Survivor Girls is a survival RPG that has captivated many players around the world with its thematic context of a zombie apocalypse happening around the world. The main priority of any player playing Survivor Girls should be to survive for as long as they can. Naturally, combat is going to be a hardcore part of any budding survivor’s journey. In this guide, we have covered all aspects of combat and the mechanics that await your learning. Let’s begin!

Understanding the Combat Mechanics of Survivor Girls

Survivor Girls is a survival-themed game, and the combat reflects that quite clearly. To start with the basics, combat happens on an enclosed map that does not change. Players can choose the difficulty of the stages before they enter them. Once cleared, you can choose to repeat any stage as well for a better time clear. The faster you clear the stage, the more achievements you can unlock on your account. The stages do have an order and the map changes according to the location. For example, all players will start in the Small City area but can gradually progress to new areas as they clear all the stages of the chapter. 

Survivor Girls Combat Guide to Learn the Core Mechanics

The combat in the game happens manually, which means that you will have full control over your character with no chance of automation involved. Players will first need to choose the character they want to take into battle. There exist multiple different characters, each with its own set of pros and cons. For a more thorough learning, we would recommend checking out a tier list for the strongest characters in Survivor Girls. 

After you’ve done selecting a character, you will be pushed out into the map and the timer will begin counting each second you’ve managed to survive. In the early levels, you will have ample space to move freely and not be surrounded by zombies instantly. At the top of the screen, you should see a blue bar. This is the EXP bar, and it shows how much experience you’ve gathered and how far away you are from leveling up. As players slay more zombies, they will get more experience and level up. Each level-up will give the player a choice of selecting 1 boost out of 3. 

Survivor Girls Combat Guide to Learn the Core Mechanics

Now, the boost can be one of the following things:

  • A weapon upgrade (Weapon Guide)
  • An active skill upgrade (Skill Guide)
  • The base stat of the character upgraded

Depending on your situation, you will need to make a tough choice with what upgrade is required at the time. Weapon upgrades can help you reduce reload times, increase shooting range, and increase fire rate. Active skills are unique abilities that can be used manually at all times, but some are passive in nature as well. Players can upgrade them to increase their utility on the battlefield and use them tactically to their advantage. Base stats, on the other hand, help you develop your character. All of the upgrades are amazing and help you to survive longer.

Tips to Survive Longer in Combat

Here are some core tips to help you survive longer in combat:

Survivor Girls Combat Guide to Learn the Core Mechanics

Positioning: Proper posture can be the difference between victory and defeat. Placing ranged characters in the back and melee warriors in the front maximizes damage output and protection.

Cover and Terrain: Utilize the surroundings to your advantage. Obstacles like walls, barricades, and natural cover can impede enemy movement and mitigate incoming damage.

Crowd Control: Skills that stun, slow, or knock back enemies are invaluable for managing large groups of foes. Utilize these to create openings and control the flow of combat.

Kiting: Kiting is the practice of moving in and out of enemy range to do damage while avoiding being attacked. This is especially effective for small maps where there is less move for movement, and you need to be quick on your toes always before the zombies group against you. 

Enjoy Survivor Girls even more on your PC or Laptop, along with a keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks!