War Thunder Mobile – Dominate the Sky, Navy, and Army Using these Tactics

War Thunder Mobile, is a war simulator MMO that harbors intense PvP battles and see’s you commanding an army and fighting for your nation! In this immersive wartime RPG, get captivated as you will be tasked with operating different armed vehicles such as fighter jets, army tanks, or naval battleships that can cause havoc among enemies. Limit your own casualties, all the while coercing the enemy to surrender by dominating them. War Thunder Mobile is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
In this beginner’s guide for War Thunder Mobile, we will be explaining some of the core gameplay systems that are in play. Players can learn a lot about the basics of the game, and streamline their gameplay by implementing the knowledge in-game. A higher understanding of the gameplay mechanics will also lead to an eventual higher win rate in ranked matches. Aimed at especially new players, the language of the guide will be simple to understand. We would advise players to devise their own strategies as well, as that’s the beauty of such war simulators.
Knowing the Different Armed Forces and their Gameplay Mechanics
War Thunder Mobile is a real-life simulator of wartime eras, where combative tanks and nuclear airships were used extensively. Re-envisioned in a modern time, the game beautifully simulates the intricacies associated with a war, particularly when it comes to combat. Players can take charge of their armies and role-play as naval, army, or airforce forces. In War Thunder Mobile, players can operate the following types of vehicles:
- Air vehicles
- Land vehicles
- Water body vehicles
At the start of the game, you will be tasked with choosing either of the 3 armed vehicles. Each one comes with it’s own set of play styles, and operated via intuitive controls. Each type of armed vehicle also comes with it’s own set of maps, skills, and modifiers that can be equipped onto them to enhance their capabilities. Once your finish the tutorial, the game gives you complete freedom to choose any one of the vehicles you want. Do not worry, as you will be able to unlock and play with the rest of vehicles as well.
Tanks are the premiere go-to land vehicles that are operated by players. To control their movement, you can simply swipe left or right in the direction you want to go. The only important mechanic to keep in mind while operating a Tank is the gun placement. The guns of the Tank are directly aimed where your camera is facing, hence, you would need to rotate your camera constantly towards your enemies in order defeat them. Alternatively, you can also use a virtual joystick by enabling it from the Settings. The joystick is a great add-on that lets you manually operate the Tank in any of the nocturnal directions of North, East, West, and South. Your allied Tanks on the map will be marked in Blue and the enemy Tanks on the map will be marked in Red.
Operating a Ship is comparatively very different to a Tank. Firstly, yes it does have the same movement system of a virtual joystick that can be used to maneuverer the ship in different directions. However, the rest of the functionalities of the Ship are different. You will notice it is much slower to operate than a Tank, but that it is due to engine movement. You can press the Arrow button to start the engine. Press it again to activate the full thrust mode that will take the ship into it’s fastest acceleration speed possible. To attack other enemy ships, you can simply press on the “Fire” button to launch missiles towards them. The amount of damage the enemy ship suffers will depend on the area where the attack hit them.
Aircrafts are perhaps the most popular armed vehicle in War Thunder Mobile, according to veterans of the game. They are high speed beasts that can reach mach speeds in just seconds, depending on the type of aircraft. Aircrafts are best used to take down enemy fighter jets in an intense action-packed combat. Due to their massive speeds, they can be a little difficult to operate as a new player but over time, they are certainly one of the most amusing vehicles to use.
Aircrafts are also notorious for their high penetrative power that can take out enemy tanks from afar and quickly. They are operated by swiping left or right on the screen. You can shoot bullets using the Fire button, and accelerate the speed using the Speed button.
Enjoy War Thunder Mobile on a bigger screen of your PC with BlueStacks without worrying about battery drainage and lags.