Bollywood icon Ranveer Singh has been appointed as the official brand ambassador for Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) by Krafton India. The official announcement came on September 5, 2023, and this strategic alliance aims to merge the excitement of gaming with the magnetic charm of Ranveer Singh, offering enriched experiences to gaming enthusiasts nationwide. This collaboration marks a significant step toward celebrating gaming as a platform for immersive entertainment and community involvement.

The revelation was preceded by a teaser release the day before, where Ranveer Singh was spotted engaging in gameplay on a movie set, accompanied by his declaration (translated from Hindi): “I am entering the realm of BGMI with my squad. Brace yourselves to ‘Play Pure’.” The announcement has already generated tremendous excitement among the youth, who are thrilled to witness their beloved superstar joining forces with their preferred gaming platform.

Krafton India, the force behind BGMI, has brought Ranveer Singh on board with the goal of fostering stronger community engagement and nurturing deeper relationships with its player base. This partnership signifies a significant move toward acknowledging gaming as a dynamic platform for community involvement and entertainment.

Ranveer Singh resonates deeply with the energy and fervor that gamers bring to the virtual battlegrounds. As an artist, he views gaming as an extension of his creative expression. The dedication, competitiveness, camaraderie, and team spirit prevalent in the gaming world align perfectly with his own ethos. Under this collaboration, Krafton will introduce its “Play Pure” campaign, a celebration of players’ authenticity through the lens of Ranveer Singh. The campaign encourages gamers to be bold and embrace their true selves while navigating the battlegrounds. The overarching aim is to unite the thrill of playing BGMI with the charismatic appeal of Ranveer Singh, providing elevated experiences to millions of gamers across the nation.