RAID: Shadow Legends – An In-depth Guide to The Doom Tower

These have been turbulent times in the world of RAID: Shadow Legends. It’s been a long time since the ship called Doom Tower set sail, but the gruesome wait is finally over, with the Doom Tower released along with the new patch. The Doom Tower is a mid-end game content that was teased to the players over a year ago, but due to unprecedented circumstances, it got delayed. We feel and share your excitement as the player base which is eager to rampage through the Tower and claim victory on the lands of Teleria!
So, we have prepared a detailed guide on the Doom Tower’s mechanics, the resources and rewards provided and some key information that will help you all on your journey to beat the Tower.
Doom Tower Mechanics
Here are some of the major Doom Tower mechanics, reading which will give you a brief idea of what the Doom Tower is all about. It will also help you understand how to approach the Doom Tower and how to clear the content more efficiently.
- Doom Tower has 120 floors in total. A Boss resides on every 10th floor of the Tower. Therefore, in total, there are 12 Boss Floors. The bosses are rotated every month. Apart from normal rooms and boss floors, there exist special rooms called Secret Rooms. These rooms have specific conditions required to clear them, for example – “Use only rare champions”, etc.
- The players are provided with 2 different types of keys to enter and progress in the Doom Tower. The 2 keys are – Silver Keys and Golden Keys, respectively. The Gold Keys are used for entering the normal stages of the Tower, whereas, the Silver Keys are specifically used for entering only the Boss stages and Secret Rooms. You get 10 of both types of keys per day after it resets. These keys will only disappear after you complete the stage you used the key for. If you fail the stage, the key will not be used. So far, there is no other method to obtain these keys except the daily reset.
- The Secret Rooms of the tower function the same way as Boss floors, that is, once you clear them, you can farm them using the remaining silver keys if you want. There are 12 Secret Rooms, and each room has a different condition associated with it. Like every other stage of the Doom Tower, if the stage is failed, the key will not be used from your account.
- The Doom Tower’s bosses are scalable. This means that fighting the same Boss on a lower stage and the higher stage is different in terms of stats required; however, the mechanics of the Boss remain unchanged.
- The rewards are scaled as well from bottom to top. From a measly Ancient Shard to the Mighty Sacred Shard, the rewards are yours to claim.
- The Secret Rooms also reward you with silver keys. The rewards obtained from higher stages of secret rooms are also better and generally more worth your keys. It is advised that you do not farm Secret Rooms in the early stages but rather wait till you can farm the higher stages to get better rewards.
Doom Tower Boss Mechanics and Tips
Doom Tower has 4 main bosses who are available to fight at the end of every 10 floors.
These Bosses change their positions every month with 1 of them being present on the last floor, i.e., Floor 120.
The 4 Bosses are the following:
- Kuldath The Magma Dragon (Magic Affinity)
- Sorath The Frost Spider (Void Affinity)
- Agreth The Nether Spider (Spirit Affinity)
- Borgoth The Scarab King (Force Affinity)
We will present each of these Bosses’ abilities and provide some essential tips and tricks to help you beat them!
Kuldath The Magma Dragon
Stoke the Flames
Attacks all enemies. Places a HP Burn Debuff for 3 turns, then steals 10% of Turn Meter from each enemy under HP Burn Debuff. Also places a Hex Debuff for 4 turns on the enemy with the lowest HP. This Debuff cannot be resisted or blocked.
Lethal Lava [Passive]
Instantly places a Hex Debuff for 4 turns on an enemy whenever they remove Hex Debuff from themselves or an ally. Will ignore Block Damage, Shield, and Unkillable buff and will ignore 100% of DEF when attacking enemies under Hex Debuff. Instantly removes any HP Burn Debuff placed on Kuldath the Magma Dragon and replaces them with a 15% Continuous Heal for 2 turns.
Invincible Scales [Passive]
Immune to Stun, Freeze, Sleep, Provoke, Block Cooldown Skills, Fear and True Fear Debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects and cooldown increasing effects.
Tips for defeating Kuldath:
- For tanking the boss damage, High HP artifacts/ sets with Immortal and Untouchable are recommended.
- Champions that can provide Block Debuffs are helpful to block the HP Burns by the Boss.
