A PUBG Mobile Guide that is Putting all those Debates to Rest: Aggressive vs Camping, Hips Fire vs ADS, K/D and Rank

Let’s put one debate to rest, that is hip fire versus ADS firing in PUBG Mobile. Both of them require some skills, but the question is which one is more accurate. So far there are two ways of shooting in PUBG Mobile, the first is hip fire and the second is ADS.
The meaning of hip fire is firing away without aiming/scoping in first. In simpler terms, hip firing means firing the bullets with the help of just a crosshair. This firing method has proven fast and more agile, but the accuracy part is debatable. Well, it depends on the player’s accuracy. If they have good aiming accuracy then they can connect every single bullet. Hip firing is one of the best techniques using which you can dodge your enemies’ bullets.
Hip Fire
Hip firing is one of the most important skills which you should master if you want to up your skills and movement speed. When using hip fire you can move way faster than when ADS-ing. That doesn’t mean you should hip fire all the time, but you should go strategically and use both according to the situation.
Firing with hip fire is not recommended especially when the target is far. If you try to down your enemy using hip fire at more than 20 meters then your bullets will start spreading and you will surely fail to connect your shots.
Now that you know what hip fire is and how you can use it, let’s take a look at ADS. The meaning of ADS is firing while scoping in on the weapon. Aim Down Sight abbreviated as ADS is a firing method by aiming using the scope attached to your weapon. If you haven’t attached anything yet, then the scope will be renamed as iron sights. For Assault Rifles, the scope can be modified by attaching Red Dot sight, Holographic sight, and scopes. Now, it’s true that firing using ADS is more accurate than hip fire. However, it also holds various disadvantages.
If you use ADS in the close ranges then you might get hip fired by your enemy. That’s because firing with ADS will make your movement slow and you won’t be able to dodge your enemy’s bullets. This can send you back to the lobby very quickly.
So using ADS is way more accurate than hip fire and that’s a fact. Can hip fire still can be used on far more than 15 meters? Well, no but in some close-range situations within 15 meters distance, hip fire can be relied on for quick fire. If you’re outside a building and the target is away more than 15 meters in distance then you must use ADS for more accurate shots. Sometimes you need to use ADS when fighting inside a building to conserve your ammo. It all depends on the situation and you need to decide whether to use ADS or hip fire.
You need to make your choice almost immediately in the game, fast enough that you need to make sure to keep training and adjust yourself to aim with ADS in PUBG Mobile.
Rank and KD
A good KD helps to give a structure to your overall play style. Whether the player is an entry fragger who wants to kill many players or the one who simply needs to win the match by camping. PUBG Mobile is one of the biggest esports games and the popularity of the game is increasing daily, which has led to an interesting question being asked: how much KD is good enough? Well, a good KD depends on the number of matches you have played. It also depends on the tier you are in.
If you are a Diamond rank or below Diamond, then your KD must be at least 5 plus. Before you get confused as to why 5 plus for Diamond rank players, let’s explain so that it will be easier for you to understand the appropriate KD you should maintain in PUBG Mobile. Starting off with Platinum rank. Platinum rank is the level when most players start to appreciate PUBG Mobile mechanics. In this tier players generally start using advanced tactics in their games. They start taking cover behind rocks, they randomly use grenades and some strategic game is observed. So if you are a Platinum rank player then the KD ratio which you might keep is six plus.
You might think that having a 6 plus KD in Platinum will be hard but that’s not true. That’s because in Platinum Rank there are many new players and as well as bots. So it isn’t impossible to rake up six kills or more each game. It’s not that hard if you play with some basic strats.
Diamond is the rank when serious gaming beings. Players become choosy and try to find suitable guns. They also become more aware of the attachments. Here is where they start to make adjustments in sensitivity settings that suit their game. When a player reaches diamond they might get fewer bots, but they can still get bots at a few places on the map. Killing bots and increasing KD has always been a thing in PUBG Mobile. Now you can kill both real players and bots to maintain at least a KD of 5 plus.
In the Crown ranks, you will get trained and high-end device players competing in this lobby. Maintaining a high KD in this rank might be tough because 95 percent of players you will get won’t be bots. The leftover 5 percent could be bots. This also means that there is a very low probability of you killing one of those five bots. Players of this rank should at least maintain a KD of 4. That level of KD for a Crown player is impressive if they have already played 100 matches or more.
