Lord of Heroes – Light Lairei Re-Run, 7 Avillon Events, Mystic Beast Hunt Grondal, and more in February Update

Lord of Heroes has a lot of things to like – crisp and clear 3D characters, anime-stylized graphics and art style, and the strategic turn-based battles. Among the undermined things that many might forget are the consistency shown by the developers to dish out feature-rich updates that make sure player’s are kept engaged throughout. CloverGames has made sure that a surplus of events are running at any given point of time to give out as much rewards as possible. Lord of Heroes is available as on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store as a free-to-play title with in-game microtransactions enabled.
Table of Contents
Light Lairei – 4-Star Hero Re-Run
Light Lairei is scheduled to be having a re-run in the game in the shop. Light Lairei is a great hero that can deal massive damage the more stacks of debuffs the enemies have. Light Lairei is a 4-Star hero that is classified as a Striker in-game. Players can recruit Light Lairei after the patch goes live through her own special in-game purchasable package.

Light Lairei’s hero description reads “Amidst the rugged wildlands, their lives one who brings with her the warmth of a spring breeze: Lairei Yen, often called the Sunlight Princess and daughter of the dragonkin. No one knows how someone of her disposition could come from the traditionally hot-tempered dragonkin, but there are some who mistake her amicability and friendliness for weakness. They could not be more wrong. Lairei may be merciful, but she is not foolish.
Becoming close to her is not easy, but is more than worth the effort. Above all, always be sincere with her.”

Take a look at Light Lairei’s abilities and passives in detail-
Dragon’s Fang: Attacks the selected enemy. 60% chance to inflict a Wither debuff that prevents healing for 2 turn(s). Deals 7% more damage for every debuff on the enemy.
Lv.2: Damage +10%
Lv.3: Damage +10%
Lv.4: Debuff Chance +10%
Lv.5: Damage +10%
Lv.6: Damage +10%
Radiant Volley: Attacks all enemies. Grants the user invincibility for 1 turn(s). Grants the user an immunity buff for 1 turn(s) if the attack is a critical hit.
Lv.2: Damage +10%
Lv.3: Damage +10%
Lv.4: Immunity Duration +1
Lv.5: Damage +10%
Lv.6: Cooldown -1

Raging Lightstorm (Burst Skill): Attacks all enemies. Deals 7% more damage for every buff on the user and every debuff on the enemy.
Lv.2: Damage +10%
Lv.3: Damage +10%
Lv.4: Damage +10%
Lv.5: Damage +10%
Lv.6: Spirit Cost -1
Wildlands Leader (Passive): Increases critical hit rate damage by 10% / 5% / 5% / 5% / 5% / 20%
Sunlight Princess (Passive): Increases damage against dark-elemental enemies by 5% / +2% / +2% / +2% / +2% / +7%
Mystic Beast Hunt – Grondal
At this point, the Mystic Beast Hunt events have become a monthly happening. Players can juicy amount of grand rewards by using their Energy and farming the different areas of the game such as the Story mode, Primeval Halls, and more. The Mystic Hunt for Grondal is going be available from 10th February – 25th February 2023! If you’re not aware of how these mystic beasts hunt event works, here is a short gist of it:
- Players can hunt mystic beasts by clearing out story mode stages and/or Primeval Hall floors. They appear in the 2nd wave of story mode stages and the player should have completed that stage for them to appear.
- Whenever the player defeats a mystic beast, he/she will be rewarded with Event currency which can be exchanged for rewards in the Special shop.

- Mystic beasts come in different elements and different elemental beasts give different amounts of event currency. The rate and element of these beasts’ appearance are at random.
- The Shop’s line-up changes according to the beast being hunted. For example, the current beast being hunted is Grondal.
- Unused event currency will be converted to 500 gold each after the event ends.

So, as you can see, we are talking a lot about Special Shop and Hunting Medals and that takes us to the rewards! Take a look at the rewards available for all players!
- Renown x 50,000 (50 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Alchemy Ticket x 10 (200 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 1 time
- Alchemy Ticket x 1 (25 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 20 times
- Elixir of Insight x 20 (5 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 1 per day
- Elixir of Insight (HIGH) x 3 (3 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 10 times
- Gold x 100,000 (30 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 10 times
- Crystals x 500 (300 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 1 time
- Linkstone x 50 (70 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 10 times.
- Mystic Soulstone x 1 (100 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 1 time
- Commander Rune x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Sniper Rune x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Striker Rune x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Cleric Rune x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Warrior Rune x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Guardian Rune x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 5 times
- Fire Rune (MID) x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 20 times
- Fire Rune (HIGH) x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 10 times
- Colorless Rune (MID) x 1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 20 times
- Colorless Rune (HIGH) x1 (10 Hunting Medals required) – Purchase limit up to 20 times

