RAID: Shadow Legends – Mighty Ukko Fragment Fusion Event Guide

RAID: Shadow Legends has been quite the newsmaker for the month of September with its massive new Patch 6.0 update and a plethora of new champions. The ever-growing roster of RAID: Shadow Legends can be often attributed to the hard-core love of the community that thrive on new champions and new mechanics introduced to the game. Developed and published by Plarium, RAID: Shadow Legends is available as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Plarium has just started their fragment fusion event which is held once every month and gives all players a chance to obtain the newest legendary champion in the game completely for free. This time, the fragment fusion event for Mighty Ukko has already started! The fusion event started on 9th September 2022 and ends on 24th September 2022 for just over 2 weeks.
Mighty Ukko is a new legendary grade Force affinity champion from the Skinwalkers faction. He is listed in-game as an HP-based champion in-game which means his skills deal more damage according to his MAX HP. Mighty Ukko is currently being debated as one of the best legendary grade champions made available for fusion since Underpriest Brogni. Definitely helpful for the Skinwalker factions that lacked a good reviver, Mighty Ukko will also be extremely useful for other PvE and PvP content. For starters, his double AOE-targeted abilities are going to be exceptionally well in the Stun or Frost Artifact set that can put the likes of Richtoff the Bold to shame. We highly recommend going for the Mighty Ukko fusion if you have ample resources in your inventory along with the time commitment required.
During this Fusion event, Plarium provides Fragments for the champion in multiple Events and Tournaments. Keep in mind that these events and tournaments will take a lot of your time if you’re going to manually play the game since Plarium only provides 30 instances of Auto-Battles per day. But don’t worry, you can easily bypass the hard grinding by simply using the BlueStacks macro recorder to record your runs and keep re-running it.
Mighty Ukko Skills and Abilities
Mighty Ukko is an HP-based Support type champion from the Skinwalkers faction. Mighty Ukko is a legendary grade champion and his stats are some of the highest in-game comparatives to other champions fulfilling the same role. He has a high base HP of 18495, an Attack of 1233, and a Defense of 1112. We recommend players to build Mighty Ukko with Perception, Stun, Speed, Bolster, and Regeneration artifact sets with a focus on Speed, Accuracy, HP%, and Defense%.
Here is a list of Mighty Ukko’s skills in detail: –
Ukko Smash (Active)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing [Decrease ATK] for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Ukko’s Fury (Active)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit has a 75% chance to remove 2 random buffs from the target.
Places a [Block Buffs] debuff and a 50% [Decrease ACC] debuff for 2 turns on targets that have no buffs after the attack.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Ukko’s Mercy (Active)
Revives all dead allies with 40% HP, then places a [Block Damage] buff on them for 1 turn.
Also places a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Will place the [Increase SPD] buff even if there are no dead allies.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1
Totem Warden (Passive)
Has a 50% chance of stealing 1 random buff from an enemy each time they receive a buff. Any stolen buffs become protected.
Increases Ally SPD in all battles by 20%
Mighty Ukko Fusion Event Guide
Mighty Ukko can be obtained by participating in the Fragment Fusion event hosted by Plarium which is currently ongoing. By Fragment fusions, we mean that Mighty Ukko requires 100 of his champion fragments to be fused. These fragments can be found in various Events and Tournaments and can be achieved in reaching certain milestones in them. Pretty simple, right? It is simple; however, we will give a detailed guide on how to manage your resources to obtain enough fragments to fuse Mighty Ukko.
We will now list the various events and tournaments through which you will be able to obtain these champion fragments.
Here is the list:
- Ice Golem Tournament (9th September – 12th September)
- Dungeon Divers Event Part 1 (9th September – 13th September)
- Summon Rush Event (9th September – 12th September)
- Classic Arena Takedown Tournament Part 1 (11th September – 14th September)
- Artifact Enhancement Event Part 1 (12th September – 15th September)
- Champion Training Event (12th September – 17th September)
- Fire Knight Tournament (13th September – 16th September)
- Dungeon Divers Event Part 2 (15th September – 18th September)
- Champion Chase Tournament (16th September – 19th September)
- Spider Tournament (17th September – 20th September)
- Classic Arena Takedown Tournament Part 2 (17th September – 20th September)
- Artifact Enhancement Event Part 2 (17th September – 20th September)
- Champion Training Tournament (20th September – 23rd September)
- Dungeon Divers Event Part 3 (20th September – 23rd September)
- Dragon Tournament (21st September – 24th September)
Preparation for these Events and Tournaments
As we can see from the timings of these Events and Tournaments presented by Plarium, many of these coincide with each other. If you are confused by what some of the terms mean or where some of the locations of the dungeons and events are, here is a helpful guide. Now doing every event and tournament 1 by 1 will drain your resources very quickly, and you will be left with insufficient fragments to fuse Mighty Ukko. Gems will be your saving grace when you are out of your resources. However, keep them as your last straw.
