Garena Free Fire OB33 Update Patch Notes: New Rank Season, Kenta Character, G36, New Features, In-Game Adjustments, and More

Garena Free Fire finally received its much-awaited OB33 patch update on March 23, 2022. Prior to the patch update release, the OB33 Advance Server was launched, allowing a limited number of users a peek at the unreleased content. The beta testing phase for the Garena Free Fire’s March update teased a bunch of new features introduced in the game. However, after the arrival of the Free Fire OB33 update, some of the content featured in the Advance Server was left out. Although there were tons of new updates including new features/functions, a new character, a new ranked season, and more.
The new OB33 update also brings in optimizations for the characters, weapons, and other in-game features. Below are the complete patch notes of Garena Free Fire’s OB33 version that developers rolled out on March 23.
Clash Squad Rank Season 12
Release date and duration
The new rank season for the Clash Squad mode has already commenced on March 24, 2022. Players can obtain exclusive rewards like The Golden Scar, CS-Ranked S12 Heroic (top), cards, vouchers, gold, and many other loadout items through the different tiers of the new season.
Players will be able to push their rank for almost two months For CS Rank Season 12, as it will culminate on May 25, 2022. Apart from the CS Ranked mode, BR Rank Season 27 is starting on April 15, 2022.
Gaming Environment – New features and adjustments
Credit System
In the new Free Fire’s OB33 update, developers have introduced a new “Credit System,” which focuses on making the gaming environment more positive. The system will award or deduct credits based on players’ activity in a match.
- Credit System will be employed to deduct one to four points from the accounts that have been reported and verified for the following:
- Force quit
- Verbally abusive
- Intentionally throw a game away.
- Players who have been successful in maintaining a perfect score will be able to unlock several rewards.
- The scores lower than 80 and 90 will lead to players getting banned in BR-Ranked and CS-Ranked, respectively.
- Players with good behavior can earn one to two points after each game.
- Credit System is available from March 25.
Improvements in Report System
Developers have made a few following improvements in the Report System of Garena Free Fire:
- Players can report other users via the match history page (or CS mode scoreboards in case of a Clash Squad match).
- Reasons for reporting have been added.
- In-game mail response reports have been optimized, and players can now track their report progress.
In-Game Voice Chat Reporting Feature
A new feature has been added to report the users who use coarse language in a match:
- The action will only be taken when users have reported the abuser.
- Players will be able to report the users on the spot using a new feature for the mute button.
- Developers will verify the report, and the player will face a mute punishment and credit score reduction.
- The feature has been enabled from March 25.
New System – LINK
A new “LINK System” feature will allow users to get characters in Free Fire permanently for free.
- Players will be able to link one character at once.
- Developers have imposed a limit on users’ LINK points each day.
- One can use coins to boost LINK progress each day.
Developers have also made some adjustments in terms of Character fragments and skill slots.
Character Fragments needed before and after for leveling up:
- Level 2>3 – Previous: 500; After patch: 400
- Level 3>4 – Previous: 1,500; After patch: 1,000
- Level 4>5 – Previous: 2,500; After patch: 2,000
- Level 5>6 – Previous: 5,000; After patch: 4,000
Change in costs of unlocking skill slots
- Slot 1 – Previous: 50 Diamonds/2,000 Coins; After patch: 40 Diamonds/2,000 Coins
- Slot 2 – Previous: 75 Diamonds/5,000 Coins; After patch: 75 Diamonds/3,750 Coins
- Slot 3 – Previous: 125 Diamonds/10,000 Coins; After patch: 125 Diamonds/6,250 Coins
New character – Kenta
Kenta, a new character, is making his way into the game via the latest update. His skill has been named “Swordsman’s Wrath”, which will provide a 50% reduction in frontal damage after Kenta uses his skill to deploy a holographic shield. The ability resets after players fire some shots.
Swordsman’s Wrath gas two following upgradable attributes:
- Duration: 2/3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds
- Cooldown time: 210/200/190/180/170/160 seconds
Character adjustments
The characters have been made more balanced by adding some rework and adjustments to them:
A124 will now unleash an eight-meter electromagnetic wave that will temporarily disable foes’ ability activation while also interrupting their interaction countdown.
- Duration: 20/22/24/26/28/30 seconds.
- Cooldown time: 100/90/80/70/60/50 seconds.
- Developers have tweaked the reload speed, increasing by 14/16/18/20/22/24%.
