Neural Cloud Tier List – Strongest to Weakest Dolls Ranked

Darkwinter Software Co., Ltd’s newest Strategic RPG Neural Cloud has finally completed its first-ever closed beta test for the global audience. Touted to release somewhere in November 2022 for the global region, Neural Cloud has already been pre-registered by over 1 million players worldwide. Neural Cloud promises a non-linear style of gameplay where players need not follow a particular set guide and notes and encourages more creativity and customization among the players. Neural Cloud is going to be available as a free-to-play title on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. You can also Play Neural Cloud in your browser on your PC or mobile without downloading. Click and Play instantly!
Neural Cloud is going to be a hero collector game that makes use of the gachapon mechanics to give players a chance of summoning their favorite characters, called “Dolls” in the official game terminology. As usual with these gacha games, the Dolls that are of a higher rarity have a lower chance of being summoned while the Dolls that are of the lowest rarity have the highest chance of being summoned. Here are the different rarities of Dolls and their rates:
- 3-Star Dolls – 3.6% probability of being summoned
- 2-Star Dolls – 18.6% probability of being summoned
- 1-Star Dolls – 77.8% probability of being summoned
In this tier list for Neural Cloud, we will be giving an in-depth and detailed list of some of the best and worst dolls to summon and use in the game. We have divided this tier list into 3 different tiers under which we have placed all the 3-Star Dolls that are likely to release during the global launch. Keep in mind that this tier list was made in accordance to the recent Closed Beta test and some changes might happen during the global launch. Here is a short overview of all the tiers:
- S-Tier Dolls – The dolls included in this tier have some of the highest base stats and some of the best abilities. These Dolls are powerhouses themselves and often act as the core of any team composition.
- A-Tier Dolls – The dolls included in this tier have great base stats and average abilities that can shine in certain situations. Some of these Doll’s act as a supporting members in multiple team compositions.
- B-Tier Dolls – The dolls included in this tier have average base stats and average base abilities. These dolls are not recommended to use after the early-mid game as their abilities and their use falls off drastically.
S Tier Dolls
Let’s take a look at some of the Dolls in this tier:
3-Star Florence (PA-15)
Florence is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Medic type in-game. Florence is one of the best healers available in-game at the time of its global launch. Florence also makes use of the Protection buff that reduces incoming damage for the ally with the buff. Her 1st active ability Special Care states she will heal the lowest current HP ally with 500% of Calculation Power. The heal amount increases by 1% for each 1% missing health of the target. Applies 5 stacks of Protection to the target as well. Each stack of Protection buff reduces 16% of the incoming damage. Florence’s ultimate ability Forbidden Secret Medicine states that Florence will drain 60% HP of a selected ally and provide them with an Excited buff instead for 7 seconds. During the excited state, the ally has 100% increased Attack Power and Calculation Power along with 10% Lifesteal. Florence’s passive skill Charming Angel states that on her every 4th basic attack, she will inflict a Charm debuff for 4 seconds. During this time, the target’s attack speed is increased by 50%. Charm debuff forces the enemies to attack allies.
3-Star Gin
Gin is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Medic type in-game. Although quite similar to Florence, Gin is a different type of healer that focuses more on the defensive side rather than empowering dolls and crowd-controlling enemies. Gin’s 1st active ability Drunken Night Feast states that for the next 8 seconds he gains a 30% increased critical hit rate and his basic attack effects are provided to all allies. To understand the importance of this skill, we must proceed to understand his passive ability Cloud Server Special. This passive skill states that Gin’s basic attacks heal the HP of the lowest current HP ally equal to 100% of his Calculation Power while also providing them with a Defense buff lasting 3 seconds. Gin’s ultimate ability Amber Dreams heals all allies for 600% calculation power. This healing amount will be 25% more on allies that have a Defense Buff up.
