PUBG Mobile Game Guide for Team Deathmatch and Peeking

When it comes to game modes of PUBG Mobile, nothing is as fun as team deathmatch. Let’s be honest, there are probably tons of different little things you’re doing wrong in your games. These might be the five big ones that really set you and the best apart. Luckily for you, most of these things are easily fixable.
The first and most common reason that you will see at all levels of play is throwing rounds by over peeking in man advantages. Team Deathmatch in PUBG Mobile is all about playing to your advantage and abusing them. If you look at the way pros play where this is done to its fullest potential, you’ll see that whenever a team gets an opening kill, they win about 75 percent of their rounds. That’s how big of a deal the advantage really is. It alone can help you in winning 75% or even 80% of your rounds and that’s no joke. It’s a very high win percentage but it doesn’t quite reflect what happens in your own matchmaking.
The reason for that is because in PUBG Mobile Team Deathmatch players overpeek all the time and rounds are thrown really commonly. You’re probably even guilty of this yourself. Let’s say it’s a 4v3 and you’re up a few rounds, so you’re feeling confident and decide to hunt for those last few kills. It’s a very common thing for people to do and it’s the driving factor of why clutches are so common in matchmaking. In theory, a clutch should be really hard to win and it should only be winnable if a player manages to dismantle a strong bait setup or a crossfire by hitting some nutty shots.
In practice though, most of the time a clutch is won by a single player by winning some consecutive one versus ones, where at first, people will quite literally push into them and get killed for free. Only to later realize that they are going to lose that round. Then they start to play overly scared again, giving the enemy that 1v1s clutch. Only this time by hiding in random corners hoping not to get spotted instead of blindly pushing. What should happen instead of this though, is that as soon as the rounds turn into a man advantage, people will avoid solo fights as much as possible. So, there’s always a trade-off but that doesn’t mean that as soon as you get that 4 vs 3 opening, everyone should get back to spawn and make sure that there’s no way they die.
It does mean that you always want to have a teammate near you watching the angles that you can’t and with the ability to swing on whoever manages to kill you. Playing to keep the man advantage can sometimes be a bit difficult and is very situational.
Crosshair Placement, Again:
The next tip that’s probably holding you back is one that we’ve said a lot but it’s worth repeating. Your crosshair placement isn’t as good as you think it is or maybe you’re one of the few that has never heard of this. Crosshair placement is a pretty basic but integral part of PUBG Mobile. It’s the art of always having your crosshair positioned, aiming at the right angle to make sure that you have to make minimal adjustments and to result in a low time to kill.
Basically, to have good crosshair placement you must always be aiming at head height at wherever it is most likely the enemy will peak you. It sounds simple enough right just keep your crosshair at headshot level but honestly, there’s a lot more to it. Actually keeping your crosshair at the right position and doing it consistently and smoothly takes a lot more than just knowing about it. You need to practice your crosshair placement and do so often. Luckily though, practicing is pretty straightforward too. All you need to do is hop into a deathmatch and track the walls and pre-aim common angles.
Watch and Learn:
Another reason why you might not be as good as you’d like to be is, you simply don’t watch your demos. Watching back your demos is extremely important in everyone’s path to improving. It’s crucial to find out about your mistakes and thus without it you simply won’t even know what to work on. If you’ve ever felt like you didn’t know what kind of mistakes you’re making and are always just working on your aim to improve further you’re just doing it wrong. There are tons of different things people need to improve on other than just their aim.
Watching back your demos is the easiest way to finding out what that thing is. It’s okay to make mistakes like everyone does, but it’s not okay if you don’t realize what mistakes you’re making. After all, if you don’t know what you’re doing wrong there’s no way to fix it. That’s why watching back your demos regularly and doing so effectively is extremely important if you want to keep improving and don’t want to get stuck. Your aim can’t carry you past your bad habits.
Lack of Practice:
The next thing that might be holding you back though is simply just lack of practice. If you only ever play the game for an hour or two a week and you don’t really ever practice, you can’t reasonably expect to make a lot of improvement. If you really want to improve you’re going to have to invest some time into finding and fixing your mistakes and grinding out your bad habits. You’re going to need to practice your aim movement, crosshair placement, and you’ll have to go over your decision making.
You should focus on improving optimally. For that, you need to have a healthy balance of both practicing and playing. Make sure that not only do you just play matchmaking. Instead, you should start off with a little warm-up routine then follow it up with a few more. End it with some aim movement and or crosshair placement practice as well.
For example, if you have four hours one day, you could decide to go for about 10 to 20 minutes of warm-up. Follow it up by three games of about 40 to 60 minutes and then, finally ending it with about an hour of aim practice. The most important things here are that you start the day with warm-up and end it with practice. If you have a bad day you could decide not to play and go straight to aim practice. Remember that you never want to aim practice first and then follow it up with ranked games.
The reason for that is because aim practice should oftentimes really tire you out. That’s kind of the point. So if you were to do it before your ranked games, you’ll go into them more tired and thus play worse. The most important thing with improving your mechanics though is that you practice consistently. You don’t just want to be practicing your aim once every two weeks for hours on end. Instead, space that time out and do shorter sessions every single day. That’s the best way to improve and if you’re serious about improving that’s what you need to be doing.
Confidence is Key:
Finally, the last reason that you might suck is that you’re simply lacking confidence. Confidence is an extremely important part of PUBG Mobile and oftentimes, it alone decides whether you win or lose duels. It might seem really obvious, but being confident in yourself and in your abilities is just crucial. When you think about it, winning duels isn’t really all that hard. All you have to do is put your crosshair on the head and oftentimes where your opponent is positioned is going to be pretty obvious. The common angles are called common angles for a reason after all.
Once you’ve learned about the map and how it plays you can honestly just pre-fire most of them. At the end of the day, it doesn’t take a lot of skills to just crouch, spray, pre-fire, and angle but it is pretty effective. The reason that confidence is so important is that if you don’t have it, you really limit yourself. If you tell yourself you’re going to lose an aim duel or a clutch, you’re probably going to lose it. Even though you may have had the skills to pull it off, you rendered yourself useless by not believing in yourself.
That’s why you have to work on your confidence. To help with that there’s a few things you can do. Firstly, you can spend more time practicing, which is really effective for most players. If you know you’re putting in the hours, you will be more confident about your skills as well. There are also things in your warm-up that you can do. Your warm-up is not there only to physically warm you up and get your muscles ready. It’s also important to feel comfortable and confident.
Basically, whenever you’re warming up, try to have a focus around doing something that’ll give you confidence. For everyone that’s going to be something different. There’s probably something that really boosts your confidence and gets you ready for a game.