- SMGs will deal more damage for the final six rounds of the clip: Increase – 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Steffie will create a four-meter area that blocks the use of throwables. Additionally, teammates will be able to restore their armor durability by 10% every second by staying in that area.
Reduction in ammo damage by the opponents: 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Duration: 10/11/12/13/14/15 seconds.
Cooldown: 115/110/105/100/95/90 seconds.
- Change in movement speed increase: 6/7/8/9/11/13%
- Change in range of Otho for spotting enemies: 25/35/45/55/65/75m
- The duration of sharing the information with allies changed from six seconds to four seconds.
- An adjustment in the increase of bleeding speed of the opponents: 40/50/60/70/80/90%.
- A tweak in rescue speed: 15/18/21/24/27/30%
- A change in HP recovery within five seconds: 25/30/35/40/45/50 points
Adjustments in Clash Squad Mode
- The visual effects after executing a quadra kill have been altered.
Adjustments in Battle Royale Mode
New In-game Missions
Hit List missions:
- One can purchase missions from the Vending Machine using FF Coins.
- A mission related to eliminating targets within the time limit.
Supply Run missions:
- One can obtain them for free on the map.
- A mission related to reaching a specified location within a time limit.
Upgradable ultimate weapons in the game
Players can now upgrade weapons through the three stages using upgrade chips (except for the airdrop exclusives):
- MP5
- M60
- M4A1
- M14
- Kar98k
New Weapon – G36
G36 is the new assault rifle in Garena Free Fire that will feature two different modes – assault (short-range mode) and range (mid-range mode).
Assault stats:
- Base Damage: 26
- Rate of Fire: 0.096
- Magazine: 30
Range stats:
- Base Damage: 33
- Rate of Fire: 0.15
- Magazine: 30
Weapon Adjustments
There have been a plethora of weapon adjustments in Garena Free Fire after the OB33 update, which are given as follows:
- M4A1: Effective range decreased by 4%
- SCAR: Effective range increased by 5%
- M249: Effective range decreased by 3%
- FAMAS: Effective range decreased by 2%
- XM8: Effective range increased by 5%
- AN94: Effective range increased by 4%
- AUG: Effective range increased by 6%
- PARAFAL: Effective range increased by 5%
- Kar98k: Gun switch time increased by 20%
- UMP: Effective range decreased by 3%, movement speed when firing decreased by 10%, stability decreased by 7%
- MP5: Effective range decreased by 10%, damage increased by 10%,
- VSS: Effective range decreased by 15%
- MP40: Stability increased by 15%, movement speed when carrying increased by 15%, movement speed when firing increased by 10%
- Thompson: Effective range decreased by 3%
- Mini Uzi: Effective range decreased by 8%
- MAC10: Effective range decreased by 4%
- M1014: Effective range decreased by 16%, reload speed increased by 30%
- M1873: Effective range decreased by 15%
- SPAS12: Effective range decreased by 8%, reload speed increased by 10%
- M1887: Effective range decreased by 12%, damage increased by 8%, movement speed when carrying increased by 5%
- MAG-7: Effective range decreased by 15%, damage increased by 4%, stability increased by 10%
- Charge Buster: Effective range decreased by 10%, damage increased by 5%
- M1887-X: Added new muzzle accessory slots
Gameplay adjustments
- Gamers can now toggle and customize vibrations on Garena Free Fire’s settings page.
Custom Room
- The Auto Revival feature is now available in BR mode custom, and users with enough FF coins can use it.
- In BR mode, one can customize the damage and speed of the play zone.
- Players can unlock Clash Squad Shop and item pricing customizations using the Normal Room Cards.
Post-Game Results
Post-game results now show and supports:
- It shows players’ Memory Fragment progress.
- It shows players’ LINK progress.
- It supports one-click Character level-ups.
- Players can now take a closer look at the newly available datasheet included on the Post-game results page.
- In multiplayer mode, Garena Free Fire has added Revive/Rescues/Assists/Knockdowns.
- The stats of the revival are only available in Battle Royale mode.
- Drop rates in Garena Free Fire increase with users’ initial games of the day.
Other adjustments
- Apart from the aforementioned adjustments, developers have optimized notifications for DLC resources.
- FF coins are visible on the BR mode’s HUD display.
- Garena Free Fire’s BR mode will show players’ death location on the map to aid them to recover the supply crates readily after revival.
- Players can access the airdrop vending machine from all angles.
- After the Garena Free Fire OB33 update, the Events page is accessible via the preset teams’ page.
- Players can view the CS Cup invitations via the lobby.