3-Star Croque
Croque is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Guard type in-game. Croque is one of the best Guardians in the game as she can not only tank and withstand a lot of damage but also induce a ton of crowd-controlling effects on multiple targets. Croque’s passive skill Perseverance states that Croque heals herself equal to 10% of her calculation power per second. The healing amount increases by 50% when taunting enemies. Croque’s active ability Aegis Shield is a great buffing ability that applies a hefty Shield for Croque and taunts all enemies for up to 6 seconds. The Shield amount is equal to 1000% of her calculation power. The taunt will end once the Shield breaks or 6 seconds pass. Croque’s ultimate ability Machine God’s Roar is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals damage to all enemies equal to 200% of her calculation power. Each instance of the attack can critically strike and apply 5 stacks of Maim debuff for 6 seconds.
3-Star Aki
Aki is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Fighter type in-game. Aki is one of the best fighters available in the game due to his consistently high DPS output and lower stat requirements. He gains a ton of stats from his passive ability Hizuki Issen which states Aki gains 30% increased critical hit damage. Further, his critical hit rate increases by 30% if his basic attacks do not land as a critical hit. This bonus goes away the moment a basic attack strikes as a critical hit. Aki’s active ability Murasame-giri is a single targeted damaging skill that strikes the same target 5 times with each hit dealing 100% physical damage. Each hit can strike as a critical hit separately. Aki’s ultimate ability Chidori-gaeshi is another single targeted damaging skill that deals 1000% of his Attack as physical damage to the enemy. If the target dies from this skill, then Aki will use Chidori-gaeshi again on the enemy with the lowest HP%. Damage of this skill increases by 0.4% per 1% health missing on the target.
3-Star Hubble
Hubble is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Sniper type in-game. Hubble’s passive ability Planetary Orbit states that for every 4 basic attacks done by Hubble, her overall damage increases by 6%. This increased damage can be stacked up to 5 times, totaling 30% increased damage dealt. Hubble’s active ability Radiant Descent states that Hubble deals 400% of her Calculation power worth of Calculation damage to the enemy with the highest Attack stat. All units within 2 tiles worth of distance near the target take 30% true damage. Hubble’s ultimate ability Annihilation states that she creates a black hole in the area and all enemies are attracted towards it, taking calculation damage equal to 300% of her calculation power. Further, all enemies caught inside the black hole are stunned for 3.1 seconds. Why wait? Play Neural Cloud instantly on your browser without downloading anything. Click, and start playing now.
A Tier Dolls
Let’s take a look at some of the Dolls in this tier:
3-Star Twigs (QBU-88)
Twigs is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Sniper type in-game. Twigs passive skill Threads of Life state that her basic attacks can apply the Embroidery debuff on the targets. Embroidery debuff can be considered as a damaging mark that explodes and deals 40% of her Attack as physical damage to the target. Embroidery debuff can be stacked. Twigs active ability Flowery Flow states that she enters a Blossom stance for 6 seconds. During this Blossom state, her normal attacks take the form of fan-shaped narrow projectiles and deal damage to 3 units. Each hit deals 120% of her Attack as physical damage to enemies and applies the Embroidery debuff stacks. At the end of the Blossom state, all stacks of Embroidery on all enemies are detonated. Twigs’s ultimate ability Needle Work states that she fires needle like projectiles in a particular direction that deals physical damage equal to 800% of her Attack to all enemies hit. If Twigs casts this skill during Blossom stats, then the duration of the move is extended by 4 seconds.
2-Star Sakuya
Sakuya is a 2-Star Doll that is classified as a Specialist type in-game. Sakuya’s passive ability Falling Flowers states that her normal attacks mark the target. Marked targets have a 20% chance of taking an additional Bleed debuff for 5 seconds when taking damage from all sources. This chance is doubled when Sakuya deals the damage. Her active ability Leaf Cutting Blade is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals 180% of her attack as physical damage to all enemies, applying 1 stack of Bleed debuff for 5 seconds each. If any enemy reaches the max stack of Bleeds from this attack, Sakuya will re-activate this skill again. Bleed targets take 0.2% of their MAX HP as damage every second. Maximum stacks of Bleed can be 10 at a time. Sakuya’s ultimate ability Ten Thousand Leaf Storm states that she launches a flurry of blades in a particular direction that deals physical damage equal to 600% of her Attack as damage. She further applies a random number of Bleed stacks (1-9) for 5 seconds on all enemies hit.
