King's Throne: Game of Lust – Guide to Feasts, Sieges, and Alliances

There are so many things you have to do as a ruler in King’s Throne! In addition to growing your empire, you have to constantly better your heroes, participate in tournaments, chase away your enemies, keep all the maidens happy, educate your children, and more. There’s hardly enough time to visit the young women at court, but, alas, such is the life of a king in a land of lust.
Once you get the hang of ruling your over your kingdom, you’ll notice that you can fulfill all the duties mentioned above much faster if you have certain useful items up your sleeve. To get these items, you can pop in at the store and spend bucket-loads of gems or you can take advantage of the many free in-game shops that require you to compete in various events.
We prefer the second option – not only because it doesn’t require real currency, but because gems are much better spent elsewhere. If you agree, then the information below is for you.
Organizing and Attending Feasts
Once you hit kingdom level 5, the Feast Hall at the right-hand side of the main Castle screen becomes unlocked and you can put together or attend other peoples’ feasts. To organize a feast, you must click on the large door at the back of the room and select either the small or the grand celebration. While the first will cost you 5 Family Feast Meat, 5 Family Feast Wine, and 100 gems, the second will set you back 5 Great Feast Meat, 5 Great Feast Wine, and 500 gems.
The way feasts work is that once one is started, other players can sit at the table, which benefits both them and the host. When you are the organizer of a feast, you receive 1,000 points for each player who joins you, up to a maximum of 10,000. When you are a guest, you receive points based on the type of invitation you use.
With a rare Feast Invitation (gained through quests and achievements), you get 1,000 points. With 100 gems you can get 100 points and with 500 gems you get 500. You can attend a total of 3 feasts per day, but, as you can see from these numbers, it makes much more sense to organize one yourself – so long as you know enough people willing to join you. In short, organizing a feast can get you more points, but is slightly riskier (since you don’t know how many people will join), while attending a feast is less rentable, but more secure. It can also happen that one of your guests uses poison to decrease your feast score, which cannot occur when you are a guest yourself.
Play King’s Throne: Game of Lust!
Now, since these festivities cost gems to hold and/or attend, why would you do either? Using the feast points you accumulate, you can purchase amazing items from the “Point Exchange” tab that are actually much more expensive in the Shop. Things like the “Golden Dowry,” which costs only feasts 1,000 points and which you need in order to marry a high-potential prince or princess, are great gem-savers in the long run.
Forming Powerful Alliances with Other Players
When you level your kingdom to 6, you can access the Alliance Hall at the right side of the Castle on the general City screen. This is your go-to place to either create or join an alliance, but also to manage your current membership and contribute to the score of your group of friends.
An alliance in King’s Throne is a rather intimate affair. Only 10 players can be part of one at a time and, since the game has not yet been released on most Play Stores, there aren’t many to choose from. At this point in time, leaders are also particularly picky, since they want only the most powerful leaders to boost their overall alliance score.
If you find that you cannot join an alliance right away, you can always form one of your own. This will cost you 2,000 gems, though, and you will have to provide your Facebook URL. Once the alliance is formed, you and other members can complete tasks to increase your collective score.
Doing so awards alliance EXP and alliance contribution, the latter of which you can use to make improvements or to purchase useful items in the dedicated shop. At the end of the day, although it does take some patience (and some premium currency) to join such a group, the rewards are well-worth the effort.
Using the Harbor to Perform Sieges
Early in the game, you are granted access to the Harbor used by Jotun, an evil NPC, to launch attacks against your kingdom. At fixed hours in the day, you can return the favor by sending your own heroes to do battle with these minions and bring glory to your rule.
During a siege, you will be pitted against monsters with increasingly high HP. To defeat such an opponent, you must select a hero (or several) that can deal enough damage to deplete their entire health. Once you’ve used a champion, however, you cannot use them again during the same siege – unless you have Expedition Maps and are willing to part with them.
That’s why the best strategy is to start by using your weaker units, which are just strong enough to defeat the boss at hand. Unlike in the tournament arena, a hero’s power is computed from their Military stat and Quality Skills. We’ve put together a complete guide to heroes where you can read more about “the king’s men” and how to best upgrade them. If you’re having trouble defeating a certain opponent, why not check it out for some useful pointers?
Eventually, even if you have plenty of great Military heroes, you will run out of units to throw at your opponents. That’s fine. Hopefully, by now, you have accumulated a bunch of siege points that you can exchange for hero rank-up materials and tomes. They’re much cheaper here than they are in the general Shop.
Whether you use the feast point exchange menu, the alliance shop, the siege rewards, or all three (as a diligent king would), you can save thousands of gems worth of purchases. Of course, you also have to put some work into completing the right activities, but one cannot spend all day visiting maidens, right? Right…?