Rise Of Kingdoms Anniversary Gift Code

Rise Of Kingdoms is a popular strategy/world-building game in which one must civilize a particular territory, beginning from the stone age, and going as far as feudal times. Released by LilithGames, Rise Of Kingdoms is stunning visually and has incredibly smooth gameplay, with plenty of different factions and characters to choose from, such as the Ottomans, Chinese, Arabians, Germans, and many more. Each of them has its own architectural style which adds to the overall complexity of the game. You need to organize troops to defend your civilization from attacks by neighboring civilizations, and the concept of attacking and conquering territory is simple yet highly effective.
However, there is one caveat to the game, which is its focus on monetization and the pay-to-play aspects of the game. It is no secret that those who do well in Rise Of Kingdoms are those who can spend a lot of real-life money on troops, buildings, in-game currency, etc. For this reason, the game regularly releases redeemable gift codes which offer a few in-game items for free. In the event of Rise Of Kingdoms’ anniversary, the game has released a new redeemable gift code.
Anniversary Gift Code and How To Redeem It
Rise Of Kingdoms’ official Twitter account revealed the anniversary gift code, which is: rokhappybd
The gift code, once redeemed, gives you special anniversary gifts, and is only valid until 04/10/2021, which is the 4th of October, 2021.
?Happy Anniversary Governors! ?
Anniversary gift code: 【rokhappybd】 ???
Redeem the code and receive your anniversary gifts!?⌛Gift code valid until: 2021/10/04 pic.twitter.com/bGAyjpTXhz
— Rise of Kingdoms (@riseofkingdoms) September 2, 2021
To redeem the anniversary gift code or any other Rise Of Kingdoms gift code, for that matter, follow these steps:
- On the top left corner of your screen, there is a profile icon, tap on it.
- Go to the Settings menu.
- Click on the Redeem option, which is presented as a gift icon.
- Enter the 10-digit gift code and click on exchange.
- You now have access to the gifts.
Other Ways To Improve Your Civilisation
As mentioned, Rise Of Kingdoms focuses heavily on pay-to-play, and for this reason, redeeming gift codes may not be enough to strengthen your troops and your civilization to the point where it can withstand any and all attacks. To improve your civilization there are other strategies you can implement.
One sure-fire way to improve your empire is to constantly upgrade your buildings, as soon as you have the option to. This may not seem like much, but constant upgrades to all your buildings, especially the City Hall, which may be the most important component of the entire game, add up, and you will notice in time that all your small upgrades have helped to strengthen your empire immensely. Whenever there is a small green arrow visible next to a building, it means that that building is available for upgrade, so the next time you see such an arrow do not hesitate to upgrade.
Another way to improve your chances of winning is by joining an active alliance. You may think that simply being part of any alliance will do, but these alliances don’t really do much if none of the participants are active and helping you out. Being part of an active alliance that regularly partakes in alliance wars is a great way for you to speed things up and also be part of a community of gamers who enjoy the game as much as you!
Lastly, staying active in all aspects of your camp is vital to your success. This means never letting your units and buildings idle, and constantly putting in the time and effort to grow your empire to the extent possible. Updates, marches, training, battles, all help in increasing your overall Power in the game. Keep your Academy at work by always having them research something, and train your army in the barracks, and also send your Scouts out into the world to explore various areas, which may be potential areas you may want to move your camp too if the area is more suitable to your playing style.