War Robots: Battlefield Tactics that Dominate the Game

You’ve undoubtedly heard about this polished, third-person shooter MOBA that lets you control your own destructive bot and fight with others in 6v6 arenas. It’s one of the most badass mobile games at the moment. We figured we’d try the game out for a week and see how much we can achieve. You can see the result of our first 20 hours of gameplay in the BlueStacks guide to the game, where we also outline all the rookie mistakes you should avoid. You can also Play Available War Robots Multiplayer Battles in your browser on your PC or mobile without downloading. Click and Play instantly!
As you may already know, your victories are very much determined by the way you handle your automatons and the level of your weapons. While we do go more in-depth on which robots are best for what circumstances in another article, the purpose of this article is to help you figure out what you need to do to dominate the arena itself. For instance, check out the image below, where we made quick work of two enemy robots while they unwittingly charged straight towards our base.
Battle Modes
There are four types of battle modes you can choose to participate in. The Quick Match option will land you in the Domination, Beacon Rush, Team Deathmatch, or Free-for-All. As you may have already guessed, the last one is entirely about outlasting everyone else. There’s a reason why battle royale types of games are so popular nowadays and that’s because they’re fun and entertaining. Well, this is the War Robots version of a battle royale and, boy, is it tough.
We’d recommend leaving the FFA for later on when you’re more knowledgeable and better prepared to take on a variety of bots. To begin with, let’s focus on the other three classic modes. Domination is one of the more tactical battle types you can get into. In this instance, the goal is to capture all of the beacons and hold on to them for long enough to win – which usually isn’t a lot of time. As such, you need to be nimble and swift in order to win Domination. It doesn’t matter if and how many enemies your team kills, the beacons represent your endgame.
Beacon Rush is essentially a Domination on turbo charge since you can drop your bot on any of the beacons that have already been captured by your team, while the Deathmatch tasks everyone to destroy their opponents as fast as possible. The first two modes are better suited for beginners since they also allow you to rely on your team in order to win. You can try some FFAs and Deathmatches, but you’ll likely encounter a lot of strong bots carrying powerful weapons, such as Thunder-equipped Fury and fully-stocked Ares.
Your Tactics
The best thing you can do is to play to your bots’ strengths. For instance, the first two bots you get, the Destrider and the Cossack, are quite nimble. As such, don’t be afraid to use them in order to push beacons, as well as draw enemy fire from wounded allies. The Cossack is particularly good at this. He has a high base speed, as well as the ability to jump, which can get you out of sticky situations and under the cover of an obstacle or a building in a matter of seconds.
Play War Robots on BlueStacks
Mercury is an overpowered version of the Cossack, as he can actually jump, fly around stealthily and then choose where he lands. If this wasn’t enough, his dive ability will actually damage any enemies around the landing point. No wonder he’s one of the most successful bots of the Legend League! Watch out though because he’s also an expensive one. Play War Robots Multiplayer Battles on your PC or mobile without downloads! Click and start playing instantly for a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Other bots, like the Weyland, Invader or Raijin, are incredibly powerful tanks. Aside from having a ton of health, their abilities allow them to increase their survivability while also taking damage. When playing one of these, your goal is to attract the attention of your enemies, rather than try to flank them.
Controlling the Arena
Aside from using the abilities of your bot in the best possible way, an easy way to control the arena is to learn how to fight from cover. If you can dish out damage without taking too much in return, this will drastically increase your odds of winning. Part of the reason why we were so good in our beginner leagues is the smooth gameplay experience that BlueStacks delivered every time we got into the War Robots arena. For instance, in the following image, we were successfully able to empty all of our guns twice using this technique.
Hills, objects, structures, bridges, anything goes when you’re trying to take cover from strong weapons or guided missiles. One goal you can set for yourself is to finish a match without having to use any other bot than the one you start with, while also still being in top 3 damage dealers. Hiding and not doing much can be easy if you have a strong team, but this doesn’t mean that you’re a good fighter. Particularly when both teams are evenly matched, the way in which you move around the arena and decide where and how to fight will change the course of a battle in seconds.
BlueStacks for the Win
At the end of the day, you’ll be rewarded with honor points and a place in your leagues’ standings where you can see how well you’ve done. Your intricate strategies and hard-earned wins will be reflected here.
The best part about these leaderboards is that you can also see what bots other people from the same league use. This can be a good gauge for yourself, as you can compare your own hangar with theirs by looking at the level of their bots, how much damage they deal, the average amount of bots they destroy each match, and their win rate.
None of this would have been possible if we were playing War Robots on a mobile phone, though. Lower performance, as well as slower reaction times due to having to tap every button instead of using keyboard and mouse shortcuts, would have gotten us killed more times than we can think of. Why wait? Play War Robots Multiplayer Battles instantly on your browser without downloading anything. Click, and start playing now.