2-Star Angela
Angela is a 2-Star Doll that is classified as a Specialist type in-game. Angela’s passive ability Daytime Fable states that all enemies lose 25% of their Ability haste after using their skill. Angela’s active ability Night of the Witch is a supportive ability that states Angela adds 3 seconds to the skill gauge of all allies while removing 3 seconds from the skill gauges of all enemies. This is a great move for PvP content and she is mostly used in PvP game modes only. Angela’s ultimate ability Phantasmagoria of the Dragon’s Nest is a single targeted crowd-controlling skill that selects a target and afflicts it with a Dragon’s Breath debuff. All other units are put into Exile for 7 seconds. While under Dragon’s Breath, the target takes 30% more calculation damage. Exiled units are temporarily removed from the battlefield.
3-Star Vee
Vee is a 3-Star Doll that is classified as a Fighter type in-game. Vee’s passive ability Soul Eater Mask states that Vee can attack her targets from an infinite range by creating a mask out of their enemies. Vee instead deals damage to the masks to deal damage to the targets. This damage cannot be dodged, struck critically, bypassed, and is permanently increased by 60%. Further, when Vee attacks their target, she absorbs 10% of her Attack. This cannot exceed 50% of their Attack. Vee’s active ability Painful Aesthetic states that Vee applies a Mask of Pain to the target for 6 seconds. Mask of Pain debuff decreases the calculation damage by 15% and takes 100% of Vee’s calculation power as damage every second. Vee’s ultimate ability Bizzare Face-Changing Display is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals 400% of Vee’s calculation power as calculation damage to enemies caught in an area of 3 tile diameter and 7 tile width. Further, enemies in this area take 10% of their missing health as damage every second.
B Tier Dolls
Let’s look at some of the Dolls in this tier:
1-Star Lam
Lam is a 1-Star Doll that is classified as a Sniper type in-game. Lam’s passive ability Fuller Slide Rule states that Lam’s attack speed is fixed to 100 points. Every 5 points of extra Attack Speed is converted to a 15% Critical Hit Rate. Lam’s active ability Induction Blaster Cannon states that Lam deals physical damage equal to 280% of her attack to the enemy with the highest MAX HP%. Damage dealt by this skill increases by 1% per 1% health the target has, up to double the damage when the target is at full health. This attack can critically strike. Lam’s ultimate ability Vector Tunnelling states that Lam fires a cannon in the selected direction which deals 520% of her physical attack as damage to all enemies. This attack can also critically strike.
1-Star Groove
Groove is a 1-Star Doll that is classified as a Specialist type in-game. Groove’s passive ability Playful Warm-Up states that whenever an ally dodges an attack, Groove’s skill gauge fills charges by 2 seconds. Her active ability Dazzling Night Dance states that she applies a Waltz buff to all allies for 8 seconds. During the Waltz buff, allies’ dodge rate is increased by 20% and after every successful dodge, their Attack Speed increases by 10 for 3 seconds. This can stack up to 4 times maximum for an additional 40 attack speed increase. Groove’s ultimate ability Sonic boom states that she releases a sonic wave in a particular direction which deals 300% calculation damage to all enemies while also displacing them from their initial position.
1-Star Jessie
Jessie is a 1-Star Doll that is classified as a Medic type in-game. Jessie’s passive ability Stain Cleaning Services states that when she is present on the battlefield, all allies within 1 tile of her gain 200 Effect Resist and healing on them is increased by 25%. Jessie’s active ability Complete Disinfection is a great healing skill that heals all allies for 120% calculation power while also dispelling all of their debuffs. Further, applies Anti-Microbial Layer buff on all allies for 3 seconds. Allies with this buff can resist 1 debuff. If Anti-Microbial Layer buff lasts for more than 3 seconds, restores an additional 8% of their health. Jessie’s ultimate ability Great Weekend Cleaning dispels all debuffs from all allies and heals them equal to 460% of her calculation power.
To install and play Neural Cloud on a bigger screen of your PC, it is highly recommended to use BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse. Play Neural Cloud on your PC or mobile without downloads! Click and start playing instantly for a smooth and hassle-free experience.