This is where efficient planning and using your resources judiciously come in. In this guide, we will give you all the knowledge we have to complete the events and tournaments easily and faster to fuse Mighty Ukko. Energy and Silver will be your 2 biggest resources, and if you have enough of these saved up, things will go more smoothly for you. But if you don’t have them stored don’t fret, we are here for you! Take a look at our preparation process for Mighty Ukko Fragment Fusion here: –
9th September – 24th September:
- Ice Golem Tournament: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at 2250 Points)
- Dungeon Divers Event Part 1: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at 3750 Points)
Ice Golem tournament is going to be one of the easiest dungeons to farm and complete. If you have claimed the newest free legendary champion Ultimate Deathknight, he’s a monster in the Ice Golem dungeon and can potentially even solo the dungeon. Players will be able to earn points for the tournament according to the quantity and quality of artifacts obtained by farming the Ice Golem dungeon repeatedly. We recommend farming Stage 20 of Ice Golem continuously for the best Energy to Point ratio for the tournament. It should roughly take about 220 runs of Stage 20 Ice Golem to complete the tournament and obtain 5 fragments of Mighty Ukko. Plarium is also enabling the Super Raids feature for the entire duration of the tournament which is extremely helpful for players as it essentially saved double your time. Players can enable the Super Raids by checking the tick mark before starting any dungeon run.
Dungeon divers event is one of the best combo of an event to go with any dungeon-related tournament such as the Ice Golem tournament. This is due to the fact that players can easily earn points for both the Dungeon divers event and Ice Golem tournament if they farm the Ice Golem dungeon. Dungeon divers event requires players to obtain artifacts from any area in the game. The amount of points depends on the quantity and quality of the Artifacts.
- Summon Rush Event: 20 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at 2150/ 3500 Points each)
Summon Rush events are entirely dependent on the number of summons you make and the quality of the shards being used for summoning champions. It has nothing to do with the quality of champions you summon, unlike Champion Chase tournaments. The point requirements to obtain the champion fragments for Mighty Ukko are quite steep at 2150 points and 3500 points. Make sure to at least get to the first point requirement else you will be left short of 5 Mighty Ukko fragments even if you complete the entire Champion Chase Tournament that will be coming next week. Here are the points received depending on the quality of the shard: –
Mystery Shard: 1 Point
Ancient Shard: 20 Points
Void Shard: 100 Points
Sacred Shard: 500 Points
- Classic Arena Takedown Tournament Part 1: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at 330 Points)
The first part of the Classic Arena Takedown tournament commences in the first week itself. These tournaments require you to get victories in the Classic Arena game mode. We recommend players who do not have a good PvP team/formation, to start building it up and get to fight other players in the Classic Arena! Do not worry as the point requirement is different according to your tier in the Classic Arena. In general, for Silvers and above it is around 330-390. Players who are in the higher tiers of the Classic Arena get more points for the tournament per win compared to players who are in the lower rankings. Players should be able to easily complete this tournament without wasting Gems and relying on their daily free Classic Arena tokens.
- Artifact Enhancement Event Part 1: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at 4000 Points)
- Champion Training Event: 20 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
Artifact Enhancement Event is very straightforward but can drain a lot of your silver reserves. If you were not prepared, then you might have to spend your precious energy to farm silver coins for upgrading your equipment. Here are a few tips to achieve those 2625 points: –
- You can pre-roll your artifacts till Lvl 7/11/15 and then simply spend silver to upgrade to the next level as you get points only after upgrading artifacts to LVL 4,8,12 and 16 with the highest points being given at 6-star LVL 16 artifact upgrades.
- You can level up 3 6-Star artifacts to level 16 to easily complete this event in a go
- Save up to roughly 6 million silver per artifact enhancement event, as this amount is roughly what it takes to complete these events.
However, if you have enough silver or artifacts upgraded to a certain level, then feel free to use them to complete this event. It also takes a lot of time because the general upgrading speed for artifacts is very slow, and it fails many times as well. However, if you use BlueStacks Eco mode, you can significantly speed up this process and save so much time!
Champion Training event is all about enhancing your collected champions. Players can do so by 3 methods in their Tavern:
- Promotion – Promoting your champions currently stands to be the best way in order to earn a huge number of points for the tournament. Promoting means directly increasing the base rank of your champion. Players get more points for the quality of promotions they made. For example, promoting a 5-Star champion to 6-Star gives players 300 points while promoting a 4-Star champion to 5-Star only gives players 100 points for the tournament. Players can use similar grade champions or chickens to promote their champions in the tavern.
