Call of Duty: Mobile Anniversary Leaks Reveal Upcoming Additions in Season 11

The Anniversary event for Call of Duty: Mobile is in full swing, providing players with a whole host of challenges that they can complete to unlock awesome limited rewards, as well as score some great loot and skins in the various draws that are available at the moment. Some of the most noteworthy additions are obviously the new battle royale map, Alcatraz, which is squad-exclusive, and features a variety of locations with a new storyline attached to it. Aside from this, we can also find The Arsenal, and The Club, two new places riddled with odds and ends related to the anniversary.
However, according to recent leaks shared by Twitter user Murdablast, this isn’t everything that the CoD: Mobile anniversary celebration will have to offer. The leak in question mentions how there are going to be several new things coming this month during the celebration, which we are going to talk about in this article.
Read on to learn about the latest Call of Duty: Mobile season 11 leaks.
New Mythical Draws
There are already a couple of draw features active during the anniversary, which players can roll in by paying COD Points. By rolling, they can receive all sorts of limited prizes, including operators, amazing weapon skins, emotes, and charms, among others. However, dataminers have discovered another type of draw that may be coming very soon.
As mentioned above, the leak comes from Murdablast and consists of new draws that players will be able to participate in. While it’s not certain if these draws will be made using COD Points as well, they will grant players the unique Mythic Cards, which are used for upgrading Mythic Weapons to their strongest forms. The leak also suggests that, while these cards will be necessary for upgrading the weapons to their highest level, the actual progression up to that point will be done in the Arsenal. Lastly, the Mythic Cards should be appearing in the draws by late October, according to the report.
A Hidden Storyline
With Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War right around the corner, Activision is looking for creative ways to advertise the upcoming entry in the popular FPS franchise. Case in point, there’s a clever Easter Egg hidden in The Club, the gathering hub introduced with the Season 11 update.
This easter egg consists of a hidden message that may be a reference to the circumstances that will lead to the events in Cold War. Once you uncover this easter egg, you will also receive a special code that you can seemingly redeem at the event’s website for prizes. In order to find this easter egg, follow these steps:
1. On the main menu, click on the door in the background to enter The Club.
2. In the club, pick up a glowstick from any of the boxes that are lying around the area. One such box is directly to the left of where you spawn.
3. Wielding the glowstick, head to the poster that is hung on the pillar to the left, and swipe at it a few times until it burns.
4. Afterward, head over to the center pillar and swipe at the poster with the pawn drawing until it burns.
5. You will then get a notification that it worked, and also a letter in your inbox with a code along with the instructions on how to redeem it.
This event website is littered with bits and pieces of lore that you can analyze if you’re interested in learning more about the events that will lead up to the upcoming entry. There’s even a Zork game that you can play by clicking on the terminal in the first screen of the website.
What did you think about the easter egg in The Club? Have you discovered any interesting things worth mentioning? Leave us your thoughts in the section below!