Dislyte Patch 3.1.4 – New Espers Brewster, Ife and Desperado Event

LilithGames developed and published turn-based Dislyte is back with a feature-rich update that brings with itself new content and new espers. The 3D portrait-based punk’em stylized RPG is known for its characteristic art style and tactical battles. Dislyte can be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game from both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
The latest update for Dislyte is titled Patch 3.1.4 and can be seen in the live version of the game on 25th October 2022. Dislyte has a history of releasing new updates that are feature-rich and not a single additional update. In the sense that these updates always bring about a combination of both new espers as well as new content for the player base. These updates are added on a tri-weekly basis. The addition of new Espers can also be seen in Patch 3.1.4 as per tradition. With the upcoming update, 2 new espers are coming to the Gyrate – Brewster, and Ife. A new event titled “Desperado” will also be starting that will feature both Brewster and Ife as the main espers. Players can view the special animated trailer for the event on the game’s official YouTube channel. A new PvE-based game mode called “Sentinel Hunt” is permanently being added to the game. New fun events such as Zodiac Trials and Echo Tribute can also be seen after the update is live. Of course, no Dislyte patch notes can be complete without their massive balance changes. Let’s get right into the details for Patch 3.1.4 which is scheduled to release on 25th October 2022.
Brewster – New 5-Star Esper
Brewster is a 5-Star Shimmer elemental esper that is classified as a Fighter in-game. Brewster has the powers of the God Garmr. Brewster has a very high base Attack and Defense among espers of similar categories. We recommend building Brewster with Wind Walker/ Master Grove Set with HP%/cDefense%, HP%/ Defense%, and Speed/ HP% as main stats and a focus on Speed, HP%, Defense%, and Attack% as sub-stats. Players will be able to acquire Brewster after the update goes live in-game on 25th October 2022.
Let’s take a look at Brewster’s abilities in detail:
HAHAHA! (Active Skill) – Deals damage to 1 enemy based on Brewster’s ATK. Has a chance to inflict DEF Down.
Fast & Furious (Active Skill) – Deals damage to 1 enemy based on Brewster’s ATK. Stuns the enemy. Upon successfully Stunning, gains Reload! Attack! Upon failing to Stun, increases the damage of this attack by a certain percentage.
Eat This! (Active Skill) – Gains Reload! Attack!. Deals damage to 1 enemy based on Brewster’s ATK. Inflicts Buff Blocker. Upon a Crit, erases the enemy’s AP.
Eat This! (Ascended) (Active Skill) – Gains Reload! Attack!. Grants C. RATE Up to all allies. Deals damage to 1 enemy based on Brewster’s ATK. Inflicts Buff Blocker. Upon a Crit, erases the enemy’s AP.
Reload! Attack! (New Undispellable Buff): Assists while an ally attacks. The next attack restores HP based on the damage of this time. While attacking, gains AP based on the number of Reload! Attack! stacks. Each stack increases AP by a certain percentage. The number of stacks has an upper limit.
Ife – New 5-Star Esper
Ife is a 5-Star Inferno elemental Esper that is classified as a DPS in-game. Ife possesses the power of the God Meretseger. We recommend building Ife with Ocean Waves/ Sword Avatara Set or Wind Walker/ Master Grove Set with HP%/ Attack%, HP%/ Attack%, and Speed as main stats and a focus on Speed, HP%, Attack%, and Accuracy as sub-stats. Players will be able to acquire Ife after the update goes live in-game on 25th October 2022.
Let’s take a look at Ife’s abilities in detail:
Tail Whip (Active Skill) – Deals damage to 1 enemy based on ATK. Poisons the enemy. After Poisoning, if the enemy is debuffed, casts Tail Whip again (triggers once per turn)
Gust (Active Skill) – Deals damage to all enemies based on ATK. Inflicts SPD Down. Has a chance to Stun targets.
Sludge Bomb (Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies multiple times. Each hit deals damage equal to a certain percentage of ATK. Inflicts Poison and ATK Down on all enemies.
Sludge Bomb (Ascended) (Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies multiple times. Each hit deals damage equal to a certain percentage of ATK. Inflicts Poison and ATK Down on all enemies. If an enemy is Poisoned, absorbs a certain percentage of AP.
Hallows Eve Party
Hallows Eve Party is a new event that is themed and designed around the festival of Halloween. The description of the event reads as follows – “All Hallows’ Eve is coming soon! Let’s accept Discboom’s tasks and prepare for the party!”. Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding the Hallows Eve Party event in the patch notes:
- Hallows Eve Party event is going to be started on 28th October 2022 and runs till 4th November 2022 for a duration of 1 complete week.
- Players will be able to complete certain types of tasks called Phase Tasks and Daily Preparation Tasks from the Prep list to get rewards for the event. Some of the juicy rewards include the likes of Story fragments, exclusive name cards, Pumpkin boxes with randomized rewards, and much more.