- Leveling – Levelling up your collected champions is the next best option to get a burst amount of points for the champion training tournament. Players can use either the different elemental brews in order to give their champions XP or simply grind it out by taking their champions in the campaign stages. The latter method is more effective if you have an XP Booster saved up or running at the time of the tournament. Players can also get some bonus loot in the form of Silver as they will accumulate a lot of useless Artifacts they can sell. This silver will help players later in the tournament.
- Ascension – Ascending your champions is another great way to get some fast and easy points for the tournament. Granted, the number of points received for the number of resources used is not worth it. However, if you have the potions why not do it for some extra points?
- Fire Knight Tournament: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
- Dungeon Divers Event Part 2: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
Fire Knight tournament is also a super easy-to-complete tournament where players are required to farm the Fire Knight dungeon and get some artifacts. The amount of points for the tournament is entirely dependent on the quality and quantity of the artifacts obtained from farming the dungeon. Just like the Ice Golem tournament, the sweet spot for the best energy-to-point ratio is Stage 20 of Fire Knights dungeon. Players can repeatedly grind the stage and get artifacts, roughly expending around 2250 energy. This will also complete the threshold of 2250 points to get the 5 fragments for Mighty Ukko.
Another one of those classic dungeon related tournament and event combos! Do not worry and just focus on farming the Fire Knights dungeon in order to get points for both the tournament as well as the Dungeon divers event. Make sure to farm the Fire Knights dungeon on the 2nd day when the Dungeon divers event is active. Players can also make use of the Super Raids feature to accelerate this process by doubling down on their rewards.
- Champion Chase Tournament: 15 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X/X Points)
Champion Chase tournaments are very different from Summon Rush events. Players are rewarded for summoning high rarity champions unlike using high-quality shards. Here is the point breakdown for the various rarities of champions that are summoned:
Common/Uncommon Champion – 1 Point per summon
Rare Champion – 10 Points per summon
Epic Champion – 250 Points per summon
Legendary Champion – 500 Points per summon
Void Affinity Rare Champion – 50 Points per summon
Void Affinity Epic Champion – 350 Points per summon
Void Affinity Legendary Champion – 650 Points per summon
We highly recommend players to go for the 1st milestone at least if they have completed the entire Summon Rush event or to complete it fully if they have only completed the 1st milestone of the Summon Rush event.
- Spider Tournament: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
- Classic Arena Takedown Tournament Part 2: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
Spider tournament asks the players to farm the Spider dungeon repeatedly and raid some juicy artifacts from the dungeon. The expected target milestone to get the 5 fragments of Mighty Ukko is 2250 points which are easily doable just like the previous dungeon-related tournaments. We recommend players to farm Stage 20 of the Spiders dungeon repeatedly for the best energy to point ratio. The higher the quality of artifacts obtained, the higher the points gathered for the tournament. The Spider tournament will also be coinciding with the Dungeon divers event part 2, so make sure to start farming on the first day itself.
As usual, the Classic Arena Takedown tournament demands players to fight in the Classic Arena and emerge victorious. The higher your ranking, the more points you will earn per victory in the Classic Arena. Similarly, the higher the thresholds will be to get the 5 fragments of Mighty Ukko. Keep refreshing your Arena list in order to find easy opponents who have lower team power than yours. Do not waste your precious gems unless you have to.
- Artifact Enhancement Event Part 2: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
Silver! Silver! That’s all you need in order to complete this event. By now, you should have a lot of silver from raiding so many artifacts and farming the different stages. Sell those artifacts that are useless according to your account and start upgrading your precious artifacts.
- Champion Training Tournament: 10 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
A champion training tournament functions exactly like a champion training event that we talked about above but on a tournament level where players can rank on their local leader board. Here are some of our tips and tricks to complete this tournament efficiently:
- Always remember to level up your chickens or champions before using them to promote your champions.
- Do not waste brews to level up champions who are already at a high level as the efficiency of brews decreases drastically if used on high-level champions.
- Use Mystery shards to summon more fodder if you are out of low-rank champions.
- Dragon Tournament: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
- Dungeon Divers Event Part 3: 5 Mighty Ukko Fragments (Obtained at X Points)
To finish the fragment fusion event, we have the best dungeon-related event and tournament that can be easily completed just by farming the Dragon’s dungeon. We recommend players to farm Stage 20 of the Dragons dungeon repeatedly for the best energy to point ratio. The point requirement is still unknown but highly likely to be 2250 for the Dragons tournament. For the remaining points in the Dungeon divers event, we recommend players level up fodder and prepare for the next fragment fusion event!
This concludes the fragment fusion event! Players can fuse Mighty Ukko by going to the summon screen -> Champion Fragments.
To read more such guides, check out our Blog Section where we cover the latest happenings at RSL for our lovely community. To Play RAID: Shadow Legends, we highly recommend playing on a PC with BlueStacks using your keyboard and mouse for a thrilling and lag-free experience.