Call of Duty: Mobile to add modernized Shipment 2019 to map pool tomorrow

Season 2 of Call of Duty: Mobile brings with it several new features, game modes and even maps, one of which is Shipment. The game is set to add a modernized version of the 2019 iteration of the Shipment map seen in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare along with other features coming as part of the content additions for Season 2: Day of Reckoning.
Shipment’s arrival could change the meta in game modes. At its core, Shipment is a close-combat heavy map featuring two major areas – the middle area that sees two intersecting lanes meet each other in the midst of stacked crates and containers and the perimeter – a square path that is intertwined in open containers, partially and fully. There are other equipment one can easily spot in a port like forklifts, barrels and crates, with the map stationed at the port of Verdansk. There is some room to gain vertical advantage to a certain extent by mounting on top of containers. But, the majority of the battles and combats are set to take place on an even vertical field.
Naturally, in a map that favors close combat as heavily as Shipment, snipers will become a scarcity in loadouts and in terms of actual use on the map. Short-range weapons like shotguns and sub machine guns (SMGs) will become the meta but rifles like LMGs that allow movement as well as greater damage, range and fire rate will also be useful during combat. Footsteps need to be masked, which means, players will be better off strafing and walking rather than running across the map.
Scorestreaks will become more important on the upcoming Shipment map from the world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, with the likes of UAV, Hunter Killer Drone and the newly released Napalm set to dole out considerable damage and take out multiple enemies at the same time due to the cramped nature of the map.
Equipment like Gas Grenade can be useful in disarming opponents while Smoke Grenades will aid your cause when you need to suppress the vision of the enemies. Suppressors will become a common attachment on Shipment and will help in masking the true area of fire during combat. While the close-combat map allows players to stick to one place, camp and get kills; camping might lead to being surrounded by multiple enemies with time so it is always better to keep on changing positions, especially with the Scorestreaks coming into play.
Along with Shipment, we will see the release of another close-combat heavy map from the world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare world in the form of Shoot House in Season 2.