- Story Fragments are going to be part of the event, consider them like an event currency. Players can use these story fragments to fill in the Party handbook. Once unlocked, players can view certain Halloween eve stories with beautiful illustrations that will be added to the player’s gallery forever. Players will also get a special reward for reading each story.
- During the preparation phase, players will also be able to send Pumpkin boxes to their fellow club members and added in-game friends. Players will also receive a gift each day from a Mysterious Esper. A daily cap will be issued as to the number of Pumpkin Boxes players can send and receive each day. However, the gifts from Espers do not add to this daily cap.
Raid Feature added to Cube Miracle
Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding the Raid feature in the patch notes:
- A Raid feature is being added to the Cube Miracles. Players can essentially instantly clear some stages of the particular difficulty of Cube Miracle that they have already cleared. This feature is being implemented to save some of the player’s time that they spend while playing the game.
- After clearing the difficulty of the Cube Miracle for the 1st time, players can Raid the entire 1st Floor and start from the 2nd Floor. After clearing the difficulty of the Cube Miracle 3 times or more, players can Raid the entire 1st Floor and 2nd Floors, starting directly from the 3rd Floor.
- During the raiding, players will get all the rewards offered for the floor while also being given a random number of runes according to the floor stages. Upon raiding the 2nd floor, players will be able to power up 1 collected rune.
- Post update, if players had previously cleared the difficulty in Cube Miracle, the game will count it as cleared the difficulty 1 time. Hence, players will be able to raid the 1st Floor of the difficulty.
Warm Up Match
Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding the Warm Up Match event in the patch notes:
- The Warm Up Match starts on 25th October 2022 and lasts till 6th December 2022. Only players above Level 50 and above will be eligible to take part in this event.
- Players will be able to match and battle players in real time through this event. Simply access the event from the right-hand side event tab. Once reached, click on start matchmaking to find opponents that are suitable according to your ranking.
- For new players playing Warm Up Match for the first time, your initial rank will decide by the total power of your Esper squad and you will be automatically put in a tier. For players who have already taken part in the previous season of the Warm Up Match event, their highest rank will be considered as the starting tier for this season.
- Each day, players will be limited to winning up to 30 times in the Warm-Up Match event. After this cap has been reached, players will not lose or gain points for the event. This limit will reset after the server reset the next day.
- Here are the tiers of Warm Up Match Event – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Master, and Legend. Players in the Bronze, Silver, and Gold leagues will play matches in a 4v4 format where no bans exist. Players who are participating in Diamond or above league matches will start and choose 5 different espers, eventually banning 1 esper from each team, resulting in a 4v4 fight.
- For this new season, players can communicate with each other by sending stickers and quick messages.
- Each victory in the Warm Up Match will reward the victor with Tier Points that are used for climbing the rankings in the event. Similarly, each defeat will deduct Tier Points from the current ranking of the player.
- Apart from Tier Points, players will also be earning Supply Coins for each victory they get in the Warm Up Match event. The amount of supply coins that can be earned every week is limited to 600 per day. Players can exchange these Supply Coins in the event shop for juicy rewards among the likes of Super Sound Matrices, Gold Records, Abilimons, and Nexus Crystals.
- When the players reach a new Tier for the first time in the season, they will be able to claim the tier reward from the ranking screen. Players who reach Master will be rewarded with Lewis’s exclusive skin – Cold Flames.
Echo Event
Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding the Echo event in the patch notes:
- The Echo event starts on 31st October 2022 and lasts till 10th November 2022. Players who are above Level 10 are allowed to participate in the event.
- A limited-time package called “Rookie Echo Reward” containing 10 Golden Records can be claimed for free for the first time by going to the event page.
- In this event, players can earn some amazing rewards by using their Gold Records to summon any banner. Players can get juicy rewards such as legendary grade espers and even new shimmer elemental legendary rarity espers.
Brewster and Ife Probability Up Event
Here are the main takeaways from the upcoming probability-up event:
- The event banner starts on 25th October 2022 and ends on 14th November 2022. Players will be able to summon 2 different banners – The regular Gold Record banner and the Super Sound Matrices limited-time banner.
- The probability up banner will unlock in the Super Senses. In the super senses banner, players will be able to summon only using their Super Sound Matrices that are available through different game modes and redeem shops available in the game. Each spin in the Super senses costs 50 Super Sound Matrices.
- During the event, players will have an increased chance of obtaining Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Mersetseger) if they summon a legendary Esper. Players can select 1 out of the 2 legendary espers that they desire as the rate-up esper. The base rates to summon Legendary, Epics, and Rares stay the same. After the update, the base rate of obtaining Legendary Esper has been changed from a base 1% to a cumulative 1.5%. While the base rate of obtaining the targeted Esper has been changed to 50% if players are able to summon a legendary Esper. If players are unable to summon Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Mersetseger)as their first legendary on the Super senses banner, the next legendary will be guaranteed to be Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Mersetseger), whoever players have chosen.
- The pity to get a legendary esper in the gold record summoning banner is 100. The existing pity of players on the normal recruit banner will be carried forward during the event. If players have not managed to summon Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Mersetseger)within 199 summons, then Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Mersetseger)will be guaranteed to be summoned at the 200th summon.
