 5-Star and not the lower rarities since they would eventually be useless as players progress further into the game due to their low base stats and bad skill sets. We will rank the best mechas according to our observation in this tier list, judging by their performance in the different PvE and PvP content available in-game. However, we highly recommend players judge for themselves as the game is ever-evolving with new strategies and balance changes.
S Tier Mechas
Let’s take a look at the Mechas listed in this tier: –
Shyura is a Red elemental 5-Star Mecha that is classified as an Attacker/DPS unit in-game. Shyura is one of the best DPS mechas available in-game due to her damage which scales based on the enemy’s MAX HP. Hence, she is best suited for PvE content and is often referred to as PvE queen. She is also a menace against tank teams in PvP. Her 1st skill can also decrease the enemy’s defense for 2 turns and this attack won’t be countered if she’s in her Shura state. Shyura enters the Shura state with her 3rd skill where she cleanses all debuffs on herself and gains energy points. She empowers the rest of her abilities to do additional stuff while in this Shura state. She also deals increased damage based on the enemy’s MAX HP when in the Shura state.
Ginga is a Blue elemental 5-Star Mecha that is classified as an Attacker/DPS unit in-game. Ginga is the first unit in the game to be released whose damage will be scaling with the number of debuffs present on the enemy target. She excels in inflicting Shock debuffs on enemies with her single targeted abilities. Shock is a debuff that deals continuous damage over time on enemies. She is often taken in PvP and certain PvE boss fights due to her burst skill in her ultimate ability where she can deal a ton of damage according to the number of debuffs on the boss. Ginga is best suited to be put in a team with debuffers that can act as damage buffers for her.
Alice is a Blue elemental 4-Star Mecha that is classified as a Supporter/Buffer unit in-game. Alice is one of the best supporter units in-game due to her attack bar manipulation and debuffs. Her 1st skill is a simple single targeted damaging skill that does nothing. Her 2nd skill states Alice can increase the Attack of any ally and increase her own Attack bar by 20%. Her 3rd skill is an AOE damaging skill that can deal damage to all enemies and inflict them with a Speed down debuff for 2 turns.
Sirius is a Blue elemental 5-Star Mecha that is classified as an Attacker/DPS unit in-game. Sirius is one of the best damage dealers in-game for the Blue element. She is often referred to as a Speed queen just because her skills deal more damage according to her Speed and she must be built with high speed. Sirius’s 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability that will also decrease the defense of the target if Sirius has a Speed buff on herself. Her ultimate skill will deal massive single targeted damage to the selected enemy and scale according to her speed. If this skill kills the target, she will extend all buffs on herself.
Roko is a Green elemental 3-Star Mecha that is classified as a Strategist unit in-game. Roko is often referred to as the Poison queen in Artery Gear: Fusion as she deals additional damage according to the number of Poison debuffs on the target. She is the only exception in this tier list as she is a 3-Star hero but her skill sets are that good. Her 1st skill deals single targeted damage to the target which increases according to the number of Poison debuffs and also has a chance to inflict Poison debuff for 2 turns with a 30% chance. She also shortens all of her skill cooldowns when she deals damage to the enemy with Poison debuff. Her ultimate ability will inflict 2 stacks of poison with an 80% chance.
A Tier Mechas
Let’s take a look at the Mechas listed in this tier: –
Chihaya is a Blue elemental 4-Star Mecha that is classified as an Attacker/DPS unit in-game. Chihaya is a monster on the battlefield and needs to be built with a 100% critical hit chance because her skills depend on critical hits. Her 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability that deals damage to the enemy and if she lands a critical hit, the damage will further be increased. Her ultimate ability also is a single targeted damaging skill that states if Chihaya lands this ability as a critical hit, she will gain another extra turn instantly. She will also reduce the enemy’s defense for 2 turns with this skill.
Morris is a Red elemental 4-Star Mecha that is classified as a Healer unit in-game. Morris’s 1st ability is a single targeted damaging skill that has a 35% chance to inflict Blind debuff on the target for 2 turns. Her 2nd skill is a great healing/buffing skill where she heals any targeted ally by 30% of the ally’s maximum health and increases their Attack bar by 30%. Morris further decreases the ally’s skill cooldowns by 2 turns and grants the ally a Continuous Recovery buff for 2 turns. Her ultimate skill is one of the best supportive skills which cleanses all debuffs on all allies as well as heals them according to her own MAX HP.