If you have reached the Ace rank then you can consider yourself a Pro Tier player. In Ace rank the game becomes intense. Players revert to the good old survivor strategy. Killing becomes very difficult but getting killed is too easy. You will find a lot of camping players who make no sounds and finding bots gets tougher. In the first game, you can get eight kills but if you lose your focus you can get killed in the first minute in the next five games. A good KD for an Ace player is 3.5 or more. That is a great KD for an Ace player who is fighting real players mostly.
Reaching the Conqueror rank implies that you invest a lot more than expected time in playing PUBG Mobile. The players at this rank are not only close combat experts, excellent snipers or survivors but also strategists. If you are playing at this level then you can’t win by rushing/pushing all the time or sniping even. That’s because most of the players at this rank are better than you. You have to play with that assumption. The only way you can win is by out thinking your opponent.
Reaching this rank in PUBG Mobile requires patience and consistency. Both of which make will make your KD ratio go up. Those who can’t sustain it will fall back to Ace rank. So having a 3 plus KD is absolutely fine and a good KD ratio for a Conqueror rank player.
Aggressive vs Camper
Now coming to the question of the aggressive playstyle versus camping playstyle. Which of them is more effective in rank pushing? Many players argue that all competitive players tend to camp during their games in PUBG Mobile. Many players actually do camp, but many don’t and go fully aggressive. So let’s understand the camping play style first.
Chances are you probably don’t know about it but there are different types of camping styles as well. These different kinds of camping styles are mostly used by competitive players mostly because they’re playing for pole positions. Those are not well suited for a player who is playing the game at home with their friends. So you better not follow their playing style, unless you are playing competitive as well. Also, calling competitive players campers is not exactly true. That’s because they’re playing a strategic game. Their map knowledge and game sense are on a whole other level when compared to your average player.
Camping one is camping the whole game and that sucks. The second one is camping for the first 10 to 12 minutes and then taking fights. The third one is camping when your enemy is not making any move. Overall, all types of camping suck if you are not getting at least three kills in every game. Even then, a camper is not actually playing the game. They’re just waiting to kill the player who actually is trying to play the game.
The fact is that camping is a very overused strategy in PUBG Mobile. To the point, that it has become annoying to deal with so many campers. Players who just jump into a game and spend their 30 minutes in a house with a shotgun might end up in the top 10. That being said, they will never be able to build their skills and will end up losing in any random combat. Camping takes away all the fun from the game for the camper and the opponent. Most of the better players always end up getting killed by new players or campers. Now, the thing is that camping is a part of the game and can sometimes be useful too. However, before you make it your go-to strategy in PUBG Mobile, remember that you should only camp when absolutely necessary. If you’re the only player on your squad and have to face two squads alone, then camp.
Now comes the aggressive playstyle. Aggressive playing style is a little tough to master because you’re constantly giving the enemy information about your location. You’ll need to keep an eye on your surroundings and move constantly as an aggressive player. The advantage of this playstyle is simplicity. You want to kill anyone you come across. Shoot, Loot, Heal, Repeat are the four pillars of PUBG Mobile and the aggressive playstyle compliments it perfectly. This playing style is also highly demanding.
You need raw skills and need to abandon half your fight or flight instinct. In short, you want to run out and embarrass your opponents. Give them a clear shot to kill you but kill them first. You need to know how to control recoil and get familiar with weapons and attachments. You need to chase down the airdrops and you’ll either wind up dead or with the best loot in the game. It pays to kill in PUBG Mobile but you need to be smart about the who, how and where.
Both camping and aggressive playing styles offer very different experiences of the game. What you need to remember is that you’re unlikely to win with either a purely passive or purely aggressive approach. It’s all about finding a balance between them. A balance that suits you in the situation at hand. If you don’t care about having an AWM then you shouldn’t worry about the airdrops. Maybe you’re hiding nearby to pick off players who are going for those airdrops.
You might have 12 kills but hiding in a bush for a squad to pass by is probably a better idea than just running out solo. As mentioned above, it’s about finding a balance in how you play to earn your wins and increase your skills. So play with whatever playstyle you want, preferably one which is fun. Some players play for ranks and some play to improve their skills. At the end of the day what matters is that you’re having fun.