Beginner’s Guide for Chronicle of Infinity - The Best Tips, Tricks, and Promo Codes to Help You Get Started

Chronicle of Infinity is a brand new mobile MMORPG just entering its first open beta phase, giving players all over the world access to all its awesome gameplay, which promises to be some of the most ambitious in the genre to date. The way the team at Neocraft Limited aims to achieve this feat is by not only offering solid MMORPG gameplay, but also by incorporating elements from other genres to keep the gameplay fresh and varied at all times. Case in point, for the game’s open beta, players will not only be able to grind and progress through the main story missions and clear countless dungeons, but they will also be able to engage in other modes like roguelikes and battle royale, and PvP features like guild versus guild, and more.
Nevertheless, despite all its different game modes and features, the main offering in Chronicle of Infinity is pretty much par for the course and what you’d expect of an MMORPG: players will get to choose from a few different classes (link to the class guide), and then jump into the world to complete quests, interact with NPCs, farm and grind for materials to upgrade their characters and progressively clear challenges of increasing difficulty. In other words, if you’re a veteran of the genre already, this game will probably hold no surprises for you.
Nevertheless, if you’re new to the genre, or to mobile gaming as a platform, then you’re going to need the best Chronicle of Infinity tips and tricks if you want to progress at a decent pace, and this is exactly where this guide comes into play. Keep reading to find a few good pointers and promo codes to start your journey on the right track.
Play on PC With BlueStacks to Get the Best Experience
Despite its straightforward gameplay consisting of mostly grinding through dungeons and fighting hordes of monsters, battles in Chronicle of Infinity can actually get quite hectic, especially as you progress to the more difficult stages. In these challenges, it’s not uncommon to fight against tons of different enemies, as well as tough bosses that can take chunks of your HP with their dangerous AoE abilities. These are the missions where you will definitely want to play with the best graphics and performance that will let you react accordingly to the enemies’ attacks, as well as to attack and dodge with precision to maximize your damage output while avoiding getting clipped by attacks.
While personal ability plays an important role in your success, you can also boost your gameplay by playing Chronicle of Infinity on PC with BlueStacks, as our Android App player will let you enjoy this game on your large computer monitor, with the best graphics, and with silky smooth performance. This combination of benefits will give you the best visual fidelity and performance, which in turn will give you a much better view of the battlefield at all times.
Further, by playing on BlueStacks, you can get access to a variety of tools and features, such as the Keymapping Tool that lets you control the action with your mouse and keyboard. Moreover, the Instance Manager is another tool that will let you play on multiple accounts at the same time, for those who want to play with all three classes simultaneously.
If getting the best gameplay is something that interests you, then take a look at our PC setup guide for Chronicle of Infinity, where you’ll learn how to get started with this game on your computer.
Blaze Through the Main Story Missions
Despite promising a ton of different game modes and features when the game launches into open beta very soon, the main gameplay in Chronicle of Infinity is basically what you’d expect of any other game in the genre. In other words, most of your time at first will be dedicated to progressing through the main story. Luckily, this is a good thing as not only do you get tons of experience, gold, and resources for every mission that you complete, but you’ll also level up very quickly by doing these tasks, as well as progressively unlock new game modes and features after reaching certain completion milestones.
When in doubt, working on the main missions on your quest log on the upper left of the screen is always a good idea.
How to Boost Your BR
However, while working on the main campaign is a relatively straightforward way to progress in Chronicle of Infinity, there will be moments when you’ll hit a wall of difficulty, and won’t be able to progress due to not being able to do enough damage to the enemies. In these cases, you’ll not only need to upgrade your level, but you’ll also have to focus on increasing your BR, which represents your overall strength in this game.
There are many different ways to increase your BR in Chronicle of Infinity, including the following:
- Equipping Better Gear: Gear of increasing rarity and star level will usually have a higher BR than their lesser counterparts.
- Upgrading Your Gear (Enhancement and Refinement): While equipping good gear can give you a nice BR boost, you can also spend gold to enhance each piece, as well as chips and stones to refine your gear, which will increase the stats that each piece gives, and your BR along with it.
- Gem Your Gear: Similar to upgrading your gear, you can also socket gems into your outfit to augment specific stats.
- Activating Set Bonuses: When you equip all eight pieces of a certain set, you can activate its corresponding set bonus to give you a boost in stats. In this sense, the power of a full set of gear is more than the sum of its parts.
- Activating Zodiacs: By using the stars you gain from completing campaign levels with good performance, you can activate constellation bonuses from the Zodiacs menu, which will give you a slight boost to your stats and BR.
Work on Your Daily Quests
Shortly after you begin your adventure in Chronicle of Infinity, you’ll unlock the “Daily Must-do” menu, which has a series of challenges that you can complete on a daily basis in order to receive awesome rewards.
At first, you’ll only be able to access the Boss Challenge to receive powerful pieces of gear to increase your BR, however, as you continue leveling up, more daily tasks will become available to you, including the Coin Dungeon at level 34; the EXP Dungeon at level 36; the Exclusive Boss at level 38, and so on. Each of these challenges can help you farm for specific items, which is mostly apparent by their names. Nevertheless, you’d do well to complete them on a daily basis.
Visit the Daily Limited Time Quests to Engage in Different Game Modes
Aside from these main daily quests, there are also timed exclusive missions that become available only at certain times of the day. These are arguably one of the most important selling points of the game, as they include multiple different game modes that add a lot to the core gameplay in Chronicle of Infinity.
Some of these timed quests include a variety of Demon Invasion scenarios, Ruin Bosses, Apex Guerilla, and Treasure Hunts. You can engage in some of these missions with your League group, or by yourself, and engage in game modes such as battle royale, group bosses, or even roguelike dungeons. However, just like with the main dailies, some of these game modes become available only after reaching certain levels.
Join an Active League
In Chronicle of Infinity, a League is this game’s equivalent of a clan or guild in other titles, consisting of groups of players joined together by a common cause, By joining a League, you will get access to exclusive perks, challenges, and rewards, which progressively get better as the League increases its banner level. In this sense, it’s always worth it to join an active league as soon as you unlock this feature.
And even if you don’t plan on staying in one group permanently, it’s still a great way to score some extra goodies while helping out other folks. And this is without mentioning that, while you belong to a League, you can also access special Timed Daily Missions.
Get a Head Start With These Chronicle of Infinity Promo Codes
Last but not least, using a few promo codes can help to give you an extra push if you’re just getting started in any game. And with that being said, here are a few Chronicle of Infinity promo codes that you can use to score some free goodies:
- COI555
- COI6688
Keep in mind that these codes are time-sensitive and may appear for just a few days. In this case, if you’re just reading this as soon as it’s posted, we suggest rushing to the “Perks” menu in-game, and punching in these codes to get a head start in your journey through Chronicle of Infinity.