Apart from these rewards, players can also earn rewards according to the total number of Grondal beasts hunted by the players altogether globally. These numbers can be tracked from the main event screen! Here are the rewards given to all players on meeting certain milestones, regardless of their individual participation:
- Energy x 3000 – 50,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 100,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 150,000 Beasts Slayed
- Hunting Medal x 20 – 200,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 300,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 400,000 Beasts Slayed
- Hunting Medal x 40 – 500,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 650,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 800,000 Beasts Slayed
- Hunting Medal x 60 – 1,000,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 1,150,000 Beasts Slayed
- Energy x 3000 – 1,300,000 Beasts Slayed
- Hunting Medal x 100 – 1,500,000 Beasts Slayed
Avillon Events for February 2023
- Daily Battle Training (7th February – 19th February) (Daily Event) is an event that rewards players according to the number of battles they participate in. These battles can be in the Primeval Halls, Raid, Obelisk, Coliseum, Friendly Matches, or the Unity Plaza. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –

- 5 Battles Played – Energy x 1000
- 10 Battles Played – Energy x 1000
- 20 Battles Played – Energy x 1000
- 30 Battles Played – Renown x 3000
- Paid to Upgrade (9th February – 12th February) (Daily Event) is a new type of event that rewards players based on the number of equipment they upgrade using their collected Gold. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –
- 5 Equipment’s upgraded – Gold x 50,000
- 10 Equipment’s upgraded – Training Token x 5
- 15 Equipment’s upgraded – Gold x 100,000
- 20 Equipment’s upgraded – Training Token x 5
- 30 Equipment’s upgraded – 4-6 Star Replica Chest x 1
- Vie for Victory! (12th February – 26th February) (Term Event) is a new type of event that rewards players based on the number of victories they achieve in the Coliseum. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –

- 20 Victories in the Coliseum – Elixir of Insight x 50
- 40 Victories in the Coliseum – Gold x 50,000
- 60 Victories in the Coliseum – Crystal x 500
- 80 Victories in the Coliseum – Gold x 100,000
- 100 Victories in the Coliseum – Mystic Soulstone x 1
- Energetic Efforts (12th February – 26th February) (Daily Event) is an event that rewards players based on the amount of energy flags they spend during the given time period. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –
- 300 Energy Spent – Gold x 10,000
- 1500 Energy Spent – Crystal x 20
- 3000 Energy Spent – Energy x 3000
- 4500 Energy Spent – Elixir of Insight x 20
- 6000 Energy Spent – Alchemy Ticket x 1
- Free (Watching Ad) – Bonus Random Box x 1
- Obelisk Ascension (16th February – 19th February) (Daily Event) is a new type of event that rewards players based on the number of floors they climb in the Obelisk. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –
- 5 Matches done in the Obelisk – Gold x 10,000
- 10 Matches done in the Obelisk – Elixir of Insight x 20
- 15 Matches done in the Obelisk – Sigil of Bravery x 5
- 20 Matches done in the Obelisk – Replica Chest (Random) x 1
- 30 Matches done in the Obelisk – Renown x 100,000
- Training with Aslan (19th February – 5th March) (Daily Event) is a new type of event that rewards players based on the number of times they defeat Aslan in the Mercenary Training Grounds. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –

- 1 Victory in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Training Token x 10
- 2 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Elixir of Insight x 20
- 3 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Elixir of Insight x 20
- 4 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Alchemy Ticket x 5
- 5 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Elixir of Insight x 30
- 7 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Elixir of Insight x 30
- 10 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Alchemy Ticket x 5
- 15 Victories in the Mercenary Training Grounds – Renown x 100,000
- Tome of Calamity (19th February – 5th March) (Daily Event) is a new type of event that rewards players based on the number of matches played in the Silent Straits where they trigger Stagger at least 2 times. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –

- Trigger Stagger on Dark Beast 2 times – Linkstone x 10
- Trigger Stagger on Fire Beast 2 times – Linkstone x 20
- Trigger Stagger on Water Beast 2 times – Linkstone x 30
- Trigger Stagger on Earth Beast 2 times – Linkstone x 50
- Trigger Stagger on Light Beast 2 times – Linkstone x 100
This covers all the new content coming to Lord of Heroes with the new update that is scheduled to be implemented on 7th February 2023. Feel free to read the official notes on Lord of Heroes’ official website.
Play Lord of Heroes on PC with BlueStacks, using keyboard and mouse to get the best experience.