MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate on PC - The Best Tips and Tricks for Winning All Your Matches

With the new MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate now out and available for everyone to download and play, here are some awesome tips and tricks that will help to get you started on the right track, and hopefully have an easier time winning all your matches.
Play on BlueStacks to Get the Best Pitching and Batting Controls
Despite being a baseball sim where you must spend considerable time managing your roster and training your team, Perfect Inning: Ultimate also expects gamers to step into the field and actually play the game manually. This means that you’ll have to both pitch and bat, and try to do your best to score runs and strike out your opponent, respectively.
While this game is meant to be played on mobile devices, you can play MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate on PC with BlueStacks, and get access to a much better control scheme using your mouse and keyboard. These superior controls will make it much easier to hit those homers, as well as throw those tricky pitches that will make it nearly impossible for your opponent to hit the ball.
Check out our PC setup guide for MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate to learn how to install this game on your computer. Afterward, we recommend reading our BlueStacks usage guide to find the most important ways in which BlueStacks can help to enhance your experience with this awesome baseball mobile game.
As a Batter, Aim to Hit Slightly Under the Ball
When it comes to actually playing the game, you’ll find that Perfect Inning: Ultimate is divided into two main modes: batting, and pitching. And when it comes to the former, most of the difficulty comes from actually placing the cursor on the correct place in order to score a solid hit or, in the best case scenario, a home run. Luckily, as we mentioned above, playing on BlueStacks lets you aim your batting cursor with your mouse, which makes it significantly easier to line it up with the ball.
Once you grow accustomed to hitting the ball, you can start aiming the reticule slightly under the ball’s path, which will make you hit at an upward angle. If you time it correctly, you should send it careening towards the crowd and over the wall, in a beautiful home run. Of course, both your swing timing and the stats of the batter play a vital role in this result. However, by practicing your cursor positioning, you can start getting a better feel for hitting potential homers.
As a Pitcher, Use The Curve of the Throw to Your Advantage
Now, while batting has its own tricks, pitching is very much the same, in the sense that there are some positioning optimizations that you can perform to make your throws as tricky as possible to hit.
Whenever it’s your turn to pitch, you’ll see that your player will automatically alternate between different types of pitches, depending on the specific pitcher. Some of these throws might have the ball curve or sink in midair, changing their trajectory in mid-air, in order to confuse the batter. These motions are indicated by the red dots next to your throw reticule, with the white dot indicating the starting position, and the final red dot indicating where the ball will end when it reaches the catcher.
The idea behind throwing confusing and tricky pitches revolves around the end location of your pitch, specifically in the sense that you should try to make the throw end up as close to the corners of the strike zone as possible. This will not only make it much harder for the batter to guess where the ball will go, but it will also confuse him into swinging on a pitch that would otherwise result in a ball. For added effect, you can make it so that your pitches start outside the strike zone, and end as close to the inner part of a corner as possible, to achieve a similar outcome.
Keep experimenting with these different types of pitches to see what works best for your pitchers.
Claim Your 100x Player Packs From the Inbox
Since the game just came out, many players in MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate are likely just starting out, and are stuck with the default formations in their teams, which can leave a lot to be desired in terms of performance and stats. Luckily, the devs at Com2Us are giving everyone a leg up in the game by giving all players 100 Player Packs. These packs can contain players of all rarity types, from Basic to Platinum, and everything in between.
If you’re just logging in for the first time, remember to swing by your inbox to pick up these goodies, and any other freebies that might be present at the time.
Optimize Your Lineup Whenever Your Obtain Better Player Cards
Speaking of getting better players, your new cards are utterly useless and only serve to take up space in your roster until you actually add them to your formation. To this end, after you’re done opening up your 100 packs, make sure to swing by your team management menu and add your best players to the team—Don’t worry about replacing the old starting player cards; they won’t mind.
If you’re not sure how to proceed, or which player cards to add to your team, you can find a handy solution by clicking on the “Auto Lineup” button on the bottom right of the team management screen, which will have the AI automatically optimize your team with the best cards on your roster. Keep in mind, however, that while this works for the most part, the selection algorithm might not be perfectly adjusted to what you’re looking for, so make sure to check out your lineup after each use of the Auto Lineup function.
Complete your Daily Missions to Score Extra Goodies
Despite being quite an awesome baseball sim, Perfect Inning: Ultimate is still a game. And as such, you’ll need to slowly and patiently grind for all the materials and resources that will be necessary for upgrading your team and acquiring new player cards. Luckily, you’ll get access to the Daily Missions from the very beginning, which are simple tasks that you can complete in order to claim free diamonds, the premium currency in the game.
Make sure to always check these missions as the first thing that you do each day, so that you don’t miss out on these freebies.
Play the Game Guide to Learn the Basics (And Score Some Free Rewards)
MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate has the distinction of being quite straightforward, at least compared to other mobile games, in the sense that the game starts immediately on launch, with no tutorials nor hand holding. And while this style of introduction works for players that are already familiar with the franchise, the newcomers might be a bit confused on how to proceed, and even end up quitting outright due to the lack of guidance.
Luckily, while this game does not force any tutorial on the players, it still has a guided introduction that anyone can access by clicking on the yellow “Guide” button on the main menu screen. This feature lasts for 31 days from the time the player first starts their career in the game, and is loaded with tons of different assignments and missions that introduce them to the basic elements of the game.
We recommend doing this even if you’re not new, as there are lots of rewards to earn from completing these easy missions.
Recycle Unused Cards to Earn Training Points
Inevitably, after some time playing, you’ll eventually fill up your player card reserves and won’t be able to open more packs nor add more players to your roster. And while you can pay diamonds to expand your reserve capacity, a good idea is always to select your unused cards and simply release them. This will not only free up space, but will also give you valuable Training Points, which are used for training and boosting the stats of your best player cards.
You can release players in the team management menu, in the inventory section. To do so, simply click on the cards to select as many as you want, and then click on “Release” on the lower right.
Train Your Best Players to Boost Their Stats
Last but not least, one important tip to keep in mind is that, while finding the best player cards in MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate, is something that players will spend most of their time in this game to achieve, you can still get the most out of your existing formation by upgrading your cards.
You can upgrade these cards in the team management menu, specifically in the “Upgrade” section. Here, you can choose to either train, boost, or unlock their potential, though realistically you’ll be doing much more of the first since it’s the most accessible and requires resources that are easier to obtain.
By training your cards, you will increase their stats by a random number, based on the results of the training itself. This result can either be “Extremely Successful”, “Successful”, or “Failed”, with the best being the first, followed by the second. Additionally, each training attempt costs a set amount of Training Points, and you might need to do several of these until you get positive results. Lastly, you can also reset the results of any given training session if you don’t like the stat increase that you received, by paying a sum in diamonds.
With these MLB Perfect Inning: Ultimate tips and tricks, you’re now set to get started and destroy your enemies in the field.