Milvus is a Red elemental 5-Star Mecha that is classified as an Attacker/DPS unit in-game. Milvus is one of the best AOE damage dealers in Artery Gear: Fusion. Her 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability which has a 50% chance of inflicting a Blind debuff for 2 turns on the target. Her 2nd skill is an AOE damaging ability that deals damage to all enemies and resets the cooldown of this skill if any enemy dies by this skill. Her ultimate skill is also an AOE targeted damaging ability that deals damage to all enemies and has a 70% chance to inflict Defense Down and Sleep debuff for 2 turns and 1 turn, respectively. Milvus further pushes her own attack bar by 30%.
Lydia is a Green elemental 5-Star Mecha that is classified as a Balanced unit in-game. Lydia is a great damaging unit for the Green element. Her 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability that has a 20% chance to inflict Attack down debuff for 1 turn on the target. Her passive ability states “All own skills are critical hits. When attacked, reduce the cooldown of “End Fast Break” by 1 turn, and reduce 2 turns when you receive an attack on your own turn. 3 Self-inflicted damage is reduced by 10% when the skill is on cooldown. After being attacked, the normal attack will be changed to an Aoe attack before the end of the next stage.” Her ultimate skill is an AOE targeted damaging ability that deals damage to all enemies and has a 75% chance to inflict Block Buff debuff for 2 turns. At the start of any battle, this ability will be on cooldown.
Cerulean is a Green elemental 4-Star Mecha that is classified as a Strategist unit in-game. Her 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability that deals damage to the enemy and if the enemy is inflicted with a Slow debuff, she will extend the duration of it by 1 more turn. Her 2nd skill is also a single targeted damaging ability that has a 75% chance of reducing the targeted enemy’s attack bar by 30% and inflicting a Slow debuff for 2 turns. Cerulean’s ultimate ability is an AOE targeted damaging skill that deals damage to all enemies and provides Speed up buff for 2 turns to all allies. She will also increase her own attack bar by 40% with this skill.
B Tier Mechas
Let’s take a look at the Mechas listed in this tier: –
Kagari is a Fire elemental 4-Star Mecha that is classified as a Strategist unit in-game. Kagari’s 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability that can also reduce the target’s attack bar by 10%. Her 2nd skill is an AOE targeted damaging skill that deals damage to all enemies and reduces 20% of their Attack bar. Kagari also has a 100% chance of inflicting an Attack down debuff for 1 turn on the targets. Further, Kagari pushes her own Attack bar by 20% for every enemy’s attack bar lowered by this skill. His ultimate skill is a single targeted damaging skill that states Kagari removes all buffs from the target while applying a Slow debuff on them for 1 turn.
Katie is a Green elemental 3-Star Mecha that is classified as a DPS unit in-game. Katie’s 1st skill is a single targeted ability whose damage ignores any elemental weaknesses. Her 2nd skill is a passive ability where her skill damage ramps up for every skill she uses, up to a maximum of 5 times. It also states that Katie can randomly decrease the enemy’s attack bar by 5% or push her own Attack bar by 20% after using any skill. Her ultimate skill is a single targeted burst damaging ability that deals more damage the lesser the health of the target.
Blue is a Red elemental 3-Star Mecha that is classified as an Attacker/DPS unit in-game. Blue’s 1st skill is a single targeted damaging ability that has a 50% chance of inflicting Defense down debuff for 1 turn. Her 2nd skill is a passive ability which states that Blue has a 5% extra chance of performing a Dual Attack. When she uses a Dual Attack, her 1st skill will be having an additional 25% of inflicting a Defense down debuff. Blue’s ultimate skill is a single targeted damaging ability that deals damage to the enemy and has a 75% chance of inflicting a Slow debuff for 2 turns.
To Play Artery Gear: Fusion more efficiently and on a bigger screen of your PC, we highly recommend playing Artery Gear: Fusion with BlueStacks on your PC using a keyboard and mouse.