A Guide to Upgrading Your Character in Immortal Legend: Idle RPG

Constantly upgrading your character in Immortal Legend: Idle RPG is the very core of the game, let alone the entire idle RPG genre. The game provides you with a myriad of ways to strengthen your character; in fact, it can be very overwhelming when you play the game for the first time.
However, this guide will alleviate some of that confusion by briefly explaining the quickest ways of buffing your character’s stats to as high as they can go! Not all upgrade methods will be discussed in this guide as the game but rest assured these are methods that provide the most direct benefit and these can also be accessed early on in the game.
Leveling Up
The mere act of farming EXP to level up is the simplest way of improving your character. You do not even have to do much work to achieve this because the game (being an idle RPG) automatically controls your character and garners all of the EXP for you.
Your progress can be monitored by the green bar located at the very bottom of the screen. The bar progressively fills up as your character kills enemies while you remain AFK. It is quite a slow process so patience is key.
If you want to instantly add a large amount of EXP to the bar, then you need to complete the in-game quests as it rewards plenty of EXP upon doing so. Note that initiating quests are not part of the game’s AFK system so you have to manually start them.
Equipping Strong Gear
Gear is a very crucial aspect of your character and it is arguably the greatest contributor to their overall power. You constantly unlock gear as your character kills enemies in AFK mode. There are much more sources of gear in the game such as dungeons.
Your character can equip a maximum of eight gear pieces consisting of their weapon, armor, and the like. Additionally, they can also equip a Deity Ring and Demon Ring for bonuses; however, these can only be acquired from Gear Hunt (you can only acquire them by chance).
Gear also has varying tiers denoted by T1, T2, and so on. Generally, the higher the tier of the weapon, the better. Some gear has a star rating embedded in them and this only means that the said gear is rarer than non-starred ones. Like tiers, the more stars, the better.
The game automatically equips newly acquired gear that is statistically better than the one your character is currently wearing. If you want to equip a specific gear item though, you can do so by clicking the icon and selecting the gear you want.
The overall power of your character is represented by CP. Do note that other upgrades your character can acquire have their own CP.
Advancing the Sacred Ring
Advancing the sacred ring gives bonus increases to your character’s basic stats, namely: Min. ATK, Max ATK, Total HP, and DEF.
The sacred ring also has its own tier system and you progress through this by completely filling up all of the circles that make up the ring. Each advancement will fill up one circle. Advancing costs coins and it gradually becomes more expensive as you keep doing so.
Enhancing Gear
The Forge is the go-to place for all gear upgrades.
Bless Stargems are used to enhance your gear’s stats. You have the option to individually enhance gear (Enhance) or enhance all gear at once (Enhance All). Holding either buttons will be registered as multiple, continuous inputs.
Bless Stargems are primarily acquired from smelted gear. Due to the idle nature of the game, it is imminent that you will receive a number of redundant gear that will just bloat your inventory.
These excess gear can be smelted by accessing your Bag and selecting Smelt All. Smelting will not only give you Bless Stargems in return but also other resources like coins.
Inlaying Gems
Gems give bonus buffs to your gear. Each gear utilizes a specific type of gem so for instance, only weapons can utilize red ATK gems, not armor or any other gear.
Each gear item can carry a maximum of three gem slots. You can automatically inlay available gems to their respective gear by clicking on Inlaid All. Furthermore, every inlaid gem can be simultaneously upgraded by clicking on Fast Upgrade. Gems can also be upgraded but doing so requires a duplicate of the gem that you are upgrading.
Gems are often acquired from Gear Hunt. This game mode gives you a chance to win gems for your weapons by spending tokens. Moreover, it can also be acquired from boss fights.
Skills and Soulgear
Skills are your character’s primary moves. These are upgraded with talent points which can be garnered by clearing Ethereal Realms or from dungeons.
Like gear, you can also individually upgrade a skill or upgrade them all with Fast Upgrade. Skills initially have a level cap but this can be increased through Soulgear awaken level.
Soulgear comprises a collection of relics and other ancient weapons that you can collect throughout the game. It is often acquired from Soulgear Hunt or Demon Tower. It is divided into four rarities: Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Ancient. Each soulgear can be leveled up until it reaches its cap. Upgrades can be done if you have a duplicate of the soulgear.
Upgrading soulgear fills up the Awaken level. Completely filling up the Awaken level will increase the level cap of your skills and will also increase your skill damage value.
Secret Skills are hard-to-get but powerful skills that can only be acquired through Demon Pacts, Demon Towers, or through Rebirths. If you ever receive a secret skill, do not forget to activate it!
Your character can be “reborn” in order to gain access to more upgrades.
In order for rebirth to be initiated, several conditions first need to be met. Your rebirth level is indicated by M1R1, M1R2, and so on, with the last digit representing the level of rebirth your character is at.
Satisfying each rebirth condition gives you premium rewards such as a thousand diamonds, a new weapon, and the like. When rebirth is complete, you will gain access to a new Rebirth Skill (a secret skill) as well as a new appearance for your character.