Epic Seven – New Heroes Abigail and Last Piece Karin Coming with June 2023 Update

Smilegate’s most popular game Epic Seven has just announced the contents of the new update for June 2023. Epic Seven is a free-to-play game that is available on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Just as expected with a new monthly update, 2 new heroes are introduced! The first one, a Fire elemental 5-Star Warrior named Abigail is going to be available after 1st June 2023. The second hero, a Light elemental 4-Star Thief named Last Piece Karin is going to be available after 1st June 2023 as well. She is the Light elemental counterpart of the hero Karin. A host of changes are also going to be made to new player rewards. Let’s check all the new content coming to Epic Seven with the 1st June 2023 update.
Abigail – New Fire Elemental 5-Star Unit
Abigail is a natural 5-Star Fire elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior in-game. Abigail is slated to release on 1st Jun 2023. Players will be able to recruit Abigail through her own covenant summoning banner where she will be guaranteed to be summoned after 120 summons are made. Her hero description reads the following – “The youngest of the Bloodrose family, a sweet, kindhearted Vampire!”
Abigail’s skills are as follows: –
Ambush – Attacks the enemy with bloodied wings, and increases the Combat Readiness of the caster by 15%. When used on the caster’s turn, has a 35% chance to activate Might as an extra effect. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.
Might: Increases Combat Readiness of all allies by 15%.
Soulburn effect (-10 Souls): Increases chance of activating Might to 100%
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 5% damage dealt
+6: + 5% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Blood Banquet (Passive Ability) – Attack at the start of the turn, curses the enemy with the highest Attack for 1 turn. When the ally in the back row except the caster receives lethal damage, consumes 30% of the caster’s current Health to grant immortality and vampirism to the target for 1 turn. Can only be activated once every 5 turns and this effect does not stack with other passive effects of the same name.
Vampirisim: Absorbs 30% of damage dealt as Health.
+1: – 1 turn cooldown
Scarlet Garden – After dispelling all buffs from the enemy, attacks with a field of bloody thorns, inflicting injuries. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. The severity of injuries increases proportionally to the damage dealt. Injuries decrease the max Health of the target by up to 25% every time this skill is used.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: – 1 turn cooldown
+5: + 5% damage dealt
+6: + 5% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Last Piece Karin – New Light Elemental 4-Star Unit
Last Piece Karin is a natural 4-Star Light elemental hero that is classified as a Theif in-game. Last Piece Karin is slated to release on 1st June 2023. Players will be able to recruit Last Piece Karin through her own mystic summoning banner where she will be guaranteed to be summoned after 80 summons are made. Her hero description reads the following – “The greatest living wielder of a sword in pursuit of an unreachable goal!”
Last Piece Karin’s skills are as follows: –
Vacuum Strike – Swings a sword to attack the enemy and increases the Combat Readiness of the caster by 10%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.
Soulburn effect (-10 Souls): Increases damage dealt
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 1% combat readiness
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 2% combat readiness
+5: + 10% damage dealt
+6: + 2% combat readiness
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Phantom Strike – Attacks the enemy before granting stealth and a barrier to the caster for 3 turns. Hit Chance is increased by 50% when using this skill. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed and barrier strength increases proportional to the caster’s Attack.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 5% damage dealt
+6: + 5% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Blade Art: Infinite Sword – Becomes one with the sword, dispelling two debuffs from the caster and granting increased Attack and Phantom Sword to the caster for 3 turns. Grants an extra turn. When defeating an enemy while granted Phantom Sword, Phantom Sword changes into Neo Phantom Sword and decreases skill cooldowns of the caster by 1 turn.
Phantom Sword: When attacking, if the target is a Hero, damage-sharing effects are ignored. Unaffected by any effects related to buffs.
Neo Phantom Sword: When attacking, if the target is a Hero, damage-sharing effects are ignored and damage dealt increases proportional to the target’s max Health. Unaffected by any effects related to buffs, and dispelled after attacking.
+1: – 1 turn cooldown
New Player Check-In Rewards Improvements
The New Player check-in rewards have been enhanced to better the overall experience of a new player coming to the game. The reward duration has been increased from 7 days to 14 days, with 7 new rewards being added on top of it. Only accounts that are created after 25th May 2023 will be able to collect the new rewards. During the event, players can log in simultaneously to receive an extra 80 energy and 300 Stigma as a reward each day as a bonus. Here are the new rewards: –
Day 1 – Gold x 1,000,000 (Required Rank – 1)
Day 2 – Great Penguin x 3 (Required Rank – 4)
Day 3 – Level 75 Attack Set Gear Chest x 1 (Required Rank – 8)
Day 4 – Greater Equipment Charm x 6 (Required Rank – 12)
Day 5 – Level 75 Health Set Gear Chest x 1 (Required Rank – 16)
Day 6 – Rare Catalyst Selection Chest x 10 (Required Rank – 20)
Day 7 – 5-Star Hero Summon Ticket x 1 + 5-Star Artifact Summon Ticket x 1 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 8 – Gold x 1,000,000 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 9 – Great Penguin x 3 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 10 – Covenant Bookmarks x 30 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 11 – Greater Accessory Charm x 6 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 12 – Mola Gora x 2 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 13 – Epic Catalyst Selection Chest x 10 (Required Rank – 24)
Day 14 – Potion of Ascension x 1 (Required Rank – 24)
June 2023 Drop Rate-Up Banners
- Kise with Alabastron (Covenant Summon Banner 25/05/2023 – 01/06/2023)
- Zahhak with Pure White Trust (Covenant Summon Banner 25/05/2023 – 01/06/2023)
- Ludwig with Time Matter (Covenant Summon Banner 01/06/2023– 07/06/2023)
- Abigail with Golden Rose (Covenant Summon Banner 01/06/2023– 14/06/2023)
- Last Piece Karin (Mystical Summon Banner 01/06/2023– 22/06/2023)
That concludes everything is coming to Epic Seven! Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get an in-depth look at the added content. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.