Just when the mobile industry seemed to slow down, FunPlus International dropped a huge bomb last week with the announcement of releasing DC: Dark Legion™, a DC themed action-strategy RPG. The game has already launched and seen positive feedback from the players, mixing a bit of both F2p-friendliness and pay-to-win advantages. In this guide, we will be looking at how F2P players can maximize their spending in the different currency stores, as well as how paying players can maximize the value for their buck in the microtransaction realm. Let’s begin!

Source Energy Gems – The Premium and Freemium Currency

Source Energy Gems or Gems as we will call it further is the premium and freemium currency in DC: Dark Legion™. This means that both paying players and F2P players can utilize and earn this currency, regardless of any other method. There is no exclusive paid-only currency like we see in similar games. Players can earn this currency from the following ways –

DC: Dark Legion™ Spending Guide for Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Players

  • Daily missions completion – Players can get a limited amount of gems by completing the daily missions and earning the last activity chest at 100. 
  • Events – Perhaps the biggest source of directly earning gems are the multitude of events that pop-up every now and then. These events offer gems for doing mundane tasks, or engaging with other players in a competitive environment. Some events even give you gems just for logging in on specific days.
  • Novice Missions – For new players starting out, a set of novice missions will be there to help you get more gems
  • Redeem Codes – Every now and then, the developers at FunPlus like to publish new redeem codes that can be exchanged for freebies in the game, including Gems.

Free-to-Play Player Spending Guide

As a F2P player, your main goal should be to rationally spend your earned currency as the game only gives you a limited amount of it each day. We have carefully explained how you can maximize spending each resource:


Try to spend your Gems during special events that give out good deals and probably fetch you more summons. Always look out for special items in the Mystery Shop that refreshes at the intervals of 6 hours. This shop always provides cheap and discounted World Anvil fragments that are a must buy for any F2P player. You can decide to buy the legendary cube if you are feeling like it, although it’s not recommended. 

DC: Dark Legion™ Spending Guide for Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Players

League Contribution

In the league store, always ensure to prioritize buying the World Anvil fragments. This shop also refreshes on a daily basis at server reset time. You can get 1 world anvil fragment each day. Consider also spending the contribution for the Gems as well. Although the amount is small, everything adds up when you do it every day.

DC: Dark Legion™ Spending Guide for Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Players

Meta Brawl

In the meta brawl store, always make sure to purchase the higher tier equipment that are unlocked at certain ranks. This store refreshes all the items on a weekly basis, so you have more than enough time to buy out the majority of the resources. Do not overthink on which one’s to buy and do your meta brawl fights religiously to earn more tokens. 

DC: Dark Legion™ Spending Guide for Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Players


In the worldline store, players can use the converted legendary hero fragments as a resource to buy out either World Anvil fragments or Magic Eyes. We would recommend going for either one as the former assures you of strong heroes and the latter assures you of guaranteed mythical tier gear from the Magic Eye shop. Keep in mind, the magic eye quantity required is 200 for a mythical gear piece. 

DC: Dark Legion™ Spending Guide for Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Players

Best Packages and Deals for Paid Players in DC: Dark Legion™

As a paying player, you will be surprised as to how many different deals and packages are presented to you all the time. This is to be expected from a mobile game as microtransactions are quite common. If you are in the territory to spend some real money, then this section will help you determine some of the best value deals for your money:

DC: Dark Legion™ Spending Guide for Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Players

  • Empowered Legacy – This is the paid version of the battle pass in the game called “Legacy”. Players can complete special challenges and daily missions to earn experience for Legacy and increase the levels. At every level, there is a free reward and premium reward. The premium version costs approximately $10 and offers lucrative rewards such as World Anvil fragments, Legacy pieces supply, AC/DC shards, gems, and more. 
  • Gift of the Source – The gift of the source is a permanent one time purchase that offers a 2nd construction queue unlocked permanently. This pack costs only $2 and also gives you 120 gems upon purchase. 
  • Growth Funds – The Growth funds are also a 1-time deal that cost approximately $20 and gives players rewards based on the different objectives that they have achieved in the game. The level of your War room directly decides the amount of rewards you can get. For each level of war room, you can get gems, drones, intel, world anvil fragments, cash, and more.

Players can enjoy playing DC: Dark Legion™ on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop via BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse.