Among Us: Upcoming New Roles And Halloween Updates

Innersloth recently announced a new update for their popular multiplayer game Among Us. The announcement can be found in-game and Innersloth’s official website as well as across their social media platforms.
The new announcement addresses the connection issues that players are currently facing as well as some info on new roles. And for Halloween, Innersloth plans to add Spooky cosmetics and Skeld MIRS HQ on October 19.
And the most exciting news in this announcement is the upcoming update for new roles in the game. Innersloth says this will be a free update that will slowly make its way across all platforms once released, including mobiles. You can read the upcoming update details below as per the in-game info.
“Starting Sept 20 until today, you may have noticed you weren’t able to connect or create a game sometimes. This was due to a DDoS attack we were experiencing, which caused server outages. We added in a lot of fixes, and everything should be up and running extremely soon, with future preventative measures! Thanks for being patient!
Next gameplay updates Roles! This will be a free update to all our current platforms when it’s ready. We can’t wait for you to see what we’re doing with it! Xbox and PlayStation consoles ports are still being worked on and are on track for this year.
Halloween-Spooky cosmetics to celebrate the spooky season are back. Explore The Skeld MIRA HQ starting October 19th for some delicious decorations.”
It’s good to see that Innersloth directly mentions the connection & room creation issues and promises a fix for them.
The Developer Logs” Emergency Meeting #32″
Innersloth further explains the connection issues in the developer logs on their site. They say that “essentially, someone was spending a lot of money to send A LOT of traffic to our servers, which overwhelmed the datacenters. When a data center is overwhelmed, the server maintainers close off the network for our servers, and we have to take an outage. There are no privacy concerns or anything associated with this – the only problem is the fact people aren’t able to play the game when this happens.”
Innersloth then adds more on the topic, saying, “When it comes to DDoS attacks, our options are limited, and honestly as much of a headache for us as it is for you. To counter it, we did get new hardware, shuffled some things around, and generally improved things, but these things take time to test and get approved, hence the delay in implementation. (And meanwhile, the DDoS continues for as long as the other person has money to throw at it, which is an expensive endeavour. Usually, attackers just give up after an hour or two, but at peak, this was at a scale that took down Google servers some years ago!).”
Innersloth also mentioned that they plan to add 2 to 4 new roles for players to enjoy. Over the years, many modded roles have been added to the game, but the developers say that their new roles will be slightly different.
“The roles we’ve come up with may be slightly different than the ones you’ve seen around due to mods because these are ones we’ve always wanted to implement into Among Us even before we released the game back in 2018. We just never had time for it. But thanks to the continued success of the game (thank you for playing!), it’s possible now. So we hope you enjoy what we come up with.”
You can check out more details on the official Among Us Twitter handle. That’s it for now; stay tuned for more Among Us-related news.