Epic Seven – New Heroes Lethe and Naval Captain Landy Announced with the Summer 2023 Update

Smilegate’s premier turn-based anime RPG Epic Seven is making headlines this week with their latest update for the Summer season. Epic Seven is a free-to-play game that is available on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
The update can already be seen live in-game. The highlight of the entire update is going to be the 2 new 5-Star heroes that were introduced via the live stream. Out of the 2 heroes, Lethe, the limited Ice elemental 5-Star hero can already be seen live in-game. Meanwhile, Naval Captain Landy, the Light elemental 5-Star hero can be summoned after 3rd August. Check out their abilities and skill descriptions here.
Lethe – New Ice Elemental 5-Star Unit
Lethe is a natural 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior in-game. Lethe is a brand new limited-time hero coming to the game with the recent update. She is being added to the game on 20th July 2023. Players can recruit Lethe through her own limited covenant summoning banner where she will be guaranteed to be summoned after 120 covenant summons are made.
Her hero description reads the following – “A manager who lives on Tarev Island, an island full of mysteries. She is in charge of managing the resort located on the island. Apparently, she has been living alone since she lost her family in a storm.”
Lethe’s skills are as follows: –
Wave Slash – Attacks the enemy with a sword, before increasing Speed of the caster for 1 turn. After attacking, when the target’s omen is 3, consuming all, activating Call of the Abyss.
Call of the Abyss: Makes a deep sea creature attack the enemy, and when the enemy is defeated, inflicts extinction and recovers Health of all allies. Cannot trigger a critical hit, and penetrates the target’s Defense. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health and the amount recovered increases proportional to the target’s max Health.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 10% damage dealt
Dreamer in the Deep (Passive Ability) – Does not cost any Soul to activate the caster’s first Soulburn. When attacking, has a 75% chance to inflict one omen on the target regardless of whether the attack hits. Cannot be activated by a counterattack, Dual Attack or extra attack.
Omen: Something is watching. (Unaffected by Effect Resistance, cannot be dispelled, transferred or resisted with immunity.) Stacks up to 3 times.
+1: + 5% effect chance
+2: + 5% effect chance
+3: + 5% effect chance
+4: + 5% effect chance
+5: + 5% effect chance
Freeze Over – Attacks all enemies with a frozen mass, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn before a 75% chance each to inflict frostbite and restrict for 2 turns.
Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn. (-20 Souls)
+1: + 10% effect chance
+2: + 10% damage dealt
+3: – 1 turn cooldown
+4: + 15% effect chance
+5: + 15% damage dealt
Prayer of Solitude (5-Star Artifact) – Increases Health by 10.0%. When attacking, increases damage dealt by 10.0% and when it is an extra attack, increases damage dealt by an additional 10.0%.
Naval Captain Landy – New Light Elemental 5-Star Unit
Naval Captain Landy is a natural 5-Star Light elemental hero who is classified as a Knight in-game. Naval Captain Landy is a brand new moonlight hero coming to the game with the recent update. She is the moonlight version of the hero Landy. Naval Captain Landy is being added to the game on 3rd August 2023. Players can recruit Naval Captain Landy through her own mystic summoning banner where she will be guaranteed to be summoned after 200 mystic summons are made.
Her hero description reads the following – “Ruler of the sea who commands a gigantic warship
Players will be able to meet Navy Captain Landy through the Mystic Summon starting August 3.”
Naval Captain Landy’s skills are as follows: –
Precision Targeting – Attacks the enemy with gunfire, and increases Combat readiness of the caster by 20%. After attacking, has a 40% chance to activate Salvo Fire as an extra attack.
Salvo Fire: Attacks all enemies by firing off artillery, and recovers Health of the caster. Amount recovered increases proportional to the caster’s Attack.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 2% combat readiness
+3: + 10% damage dealt
+4: + 3% combat readiness
+5: + 15% damage dealt
Ruler of the Sea (Passive Ability) – Immune to debuffs which prevent movement and Increases critical hit resistance by 50%. At the start of the battle, Increases critical hit resistance of all allies except for the caster for 2 turns. After attacking, increases Attack of the caster by 10%. This effect can stack up to 5 times.
Debuffs which prevent movement: Sleep, and Stun.
+1: + 3% critical hit resistance
+2: + 4% critical hit resistance
+3: + 4% critical hit resistance
+4: + 4% critical hit resistance
+5: + 5% critical hit resistance
Mobilize the Warship! – After increasing Attack of the caster for 3 turns, attacks all enemies with a warship, stunning for 1 turn. Penetrates the defense by 60%.
Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn. (-20 Souls)
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 10% damage dealt
July 2023 Drop Rate-Up Banners
- Pavel with Dux Noctis (Covenant Summon Banner 20/07/2023 – 27/07/2023)
- Lethe with Prayer of Solitude (Limited Summon Banner 20/07/2023– 03/08/2023)
- Alencia with Alencinox’s Wrath (Covenant Summon Banner 27/07/2023 – 03/08/2023)
That concludes everything you need to know regarding the new heroes coming to Epic Seven! Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get an in-depth look at upcoming content. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.