Chimeraland – Resource/EXP Gathering Strategies and Tips

Chimeraland is filled with natural resources such as wood, stone, fiber, and even animal goods such as meat and hide. Additionally, it is also very crucial to gather a plentiful amount of EXP to level up your character and ultimately make them stronger.
All these things are required to survive in your adventures when you play Chimeraland. In this guide, we’ll show you several methods of acquiring resources and EXP in the game while also providing some strategies that you can apply to make the process more efficient.
Use the Resource Finder
The Resource Finder is your best friend when it comes to finding natural resources in Chimeraland. With this tool, essentially all resources that you want to look for are going to be marked on-screen on your map for convenience.
You can access this tool by opening the function wheel and then clicking on the “Explore” button. From there, you can click “All” to mark every nearby gatherable resource on your screen or you can be more specific in your search and click “Orientation”.
The “Orientation” menu is segregated into Resources, Incident, and Products. Under the Resources category are general resources such as Minerals, Produce, Herbs, Trees, and the like. The “Incident” category consists of in-game challenges such as Totem Challenge, Legends, Secret Realm, and Zenith Rocket.
If you want to be more specific in your search, you can click on “Products” to bring up a list of specific items from the Resources categories that you can choose to track.
Upon tracking a resource, their icon as well as their distance (measured in paces or miles depending on the distance).
Upgrade Life Skills
Activities such as logging, mining, and gathering are considered as Life Skills in Chimeraland and these skills can be individually upgraded to make resource-gathering easier and more efficient.
Each life skill has its own category that consists of multiple subskills that can be upgraded. The most important among these is the “Basics” skill, which essentially increases the amount of resources that you garner in one interaction. For example, upgrading the Logging Basics skill increases the number of logs obtained in one chop from one to two, and this can further be upgraded.
To be able to upgrade these subskills, you are going to need to satisfy the unlock requirements for the upgrade and have sufficient skill points and Cowries (basic currency of the game).
Skill points can be earned by doing life skills and the points earned are allocated to those life skills only. This means that if you are to cut down trees, you will only earn skill points for the Logging category and nothing else. Additionally, you will also earn EXP to upgrade your Logging Level, which is required for Logging Basics.
Touching Totems
Totems are arguably the best places to obtain all sorts of resources, items, and EXP in the Chimeraland but the catch is that you have to fight hard for it.
You can mark the nearest Totems in your map by opening the Resource Finder and clicking on Orientation > Incident > Totem Challenge.
There are multiple types of Totems in Chimeraland but regardless of the type, you will receive good rewards upon completing the challenge offered by the Totem.
- Battle Totem – summon waves of humanoid enemies and defeat them all
- Advanced Battle Totem – same mechanics as the Battle Totem except that you are rewarded a chance to obtain Boss Trial Stones, which are required for Boss Totems.
- Hunting Totem – summon waves of beast enemies and defeat them all
- Advanced Hunting Totem – same mechanics as the Hunting Totem except that you are rewarded a chance to obtain Giant Beast Trial Stones, which are required for Deobeast Totems
- Boss Totem – fight and defeat boss-level immortals to earn great rewards; Boss Trial Stones are required to start this
- Deobeast Totem – fight and defeat grand-level Deobeasts to earn great rewards; some of these Totems require Giant Beast Trial Stones while some do not
- Mysterious Totem – when touched, the totem becomes defensive and will try to resist upcoming attacks
Playing the Game Pod
The Game Pod is a special device that you eventually end up crafting through a main quest that allows you to play in various challenges to earn rewards. There are four games in the Game Pod: Shooting Trial, Pet Capture, Totem Trial, and Devour Challenge. The ones that we are most interested in are Shooting Trial and Devour Challenge.
The challenges in these categories are sorted by difficulty and you can unlock the next level of difficulty upon beating the level prior to it. There are infinite retries for each challenge but upon completing one, you are no longer allowed to repeat it.
The Shooting Trial game involves you eliminating a certain amount of enemies within a time limit using ranged weapons. Rewards in the Shooting Trial often consists of Cowries, Sage (currency used for the Shop), and new equipment or weapons.
In the Totem Trial, “dungeon versions” of enemies that are spawned from Totems are summoned and you must defeat them, including the boss, to spawn a treasure chest that contains your rewards. Rewards in the Totem Trial often consist of Cowries, Sage, and gems that you can use for Sigil upgrades.
Daily Quests
Doing Daily Activity Quests are a great way of earning quick rewards during each day that you play the game.
There are multiple daily quests that each give out useful rewards such as EXP, Cowries, and miscellaneous materials. Completing these quests earns Activity and upon garnering enough Activity, you can open Activity Reward Packs which consists of bonus items.
You can unlock up to five Activity Reward Packs every day and each pack consists of different rewards and also costs a different amount of Activity.
Activity Reward Pack | Activity Required | Rewards |
Gift of Benevolence | 30 | 100 EXP, 50 Cowries, 20 Stone, 20 Logs, 1 Common Beast Royal Charm |
Gift of Justice | 60 | 155 EXP, 75 Cowries, 5 HP Pill, 5 Intermediate Elixir, 1 Heavy Iron Cauldron |
Gift of Ceremony | 90 | 205 EXP, 100 Cowries, 3 Star Essence, 3 Fine Agate, |
Gift of Trust | 120 | 260 EXP, 125 Cowries, a chance to receive common or rare gear |
Gift of Wisdom | 150 | 310 EXP, 150 Cowries, 1 Rare Agate |