MARVEL Strike Force: Best Heroes and Villains Guide

It is not possible to list all the superheroes and villains in MARVEL Strike Force: There are so many of them that you need to prepare 3 – 4 different guides even just for listing all! But we can give answers to some of the questions that everyone is curious about. For example, which are the best heroes in the game? What are the things that make them the best? If you are wondering which heroes you need to focus on and which characters you should use to complete missions, keep reading: With this guide, we will give you the answers to all these questions.
Picking a Tank
As you may remember from our MARVEL Strike Force Building the Perfect Team Guide, at least one tank must be placed in each team. Well, which characters are better for this job and how many shards do you need for unlocking them?
The best tank in the “heroes” category is Captain America. For “villains” category, you can choose Kingpin. Luke Cage is a tank you can get for free at the beginning of the game and he is a good tank until endgame, but you have to choose one of the following two characters for challenging missions and raids. Let’s take a look at the stats and skills of these characters:
Captain America | Kingpin | |
Health | 96 | 221 |
Damage | 32 | 32 |
Armor | 9 | 0 |
Resistance | 75 | 72 |
Speed | 102 | 75 |
Shard Cost | 100 | 45 |
Shield Bash | Attack a single target for 100% damage. Can be upgraded to 200% damage and 50% chance to gain Defense buff for 1 turn. Effects multiple targets at higher levels. |
Inspire | Basic taunt ability. Grants Defense buff for 1 turn. At higher levels, can lower the ability cooldown (CD) period of team members. |
Shield Throw | Attack a single target for 100% damage. Effects multiple targets at higher levels. |
Assemble | %5 block chance, 10% block amount, additional 5% block chance per ally |
Batter | Attack a single target for 90% damage. Can be upgraded to 150% damage. At higher levels, provides 50% chance for a team attack. |
Crime Lord | Summon a single bodyguard at 80% damage. At higher levels, he can summon up to 3 bodyguards. |
Boss’ Orders | Apply Defense buff to all team members. At higher levels, applies Offense buff too. |
Mastermind | 5% increased chance of gaining team attack. This chance increases up to 25% at higher levels. |
Captain America is a standard “spank” tank and ideal for players who do not want to deal with details. Kingpin is a more difficult character to play because he does not have direct taunt skills. However, bodyguards he summons can be particularly effective at high levels.
Picking a Healer
The best healer in the heroes’ category is Night Nurse. For the villains’ category, we can say that Hand Sorceress is the best healer.
Let’s compare the stats of the two characters below:
Night Nurse | Hand Sorceress | |
Health | 116 | 105 |
Damage | 25 | 31 |
Armor | 2 | 6 |
Resistance | 81 | 70 |
Speed | 100 | 100 |
Shard Cost | 45 | 15 |
Self Defense | Attack a single target for 95% damage and apply a slow debuff for 50% chance. Can be upgraded to 145% damage + 100% chance. |
First Aid | Heal a single target for 300 points + 15% of healed character’s max health. Can be upgraded to 2.500 points + 20% max health. |
Urgent Care | Heal all allies for 200 points + 10% of each character’s max health. Can be upgraded to 700 points. |
Triage | An automatic heal for every character that is below 100% health. Heals for 10% of character’s max health. Can be upgraded to 15%. |
Chi Strike | Attack a single target for 100% damage. Can be upgraded to 130% damage + 15% drain of base damage. |
Blood Magic | Heal everyone for 350 points + 10% of sorceress’ health points. Can be upgraded to 1.000 points + Defense buff to all team members. |
Way of the Shadow | 10% chance to gain stealth. Can be upgraded to 25% chance. |
Unfortunately, there is no real healer in the villains’ category: Hand Sorceress, which is the best option, is inadequate for raid missions. However, since she can be unlocked with only 15 shards, Hand Sorceress will be especially useful during campaign missions. Night Nurse, on the other hand, can be used at every stage of the game.