- The Boss can be provoked, and hex damage + target can be avoided. Champions that have Provoke in their kits, like Seeker and Umbral Enchantress, are recommended.
- The Boss can easily kill targets under the Hex effect; hence, any form of damage mitigation buffs like Ally Protection is highly valued in this fight.
Sorath The Frost Spider
Katabatic Winds
Attacks all enemies. Places a Block Buffs Debuff and a Heal Reduction Debuff for 2 turns on enemies under Freeze Debuff. Places a 30% Decrease SPD Debuff and a 50% Decrease ATK Debuff for 2 turns on enemies that have no Freeze Debuff.
Absolute Zero
Removes all buffs from enemies, then attacks them. Has a 100% chance of placing Freeze Debuff for 1 turn. The chance decreases to 50% if Sorath is under a HP Burn Debuff. Fills Sorath’s Turn Meter by 20% for each Freeze Debuff placed by this skill.
Frozen Lymph [Passive]
When attacked, has a 20% chance of placing a Freeze Debuff on the attacker for 1 turn. Increases Sorath’s DEF and RESIST if Sorath is not under HP Burn Debuff.
Purge by Flame [Passive]
Revives Sorath the Frost Spider with 50% HP, a full Turn Meter, and all skill cooldown reset if Sorath is killed while not under HP burn Debuff. Also spawns 2 spiderlings. Sorath can have a maximum of 2 Spiderlings in battle at any time.
Invincible Scales [Passive]
Immune to Stun, Freeze, Sleep, Provoke, Block Cooldown Skills, Fear and True Fear Debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects and cooldown increasing effects.
Removes all Debuffs from Sorath. Instantly transfer Decrease DEF Debuff and Weaken Debuff to this spiderling if not under leech. Will convert Debuffs to the weaker version on transfer.
Tips for defeating Sorath:
- Champions that utilize skills-based on enemy Max HP are very useful since Sorath has high HP. Examples include Coldheart, Royal Guard, etc.
- Sorath has a unique passive where she will revive if she is not killed by HP Burn; hence, HP burn champions like Drexthar Bloodtwin, Bulwark, Coffin Smasher, Tyrant Ixlimor are essential for this fight.
- Sorath’s turn meter can be decreased to prevent her from moving and attacking ally champions while giving you enough time to cycle your HP Burn or Healing skills. Hence, champions like Alure, Armiger, Psylar are recommended.
- It’s also recommended to kill the 2 Spiderlings first, then Sorath.
- Leech Buff is also recommended since it will stop the transfer of Debuff.
Agreth The Nether Spider
Envenomed Strand
Attacks all enemies. Places 5% Poison Debuff for 4 turns. Will repeat the attack 1 time for each Spiderling without any active buffs. The Poison Debuffs cannot be resisted or blocked.
Brood Feast
Spawns 4 spiderlings then places a Counterattack buff on all Spiderlings for 3 turns—Will team up with all Spiderlings to attack all enemies if a Spiderling is spawned by this skill.
Elder Lurker [Passive]
Counterattacks when enemy decreases Agreth Turn Meter. The damage inflicted is equal to the amount of Turn Meter lost. Will ignore 100% of DEF.
Tide of Toxins [Passive]
Attacks all enemies at the start of each turn. Deals damage from all Poison Debuffs on each enemy instantly. When attacked by an enemy under a Poison Debuff, increases the duration of all Debuffs on the attacker by 1 turn, then places a 25% Poison Sensitivity Debuff on them for 3 turns. When attacked by an enemy that has no Poison Debuff, places a 5% Poison Debuff on the attacker for 4 turns. This Debuff cannot be blocked or resisted.
Tips for defeating Agreth:
- Avoid attacking the spider lings and try to use Crowd control skills like Stun or Freeze. Using CC skills will increase the number of poison stacks on them.
- Champions which utilize skills-based on enemy Max HP are very useful since Agreth has high HP. Examples include Coldheart, Royal Guard, etc.
- Champions which have cleansing abilities as actives or passive’s are MVP here since Agreth has the ability to inflict 5 stacks of Poison Debuffs on the first turn itself. You want to cleanse these stacks as soon as possible because her skill Tide of Toxins will wipe out your team. Champions like Reliquary Tender, Spirithost and Doompriest are highly recommended.
