Black Clover M – Dominate the Competition by Building the Best Teams

Black Clover M is a brand-new anime-stylized turn-based RPG that follows the iconic story of Asta and his friends conquering various adversities caused by the evil forces. A direct and official adaptation of the famous anime/manga IP of Black Clover, the game has been in a soft launch state in Canada for quite some while. The global launch was delayed but it’s finally here! Black Clover Mobile is available to be downloaded as a free-to-play title on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
In this guide for Black Clover M, we will be demonstrating all the teams that are considered the best in the game at the time of global launch. Keep in mind that the game has already been released in Korea, Japan, and Canada for quite some time. Hardcore veterans of the game have devised several strategies to counter several hard mode contents in the game. As a general opinion, if you’re a new player, we would first recommend understanding the game’s systems and combat mechanics. We have also made sure to not go overboard on the technical jargons, to help new players understand the synergy between characters.
Sally and Charlotte – Make Way for the Debuff Queens
Charlotte and Sally are 2 of the best debuffers in the game. Their synergy is also mind-blowing as one can inflict debuffs while the other can extend their duration. Charlotte can apply a 40% chance of triggering the Silence debuff, which stops opponents from using any abilities other than their Skill 1 for the following two turns. All debuffs on the opponent—aside from freeze, stun, and metamorphosis—have a two-turn duration extension thanks to Sally’s Ultimate Life Talent.
The Silence debuff can therefore extend to last for four turns. For this reason, it works incredibly well against opponents like Rill, Mimosa, William, Heath, and Mars, to name a few. The effectiveness of this combination depends on the removal of Charlotte’s Silence debuff. To be successful with this team, you will need a damage dealer as well to help you clear the initial waves of enemies. Of course, a healer would also be required to ensure you’re not dangling on the verge of death all the time.
Do not Underestimate the Power of Yuno and Jack the Ripper!
As Yuno’s opponents are under the effect of a buff or a debuff, she becomes an even more powerful unit. Two units that can ensure that everyone they attack will receive a debuff without the need for a ULT are Jack the Ripper and Rill.
To make the most of Yuno’s abilities, you must add a linking buffer to your team when you are building it. Examples of such buffers are William, Sally, or Mimosa. They can increase Yuno’s attack power and maximum attack power. You have the option of selecting a tank, DPS, or healer for your fourth character.
Rill Boismortier Stands to be the Counter King
For the most part due to his counter-effects, Rill is considered one of the most broken characters in the Black Clover Mobile. Keeping Rill alive should be your top priority when organizing a group of people to aid him. This team needs a healer, like William or Mimosa, desperately. In order to be less reliant on Rill for damage output, you should think about adding another DPS. You are at liberty to designate any individual as your fourth unit. We would recommend checking out a complete tier list for the best characters in the game to ensure you’re teaming up Rill with the right choices.
Let Mars and Noelle Do the Tanking!
Mars is a great character to use in PvP combat scenarios because of his capacity to taunt all enemies. He also has a high chance of stunning enemies with his basic attacks. Finding soldiers who can enhance Mars’s tank capabilities should be your main objective when assembling a squad around him. Noelle Silva is a great partner for Mars as she can supply allies with a barrier, restore health, grant defensive buffs, and even taunt herself.
To fully utilize this squad, you will need at least one dependable damage dealer (DPS) because Mars and Noelle’s role is to stall for as long as possible. Additionally, you can use a healer to help you stay healthy and topped up in the health department.
Enjoy Black Clover M on a bigger screen of your PC using your keyboard and mouse with BlueStacks for the most optimized gameplay experience.