Picking a Damage Dealer
At the moment, we can say that the best hero “Brawler” character in the game is Gamora. The best character in the villain “Blaster” category is Winter Soldier.
Let’s compare the stats of the two characters below:
Gamora | Winter Soldier | |
Health | 111 | 111 |
Damage | 32 | 44 |
Armor | 1 | 8 |
Resistance | 59 | 19 |
Speed | 130 | 91 |
Shard Cost | 100 | 45 |
Assassin Strike | Attack a single target for 90% damage. 30% chance for a bonus 60% attack. Can be upgraded to 250% damage + 50% chance for 200% bonus attack. |
Ruthless Blade | Attack a single target for 80% damage. 40% chance to attack two more targets. Can be upgraded to 270% damage + 50% chance. |
Flying Slash | Attack a single target for 120% damage + gain Offense buff. Can be upgraded to 420% damage. |
Deadly Methods | 5% critical hit chance. Can be upgraded to 10% chance for Gamora, 5% chance for team members. |
Winter Assault | Attack a single target for 90% damage + Bleed debuff. 50% chance of a bonus attack. Can be upgraded to 115% damage + 70% chance. |
Relentless Assassin | Attack a single target for 80% damage. 40% chance to attack two more targets. Can be upgraded to 270% damage + 50% chance. |
Mechanical Arm | Attack a single target for 185% damage + 50% chance for applying Heal Block debuff. Can be upgraded to 230% damage + 100% chance. |
Expert Assassin | 5% critical hit chance. Can be upgraded to 15% chance for Winter Soldier, 10% chance for team members. |
Gamora is ideal for players who want to see high damage scores on the screen because she can make very high critical strikes. Winter Soldier provides the same amount of damage from a distance and offers debuffs & buffs. Gamora, however, is a better choice for raid missions.
Picking a Crowd Controller
Quake in the heroes’ category, and Nobu in the villains’ category are the best characters to choose for this role.
Let’s compare the stats of the two characters below:
Quake | Nobu | |
Health | 89 | 115 |
Damage | 37 | 33 |
Armor | 3 | 6 |
Resistance | 59 | 62 |
Speed | 102 | 106 |
Shard Cost | 45 | 100 |
Seismic Blast | Attack all targets for 45% damage + apply Slow debuff for 1 turn. Can be upgraded to 150% damage + Slow debuff for 2 turns. |
Shockwave | Attack a single target for 60% damage. 30% chance to attack 2 more targets for 40% damage. Can be upgraded to 210% damage + 40% chance to attack 2 more targets for 160% damage. |
Earthquake | Attack all targets for 110% damage + apply Offense Down debuff for 1 turn to 1 enemy. Can be upgraded to 360% damage + Offense Down debuff for 5 enemies. |
Secret Warrior | 5% extra focus, 5% shield to allies. Can be upgraded to 20% focus + 5% focus for all allies. |
Shadow Strike | Attack a single target for 90% damage + 30% chance to gain stealth. Can be upgraded to 120% damage + 100% chance. |
Unseen Army | Summon 1 brawler minion. Can be upgraded to summoning 3 brawler minions. |
Ready the Trap | Apply Counter buff to 4 allies. Can be upgraded to 10 allies. (Very useful in raids.) |
Secrets of Death | 10% chance to revive a fallen ally. Can be upgraded to 15% chance. |
Nobu is a handy character, especially for raid missions. You do not need to use him during campaign missions. Quake is one of the most ideal crowd control characters for almost every mission type, because she does AoE attacks and works like a debuff machine.
Hero and villain characters can be on the same team, but remember that some skills will be more effective on other hero and villain team members. For example, the “Secret Warrior” skill of Quake provides 5% shield only to other heroes. If there are any villains in your team, they won’t be getting this buff. For this reason, we recommend that you build your team entirely with either heroes or villains.
Now that you’ve learned which heroes are best, it is time to go to the battlefield and fight against Ultimus. You can learn more about MARVEL Strike Force by reading our other guides. Good luck on saving the world!