How to Get More EXP, Quartz, Rare Earth and More in Marsaction: Infinite Ambition

Having a large supply of quartz, rare earth, gas, and other valuable resources are essential when you play Marsaction: Infinite Ambition. You need these things to build your base and upgrade existing infrastructure. Additionally, you also need EXP to upgrade your heroes to increase your military’s strength. In this guide, we’ll show you the various ways you can earn valuable resources in Marsaction: Infinite Ambition so you know where to look first when you want to upgrade your colony.
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Extracting from the Base
Basic resources such as Quartz and Rare Earth can be extracted directly from the surface of your base. These usually just contain very miniscule amounts but they can become very handy during your first few hours with the game.
Simply click on the quartz and rare earth deposits scattered around your base to start extracting them. More of these small resource deposits appear when you take over new territory through the Exploration Mode. It is best to harvest these resource deposits immediately to free up space in your base.
Resource Buildings
You can have a permanent passive income source of quartz, rare earth, corn, and alloy in your base by building their respective resource buildings.
Click on the “Build” button and then click on “Resource Building”. Quartz Pit generates quartz, Mine Field generates rare earth, Tunnel Farm generates corn, and Smelter generates Alloy. Each resource building can be built with just one quartz. Additionally, you can build up to 14 resource buildings.
You can view the production rate of a resource building by clicking on it and then clicking its info button (leftmost button). Upgrading a resource building increases not only its production rate but also its total production capacity. You can spend either quartz or powerstone (for instant upgrade) to upgrade it.
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Aside from chapter tasks, you can also appreciate generic tasks where you can earn a variety of rewards upon completion. There are two categories: the growth task and the daily task.
The growth task category consists of challenges that can only be done once throughout your entire playthrough. Growth tasks are quite easy to do and often consist of mundane tasks such as gathering a certain number of quartz or levelling up a building. Rewards vary depending on the task but you can earn Hero EXP chips, Captain EXP, rare earth, and useful consumable items like time boosts which speed up processes in your base.
The daily task category consists of a myriad of basic challenges that you must complete before they are refreshed every 0:00 UTC. Like growth tasks, daily tasks also consist of mundane actions like manufacturing mechas. Completing a daily task doesn’t directly earn you rewards but instead gives you task points. By accumulating enough task points, you unlock a rewards chest which usually contains time boosts, powerstones, and Captain EXP. There are seven rewards chests in total and the more chests you open, the better the rewards of the next chest will be.
Zone 31
Zone 31, also known as the Simulation Training Ground, is one of the best places to obtain hero pieces and Hero EXP chips to upgrade your heroes. It can be accessed from the Space Capsule, which is the same building where you can recruit new heroes from warps.
There are five chapters in Zone 31 and each chapter contains plenty of stages. Completing each stage earns you the First Clearance Prizes which consist of various hero pieces, EXP chips, liaison coins, and hero engines. On top of that you also get basic rewards which contain more EXP chips and even skill codexes (for upgrading a hero’s skills). Some stages allow you to replay it and reclaim the First Clearance Prizes every 0:00 UTC.
Each stage is composed of four phases where you can select the path to take. Each path presents different challenges and opportunities. Some paths lead you to a Swarm nest where you must take out the Swarm to proceed to the next path. Note that heroes who are damaged during combat cannot recover their HP unless you proceed to a path leading to a healing station. There are some paths where you do not have to fight Swarms and instead just open a loot box but note that fight encounters give more rewards.
Once you take four paths, you finish off the Zone 31 stage with a boss fight. Defeat the boss to obtain the clearance rewards and proceed to the next stage.
Map Exploration
The amount of resources you can harvest within the vicinity of your base is only limited. You can explore the rest of Mars through the world map and gain access to a multitude of opportunities for resource gathering.
There are plenty of groups of wandering swarms scattered all around the map that threaten nearby communities. Deploying mechas to take them out can reward you with quartz and rare earth. Click on any Swarm on the map and then click on “Attack” to deploy your troops there. Note that the game also suggests to you which mecha is best used to take out a swarm so take note of that. Additionally, you must also note the level of the Swarm as the game requires you to clear a lower level Swarm first before eliminating a higher level one. For example, you must eliminate a Level 3 Swarm before going after a Level 4 one.
There are also tons of resource deposits scattered around Mars catering to specific resources. There are quartz depots, rare earth depots, gas depots, and the like. Like Swarms, you are required to extract from lower level depots first before proceeding to higher level ones. Some depots even require you to level up your command center. Once troops are deployed to a depot, it can take a long time for them to completely extract resources from the depot before they can go back to base. You can call off the harvesting operation anytime and have your troops go back to base.
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