Tips & Tricks to Playing Cooking City: Restaurant Games

Cooking City: Restaurant Games becomes surprisingly difficult starting from the second area and as you proceed further into the higher stages. The game is designed to give players a challenge, but it’s mind-blowing how quickly the difficulty increases in such a short amount of time. That’s why it’s a good idea to prepare ways to take advantage of the game’s features to either maximize the resources you get or help you complete stages a lot easier.
There are so many things that players should begin doing at the beginning of the game to take advantage of Cooking City: Restaurant Games’ rewards. These tips and tricks are designed so that players can be introduced to some of the ways they can do just that. While some of these tips can be considered common knowledge, it’s still a good idea for players to have a basic understanding of these things to continue doing their tasks without missing out on the important stuff.
Daily Tasks
Daily tasks are a part of any game, where the player is given a set of missions or quests that they can do that rewards them with items or resources needed in the game. Cooking City: Restaurant Games also has a bunch of daily tasks that players can complete, which is highly recommended that they finish on time before the server resets. The game offers a variety of daily tasks, so you’ll never get bored with repeating the same things over and over, which is a good thing if repetition is your primary concern.
The rewards you get from daily tasks are definitely worth the grind because we talked about how difficult it is to get resources in this game. Some tasks are event exclusive, encouraging the player to grind the game since they’re only available for a limited time. Event dailies are much more important because they offer some of the best rewards in the game that players should always prioritize getting before the time limit is over. Otherwise, you might look back and regret not getting those items.
Complete Stages up to 3-Stars
Completing stages up to 3-stars is something that most players never do. Beginners simply finish one stage and move on to the next, not looking back at the potential bonus resources they can get from repeating the stage. In Cooking City: Restaurant Games, players earn one star every time they complete a stage. Players can repeat the stage until it reaches three stars, which is usually the maximum, but some stages with the special Pink Star bonus round allow one more attempt.
The reason why players are encouraged to keep playing until they reach three stars is that you can farm coins from doing so. We already discussed the specifics of farming resources from our Coins Guide, so check that out if you’re in dire need of this currency to progress in playing the game. Don’t worry too much about the energy you’re going to spend trying to complete stages because the coins will help the player progress much faster, especially if you have difficulty finishing stages using the kitchenware you have right now.
Upgrade Your Ingredients & Kitchenware
In relation to the completion of stages to 3-stars, it follows that you use all the coins you farm there to upgrade your ingredients and kitchenware. Most players realize late that the ingredients and utensils are the most significant factors in the success of stage completion. This is because ingredients increase the value of an item on the menu, while kitchenware makes it easier for players to cook meals. By combining both, you’ll be able to reach the goals and objectives much faster.
Most players leave their ingredients and kitchenware at one upgrade, but it’s recommended that you at least max out the ingredients to earn the most coins quickly. If you’re a player that has difficulty delivering orders and finds yourself with three or more customers piled up at a time often, you’re better off upgrading your kitchenware since it’ll help give you more room to move around. Start upgrading the most used ingredients and kitchenware first.
Don’t Be Afraid to Use Boosts
We mentioned in our Boosts Guide that players need to be smart about when and how they use their boosts and power-ups, but that doesn’t mean that players should avoid using them altogether. While the boosts in Cooking City: Restaurant Games are limited, they’re not too hard to acquire if you play regularly. That’s why players should allow themselves to use boosts every once in a while, especially if the levels seem like it’s almost impossible to complete without relying on these tools.
You can take a look at all of the boosts first to confirm if you’re ready to use them. It’s better to use up a boost rather than spending all your energy trying to complete one stage that may be designed to be extremely difficult. If you’re the type of player who wants to prove that they can finish the game without relying on any kind of help, you be fighting an uphill battle, but it’s still possible to do so as long as you’re willing to put the time and effort into playing the game.
Join a Guild
Joining a Guild is something that players should do as soon as possible because it can be a fun experience playing with other players. Guilds provide a social platform for players to work together during events and simply talk to each other about Cooking City: Restaurant Games. If you’re in a guild with veterans, you can ask them for help or advice regarding something you may not understand.
Guilds are the best way for players to socialize, which is why it’s such a huge factor in many games. It’s a good idea to look for an active guide instead of trying to join one to just be in one. You’ll find that active guilds can give more rewards, so avoid joining guilds that don’t have any members or are not active in the chat.