Dungeon Hunter 6 Announces November 21 Patch Notes

GOAT Games has recently announced the November 21, 2023 patch notes for their action RPG, Dungeon Hunter 6 . The patch notes bring a myriad of gameplay optimizations and bug fixes which improve the player experience. This update comes just shortly after a recent update where the developers also fixed various bugs but also introduced new gear sets.

In terms of gameplay optimizations, Dungeon Hunter 6 adjusted in enemy levels, items attributes, and other quality-of-life changes. These include:
- In the first territory war after the 8-joint server battle, Guilds with Level 3 territories will automatically declare war on Level 3 territories.
- Modified Assassin’s and Boon Sister’s soul attribute text.
- Adjusted monster levels in Chapters 8 and 9’s dungeon challenges.
- Players will now be able to go to the currently available Guild Boss interface after collecting the Guild Demon Hunting Treasure Box.
- Added achievements related to Set Crafting/Flaming Forge.
- Added introduction to new Sets in the game assistant.
- Increased ways to obtain Beastie Spirit Ambrosia – Pearl Store.
- Fixed an issue where the equipment used for Carnival rewards would be inconsistent with a Character’s Class.
- Optimized the Elemental Abyss’ first pass reward.
- Optimized the Cloak’s basic attributes and advanced attributes text color.
- Added instructions on how to obtain Diamonds & Green Diamonds.
The developers have also fixed several bugs in the game ranging from bugs in gameplay to bugs in the game’s online and social features. These include:
- Fixed the error in the Death Knight Lieutenant’s XP Skill description.
- Fixed the error in the Dungeon Challenge reward display.
- Fixed the chat system where selecting materials triggered nothing.
- Fixed the error in displaying the Flame Lord’s star rating on the Runestone Competition Ranking List.
- Fixed the error in displaying the number of active points in the Daily-Active Store
- Fixed the issue where a character’s Costume dye did not take effect in Magginaos.

Dungeon Hunter 6 is an action RPG that immerses you into a hack-and-slash adventure set in various uncharted territories with iconic characters. Players return to Valenthia 200 years after the sacrifice of the Bounty Hunter to begin an epic journey to stop dark forces from the Forbidden Tower and other demonic beings. Players can choose from several dungeon hunter classes: Warrior, Assassin, Archer, Mage, and the Boon Sister. You can gear up and customize heroes and progress through a skill tree that suits your playstyle.
If you want to experience the epic adventures of Dungeon Hunter 6, you can install and play the game now on PC or Mac with BlueStacks. You can take advantage of features like macros to make your gameplay experience much more convenient. Check out other RPGs here.