Higan: Eruthyll Best Affinity Team Compositions During Global Launch

Higan: Eruthyll is the newest card-based SRPG by BILIBILI is nearing its awaited global release on 6th April, 2023. The first impressions during the soft launch in SEA had many players left overwhelmed with the amount of content available in the game. Players in the soft launch, or amicably called “Vanguard” server will be able to transfer their accounts once the game launches globally. Developed and published by BILIBILI, the strategy real-time RPG is expected to be a major hyped game due to its anime stylized graphics, core audience support, and popular multi-platform launch. Higan: Eruthyll will be available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. The game has amassed over 1 million pre-registrations on both platforms as stated on their official website.
Table of Contents
- Hydro DPS (Burst and Sustain)
- Anemo DPS (Buff)
- Lumino Team (Standard Front-to-Back)
- Umbra (Debuff)
Higan Eruthyll is a gacha game, where the basic concept of acquiring characters is locked behind the premise of a probability based system called “Wish” in official in-game terminology. The highest rarity characters are available at the lowest possible rates while the lowest rarity characters are available at the highest possible rates. Here are the different rarities of characters and their rates:
- 3-Star Characters – 2% Probability of being summoned
- 2-Star Characters – 19% Probability of being summoned
- 1-Star Characters – 79% Probability of being summoned
In this affinity team composition article for Higan: Eruthyll, we will be listing some of the best team compositions involving characters from a particular affinity. These characters are going to be available at the time of the global launch on 6th April, 2023. The sci-fi fictional world of Higan: Eruthyll awaits you!
Here is the brief lineup:
- Sirslet (DPS Character)
- Armand (Guardian Character)
- Rita (Utility Character)
- Screamer (Support Character)
Sirslet is one of the best Pyro elemental DPS characters available in the game at the time of global launch. Players can acquire her only through the gacha system. Her ultimate ability Blooming Burst is an AOE-targeted physical damage dealing skill that deals 570% + 4430 damage equal to her Attack. This skill interrupts all enemies and grants her a Furious State. During this state, she gets 3 stacks of markings, with each marking giving her 20% critical hit rate. Each mark disappears automatically after 20 seconds. Secondly, during this Furious state, Sirslet also gets 100% hit rate on basic attacks, cannot draw or use cards, deal 50% more damage with her basic attacks, and gets 335% increase in Attack Speed. Sadly, she gets this effect eroded in 5 seconds.
Screamer, on the other hand, is one of the best supportive DPS type character for the Pyro affinity. Not much options are anyways available for Pyro users when it comes to putting Supports in your formations. Screamer’s ultimate ability Our Stage states that she grants all allies with 38% extra AD when attacking along with Silencing all enemies for 6 seconds. These effects overall last for 6 seconds. Screamer also helps the allies by providing some low tier healing by consuming her stacks of Nauki Energy over time, thanks to her passive ability Super Nauki. Moreover, she also brings some additional Magical Damage to enemies with her active ability Ignite your Spark.
Arman is the perfect Guardian for this team as it’s an SR rarity character which is easy to acquire as well as her ability to sustain and mitigate incoming damage. She’s a very underrated tank in general but works wonders in a Pyro team. Armand gains stacks of Superflow, with each stack mitigating 50% damage, up to a maximum of 3 stacks. Her ultimate ability Hammer: Polar Concussion also helps by providing 2 of the allies with Glaze Skin buff that helps them take no magical damage but vulnerable to 50% more physical damage.
Hydro DPS (Burst and Sustain)
Here is the brief lineup:
- Liv (DPS/Support Character)
- Basell (Warrior Character)
- Black (DPS Character)
- Ume (Support Character)
Liv is one of the best SSR Hydro type characters in the game at the time of global launch. She provides tons of healing, supportive buffs, and decent magical damage with her skill set. Liv’s ultimate ability The Song of a Frozen World states that she deals AOE-targeted magical damage to all enemies caught in the projectile. Further, all Hydro type characters in the team are tracked for 5 seconds. After 10 seconds, Liv will deal true damage equal to 10% of the tracked damage. Liv’s passive ability Freezing Pulse states that she gains 1 stack of Freezing Pulse every 6.5 seconds. Caps at 3 stacks. Each stack of Freezing Pulse increases her Attack Speed by 10%. Secondly, she has a probability of landing Encroaching Cold debuff to enemies that reduce their attack speed drastically.