- The entire summoning event ends when the player acquires Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Mersetseger).
Desperado Event
The Desperado event starts on 25th October 2022 and ends on 8th November 2022. Only Level 25+ players will be allowed to take part in this event. The event description for Desperado reads the following – “Follow the dauntless Brewster and uncover his hidden past.” Players can access the event by clicking on the banner on the main screen highlighted by the Brewster icon. Just like many of the previous events of Dislyte, players are going to be farming endlessly to collect the needed event currency in Desperado event as well. A redeem shop also exists that offers juicy rewards in exchange for the event currency. The redemption shop will also open on 25th October and close on 11th November 2022. During the event, players will be participating in different sub-events that are associated with the Desperado event. The event currencies for the Desperado event are going to be – Basic Hunter Badges and Senior Hunter Badges.
The different types of gameplay modes that come under Desperado Event are as follows:
Event Map – The event Map is the bread and butter for the Desperado event. The entire event map is further divided into 3 separate maps that offer different stories and battle stages that can be cleared repeatedly to obtain the required event currency. The 3 event maps are as follows – Necessary Journey, Passing the Torch, and Burn It Down! The last event map will open on 1st November 2022 while players can enjoy the first 2 event maps at the start of the event. Players can obtain tons of event currency, nexus crystals, stamina, and gold from these stages.
Hunter’s Commission – Hunter’s Commission can be considered as a source of AFK rewards that are rewarded to the player for progressing through the event. The AFK resources include Hunter Badges and Empty Clips. Hunter’s Commission can be leveled up to provide players with more AFK rewards. The higher the level, the more the AFK Rewards in short. Progression in this area can be made through completing daily tasks.
Daily Tasks – The Tasks consist of both Daily Tasks and Weekly Tasks. Completing all Daily tasks will reward the player with 2 hours of free AFK resources while completing the weekly tasks will provide the player with progression for the Hunter’s Commission.
Magic Cannon Boost – Magic Cannon Boost is an amazing way to directly power up your squad with the help of Empty Clips. As you might recall, players can get these Empty clips from the Hunters Commissions as well as event battle stages. Nodes of the Magic Cannon Boost can be upgraded by using these Empty Clips. These nodes provide the squad with higher base stats such as Attack, Defense, Speed, and HP.
Event Shop – Players can redeem their collected Hunter Badges to claim juicy rewards among the likes of Super Sound Matrices, Gold Records, Nexus Crystals, Relics, and more.
Adjustments and Optimizations for Different Content and Relics
A variety of adjustments and changes are being carried out for certain sets of Relics as well as PvE content. Here is the list of changes being made:
Astral Witchcraft Relic Set (Changed): Grants a 25% chance of getting an extra turn when the Esper takes action. (Can only be triggered once. The extra turn does not affect ability cooldowns.)
Shadowfire Abilities Changed (Desolate Lands)
Flamelight (1st ability): Attacks all enemies 1 time. Deals bonus damage to the front line. Summons 8 Fiery Eyes to assist in battle. Upon summoning Fiery Eyes, reduces all enemies’ ability cooldowns by 1 turn.
Shadow Prayer (2nd ability): Shadowfire is immune to all debuffs. When its enemy doesn’t have any Espers on the front line, the enemy back line takes more damage. When Shadowfire takes a certain amount of damage, it gains a turn (except after it summons Fiery Eyes or when it is Stunned).
Shadowfire Abilities Changed (Desolate Lands)
Roaring Nimbus (1st ability): Attacks all enemies 1 time. Inflicts Wind Chain. Deals bonus damage to the front line. Upon inflicting Wind Chain, reduces all enemies’ ability cooldowns by 1 turn.
Shadow Blessing (2nd ability): Shadowgale is immune to all debuffs. When its enemy doesn’t have any Espers on the front line, the enemy back line takes more damage. The fewer stacks of Wind Chain the enemy removes, the higher damage Shadowgale deals. When Shadowgale takes a certain amount of damage, it gains a turn (except after it casts Wind Chain or when it is Stunned).
Shadowstream Abilities Changed (Desolate Lands)
Burst Nimbus (1st ability): Attacks all enemies 1 time. Inflicts Venom Smear. Deals bonus damage to the front line. Upon inflicting Venom Smear, reduces all enemies’ ability cooldowns by 1 turn.
Shadow Defense (2nd ability): Shadowstream is immune to all debuffs. When its enemy doesn’t have any Espers on the front line, the enemy back line takes more damage. The fewer stacks of Venom Smear the enemy removes, the higher damage Shadowstream deals. When Shadowstream takes a certain amount of damage, it gains a turn (except after it casts Venom Smear or when it is Stunned).
That concludes everything major coming to the World of Gyrate with Dislyte’s Patch 3.1.4. To get a thorough look at what’s coming, players can feel free to check out the official patch notes. To Play Dislyte in a more optimized and efficient manner, we highly recommend playing Dislyte on your PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.