- Agreth is not immune to Turn Meter Reduction. Hence, champions like Alure, Armiger are very useful but make sure to have a tanky comp when using this strategy as champions will take heavy damage from the Elder Lurker skill.
Borgoth The Scarab King
Vile Absorption
Attacks all enemies. Places an extra hit on each enemy for each buff on the target. Each extra hit steals one random buff from enemies that have no Shield buff and removes one random buff from enemies under Shield buff. Places True Fear Debuff for 1 turn on enemies who have buffs are stolen and a Fear Debuff for 1 turn on enemies who have buffs removed.
Spectral Horror [Passive]
Decreases the damage received according to how much Borgoth’s MAX HP has been decreased. Damage received is decreased by:
⦁ 90% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased less than 10%.
⦁ 60% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased between 10% and 20%.
⦁ 30% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased between 20% and 30%.
⦁ 0% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased more than 30%.
Easy Prey [Passive]
Counterattacks when attacked by an enemy that has no Shield buff.
Almighty Immunity [Passive]
Immune to Stun, Freeze, Sleep, Provoke, Block Cooldown Skills, Fear and True Fear Debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects and cooldown increasing effects.
Tips for defeating Borgoth:
- Champions that utilize skills-based on enemy Max HP are very useful since Borgoth has high HP. Examples include Coldheart, Royal Guard, etc.
- Like other bosses, Borgoth is not immune to turn-meter reduction. Hence, champions like Armiger and Allure can be utilized well.
- Champion on Destroy Set is essential for this fight. Destroy set permanently reduces enemies Max HP, which is essential for breaking the Spectral Horror Barrier of Borgoth. Even better can be to utilize champions that reduce turn meter like Armiger on a Destroy Set.
- Champions that put up Counterattack buffs are also useful since they will help you in breaking the Spectral Horror Barrier faster. Be careful though because Borgoth can steal the counterattack buff.
- Lastly, Shield buff champions are the key to defeating Borgoth. Champions under a Shield buff will not be counterattacked by Borgoth when they attack; hence, it will be easier to survive as the DPS of Borgoth will be massively reduced.
Doom Tower Secret Rooms
The Secret Rooms are another part of the Doom Tower. Now that enough time has passed, and all the Secret Rooms have been revealed, so have the conditions required to clear them. Secret Rooms can be entered on both the Normal as well as Hard Tower. These rooms require Silver Keys to be entered inside just like Boss Floors. They can be repeatedly farmed till you run out of keys and provide some valuable rewards like Epic-Legendary Champion Shards and Silver Keys. Take note that this is end game content and will require more champions at max level and ascension. Also it will take good level gear and tons of silver to upgrade them. So don’t expect to clear all the rooms in a single day. However, to make progress more faster and to accumulate resources like a pro, you can refer to our resource guide for Raid.
Here is the list of Secret Rooms and their conditions:
Secret Room 1 – Only Rare Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Epic Champions (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 2 – Only Champions from Banner Lords Faction allowed (Normal Tower)
Only Champions from Dark Elves Faction allowed (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 3 – Only Attack Type Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Defense Type Champions (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 4 – Only Magic Affinity Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Epic Champions from Lizardmen Faction (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 5 – Only Epic Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Rare Attack Type Champions (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 6 – Only Spirit Affinity Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Rare Champions (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 7 – Only Champions from Skinwalker Faction (Normal Tower)
Only Champions from High Elves Faction (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 8 – Only HP Type Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Epic Champions of Spirit Affinity (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 9 – Only Champions from Dwarves Faction (Normal Tower)
Only Champions from Demonspawn Faction (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 10 – Only Champions of Force Affinity (Normal Tower)
Only HP Type Champions (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 11 – Only Champions from Sacred Order (Normal Tower)
Only Epic Champions from the Undead Faction (Hard Tower)
Secret Room 12 – Only Void Affinity Champions (Normal Tower)
Only Void Affinity Champions (Hard Tower)
Well everyone that is all we have in store for you today! All the best in your adventure to climb the Tower! If you enjoyed reading this guide, or have any questions/comments, feel free to leave it in the comments.
To get the best feel of Raid: Shadow Legends on your PC, play it now on BlueStacks.