Mafioso: Mafia & clan wars in Gangster Paradise - Tips and Tricks to Triumph in This Game

Mafioso: Mafia & clan wars in Gangster Paradise is the mobile game where you play as the leader of a family of gangsters, and your objective is to recruit hitmen, mobsters, and other unsavory types, and train your band of miscreants to create the strongest band of mafiosos in the world. To do this, you’ll need to constantly fight against other players to receive valuable rewards in the form of upgrade materials, chests with lots of goodies, and other items necessary for achieving your goal.
The combat in Mafioso is quite simple, consisting of turn-based battles where characters attack each other until only one team is left standing. Every turn, the players get a set amount of energy, which they can use to perform attacks. Every attack costs a set amount of energy, and the player must carefully choose the best moves for every situation. Moreover, as the characters attack, the team’s rage bar will slowly fill up. Once full, players can spend a large amount of energy to execute powerful moves that can turn the tide of battle.
While quite fun and engaging, as well as rocking a phenomenal art style, Mafioso doesn’t innovate much upon the classic turn-based gacha RPG formula. Nevertheless, it’s a fun and casual experience that’s easy to pick up and play at any moment. However, this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its learning curve.
In this sense, if you want to be the best in Mafioso, then you’ll want to read these useful tips and tricks for beginners:
Play on BlueStacks to Improve Your Experience
While Mafioso is quite easy to play on your phone, you can significantly increase your enjoyment of this mobile game by playing it on PC with BlueStacks. This is because our Android emulator is much stronger than even the most expensive phones on the market, allowing you to enjoy the best graphics, performance, and fastest loading screens, using your superior PC hardware.
However, performance benefits aside, BlueStacks also puts numerous useful tools at your disposal, which you can use to streamline your experience in this game.
Starting with the Keymapping Tool, this exclusive feature allows you to create customizable control schemes for any Android game you want to play on your PC. For Mafioso, this means that you can create a control scheme that will allow you to control all your characters in combat using only your keyboard instead of having to click back and forth across the screen.
Moreover, as a gacha game with numerous characters to unlock, there are countless possibilities when it comes to building unique teams and creating interesting strategies for defeating your enemies. While you can easily create your own theories and share them with people on social media, wouldn’t it be better to actually capture footage of your strategies in action and show everyone what you’re talking about? Well, the BlueStacks Video Recorder allows you to do just that as, with the press of a single button, you can capture footage of your favorite games, and save them as .mp4 that you freely share anywhere.
Aside from these two, BlueStacks puts lots of other tools at your disposal to help improve your experience with Mafioso. Check out our BlueStacks installation guide for this game if you want to learn how to get started.
Focus Down the Bigger Threats First
More often than not, at least one of the enemy characters in the field will be their designated “DPS” whose sole purpose is to deal as much damage to your team in the shortest amount of time. For obvious reasons, these are frequently the most dangerous enemies that you’ll always want to deal with first.
If this is the case, we suggest skipping out on AoE attacks and using your strongest single-target skills to burst down the enemy’s DPS character ASAP. Once dealt with, you can take your time with the others to secure the win.
Against Weaker Enemies, Use AoE Attacks
On the flipside, if your enemy is considerably beneath your skill level, or doesn’t have any immediate threats in their formation, you could make ample use of AoE attacks to whittle down the entire team simultaneously. While weaker than their single-target counterparts, AoE attacks can actually make matches end faster by destroying all enemies at the same time.
Always Upgrade Your Best Characters
A mobster in Mafioso is only as good as their best skills. For this reason, you should always try to upgrade your characters as much as you can, whenever you have the materials on hand. Though this might be easier said than done, considering that getting the necessary upgrade items ultimately comes down to sheer luck when opening chests, you should always try to make a conscious effort to obtain as many chests as you can to speed the process along.
Complete Your Quests to Receive Quest Points and Useful Rewards
And speaking of speeding the process along, one of the best ways to score loot and prizes in Mafioso is by completing the quests that you unlock as you progress through the game. These quests are often very simple, consisting of tasks that you’ll perform as part of your regular gameplay such as winning battles, or upgrading skills, among others.
These quests are doubly important since, aside from granting useful materials, they also grant Quest Points. These points will gradually fill the bar on top of the quests menu and, once full, you will receive a chest. These chests contain the best pieces of loot in the game, and are always worth going out of your way to get.
Getting good at Mafioso ultimately comes down to simply playing the game. As you continue to fight and complete quests, you’ll progressively get all the materials you need to upgrade your characters. Moreover, you’ll also unlock bigger and better characters through which you’ll be able to create unstoppable teams.
If you have any other useful tips and tricks, feel free to leave them in the comments below!