Basell’s ability to deal damage and additional crowd control enemies is unmatched when compared to characters with the same type. Sadly, Hydro elemental characters do not have more DPS type characters and may fall short on DPS if not including Basell in the formations. His ultimate ability Snake Technique: Sunpiercer is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals physical damage to all enemies caught in the area while also Stunning them for 3 seconds. His 2nd passive ability Sweeping Attack states that after using any skill, he deal AOE-targeted damage to all nearby enemies and deal physical damage. Further, he also stuns them for 1.5 seconds.
Cella is one of the best healers for Hydro based teams due to lack of other healers. She is quite easily obtainable due to her rarity being “R”. Cella’s ultimate ability Ultra Lightwave states that she heals all allies in a circular area equal to her AP as well as cleanse all burning effects on them. Her passive ability Idol Aura states that she generates a bonus buff for a random ally that increases their magical and armor resistance by 19%.
Anemo DPS (Buff)
Here is the brief lineup:
- Ciamkom (DPS Character)
- Mommel (Tank Character)
- Nuno (Support Character)
- Moetesju (Utility Character)
Ciamkom’s ultimate ability Green-Eyed Monster states that he summons a toy bear Paerton to a target location, dealing AOE-targeted AP damage to enemies along with stunning them for 1 second. When Paerton is on the battlefield he gives stacks of Bear Power to both himself and Ciamkom for 10 seconds. Characters with this buff gain 20% extra magical damage for 5 seconds. Paerton’s attacks also interrupt all enemies that are hit. Ciamkom’s passive ability Nightmare Donut states him and his bear get Nightmare Donut effect after obtaining more than 5 stacks. This helps them cleanse 3 debuffs each, and increase skill damage by 38%. Secondly, the damage dealt by allies scale with HP percentage.
Moetesju’s ultimate ability Furball Dive! is one of the only skills in the entire game that can reduce the ultimate energy bars of enemies while also reducing their AD and AP by 20% each, depending on the parrots summoned by Moetesju. She also helps buffing the damage of allied Anemo characters in the team. Her passive ability Shimmering Quill states that she gets flat 30% attack speed boost. After every 4 basic attacks, she also gains 1 stack of Wind Breath to 1 random ally.
Lumino Team (Standard Front-to-Back)
Here is the brief lineup:
- Rooco (Healer/Utility Character)
- Asa (Healer Character)
- Ceaser (Tank Character)
- Media (DPS Character)
Ceaser is most likely one of the toughest characters to obtain in the game due to her being from the Lumino faction. Her skill sets scream quality and top notch. She can heal allies, deal decent damage, take tons of damage, and a lot more. Ceaser’s ultimate ability Descent of Goddess is an AOE-targeted healing skill that heals based off her Magic Resistance and cleanses 3 debuffs from each ally. She then enters the Sacred state. During this state, her attack interval is reduced. In the final moments of this state, she deals an AOE-targeted damaging skill that also heals all allies another time equal to her Magic resistance.
Media, the free-to-play Lumino DPS character is very average when it comes to dealing damage but that’s all she is there for! Sadly, no other good DPS options exist inside the Lumino meta. Her ultimate ability Thousand Words is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals AP damage to all enemies in a circular area. Media’s passive ability Open Dialogue states that for every different affinity in enemies, she gains an additional 19% AP. This helps her catch up in getting more turns, not commonly seen with slow DPS characters.
Umbra (Debuff)
Here is the brief lineup:
- Eluya (DPS Character)
- Glydan (Tank Character)
- Asa (Healer Character)
- Rooco (Healer/ Utility Character)
Eluya is going to be our first character to be taken into the Umbra affinity team. Ironically, umbra affinity only has 2 available characters at the time of global launch. Eluya’s ultimate ability Ethereal Show is a single-targeted damaging ability that deals tons of physical damage along with applying 3 stacks of Dark Mark to the target. Enemies inflicted with the Dark Mark take random debuffs every 5 seconds. Eluya’s main damage comes from her passive ability Fickle Affection that allows her to deal 19% more damage to enemies per debuff they have. This can be stacked up to a maximum of 5 times.
Glydan is one of the best tank characters in the game. She can be acquired easily through re-rolling on the new player beginner recruitment wish banner. Her ultimate ability Crystal Avulsion is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals physical damage to all enemies caught in the circle projectile while interrupting them for 1 second as well. Interrupted enemies can’t cast skills. Gyldan’s passive ability Obsidian Scar state that she has a 12% chance of inflicting the attacker with a Dark Mark stack, lasting for 7 seconds. This Dark Mark generates a random debuff to the enemy every 5 seconds. This synergizes perfectly with Eluya due to her debuff based amplification damage.
Enjoy Higan: Eruthyll on a bigger screen of your PC using your keyboard and mouse with BlueStacks for the most optimized gameplay experience.