ONE PUNCH MAN: The Strongest Unit Tier List - The Best Units in the Game

If you’re a fan of the original One Punch Man series, you’d be excited to hear that One Punch Man: The Strongest has incorporated a lot of the well-loved characters into playable units you can slam into your team in the game. Future recruitment banners will also include characters not yet included but are shown in later seasons of the series. With the current lineup of One Punch Man’s strongest heroes and villains, which of them actually measure up to the competition?
In addition to having the characters in the game, you’d be extremely happy that FingerFun, the company behind the game, decided to keep the original voice actors/actresses taken from voice lines in the series. This gives the game a more authentic feeling as they unleash their special moves on opponents or interact with the elements of the game.
Character Tier List
Before we dive into which characters are the best, let’s clarify that some characters are better in PvE than they are in PvP and vice versa. However, we’ll be averaging their general performance in both PvE and PvP to determine their overall usefulness. This means that some characters may tier lower despite their performance in one format or the other.
SS Tier Units
Up in SS Tier, we have the strongest characters in the game which have shown to be the most dominant units in their respective fields. They are units who must definitely be part of your initial Reroll in One Punch Man: The Strongest. In this category only two units fit the criteria and those characters are:
- Child Emperor
Child Emperor is a great front row nuker and has an excellent Core ability which easily allows your team to gain 2 energy each time you land a critical hit. However, what puts this young hero up in our tier list is his ultimate’s added ability to have a 50% chance of inflicting Stun to the units hit. Whether you are in PvE or PvP, making an enemy unit lose a turn creates an incredible advantage both defensively and offensively.
- Carnage Kabuto
Carnage Kabuto is a monster of a frontliner with his passive ability to reflect 20% of damage he received to the ENTIRE enemy team. This converts your enemy’s strength against themselves making this unit an absolute tragedy to face in the frontline.
S Tier Units
These units are still considered to be extremely strong but they are not must haves unlike those who are in the SS Tier. Make sure to have some of these units as part of your team to ensure an easier progression through the story.
- Atomic Samurai
This hero is one of the two best global AoE nukers in the game. He has the highest ratio of attack percentage per 5 units hit which is definitely an upgrade to units like Golden Ball who hit for 80%. As a bonus, Atomic Samurai becomes stronger the more Duelists you have in your lineup as he will be able to follow-up an attack each time your allied Duelist hits an enemy.
- Terrible Tornado
Who knew someone so tiny could pack such a huge punch? Terrible Tornado sweeps the competition as one of the two best global AoE nukers. She has a high damage output especially if you stack her with crits to fully utilize the increase in crit damage.
- Tank Top Master
Another frontline tank, this bulky champion’s damage output increases the higher HP he has. This means that stacking him with HP and allowing his passive to stacks makes him both a heavy-hitter and tanker. Unfortunately, his ultimate ability only allows him to hit two units in a column which is the only thing keeping him from SS Tier.
- Deep Sea King
The monster from the sea is an excellent assassin able to burst out a single enemy unit. His basic attacks also apply Corrode which means that he’s an incredible 4-6th turn attacker as he doesn’t rely too much on ultimate abilities to deal tons of damage. Also, pairing him with Carnage Kabuto allows for an extremely obnoxious frontline.
- Groribas
Another monster on the field, this unit gives an easy 30% damage increase to your team right after it casts its ultimate ability to apply Corrode to a row. But if you decide not to invest on speed, his basic attack also applies Corrode if you land a critical hit.
A Tier Units
A Tier Units are those who perform well but are outclassed by the sheer stat advantage an SSR unit has over them or because they are outshined by better abilities. These are not bad units, it’s just that there are better options out there.
- Golden Ball
This SR unit is definitely a must have whether or not you already have Atomic Samurai in your team. He’s an excellent Global AoE nuker and a follow up duelist for Atomic Samurai. If it were not for the fact that he’s only SR (which means he has lower base stats), he’d be up in the S Tier above Atomic Samurai due to his kit.
- Superalloy Blackluster
Another muscled hero, Superalloy is a super-tank that helps your frontline survive longer in fights. Unless you can burst him down in one turn, he’ll just absorb all your hits and heal himself over and over.
- Vaccine Man
Vaccine Man works extremely well with a team composed of units who apply Burn and Corrode since he’s able to immediately deal the DoT. He’s also an excellent frontliner since he requires that you stack up HP for more damage.
- Amai Mask
Another SR unit in the mix, Amai Mask is an excellent backrow assassin capable of removing annoying support units like Smile Man or Mumen Rider. His core ability also enables you to gain 6 energy immediately if he kills a unit which most of the time will turn the tide of the game in your favor if properly followed up.
- Subterranean King
Subterranean King is another front row nuker that provides the Burn DoT to other units. He will follow up attacks against Burned units but is a bit wasted considering Burned units tend to die after the next turn.
- Mosquito Girl, Doctor Genus
The two best healers in the game, Mosquito Girl and Doctor Genus provide an excellent way to keep important units alive. Unfortunately, healers are very susceptible in battle and drag you down in cases where you need to kill enemies or deal high amounts of damage in a limited amount of turns.
B Tier Units
These units are simply above average in terms of performance but are great in certain situations or simply as a beginner option. They help your team perform better but shouldn’t be a permanent part of your competitive team.
- Mumen Rider
Everybody’s favorite hero, Mumen Rider is free in the beginning of the game. His ability allows you to put a unit higher in the turn and gives that unit berserk which combos well with Genos’ Core ability. Speed is super important especially in PvP since it often turns the tide of the battle.
- Sky King
The SR Sky King provides your team with a 20% attack boost at the beginning of the battle which is extremely helpful to dish out much needed damage. He’s also one of the easier Espers to get in the early game.
- Puri Puri Prisoner
B Tier is probably not the place you’d want to see that SSR you worked so hard to pull. However, PPP is simply underwhelming as an assassin and mostly does nothing as a 4-6th turn attacker unless you want to invest speed to place him on the 1-3rd order which is a huge waste. Nonetheless, if he’s the only SSR you have, he’s still really good.
- Geryuganshoop
Unfortunately, the tentacle monster only really shines in PvP where he is able to shut down your opponents. This is nothing that Child Emperor can’t do better. Everywhere else, this monster doesn’t really bring much to the table except his shiny SSR badge.
Will these units stay relevant until the next recruitment banner?
Definitely. These units will remain useful until the next two banners arrive. However, you’ll need to be open to make changes especially since you’d most likely be getting newer units in future sets. You shouldn’t disregard your old units easily with the arrival of new ones, just make sure to follow the meta by reading on One Punch Man: The Strongest Game Guides and tier lists like these.