MARVEL Strike Force – Update 5.2.0 to Introduce New 'Silver Surfer' Character

“Wield the Cosmic Power with Silver Surfer!” It seems like a new character named Silver Surfer will be arriving in MARVEL Strike Force in patch 5.2.0. Additionally, a lot of excellent in-game content is expected to arrive in the game throughout this update. From bug fixes to updates to the existing characters, this is one major update that will change the way things work in-game. But first, check out this amazing character spotlight for the upcoming character, Silver Surfer:
Arriving Throughout Patch 5.2.0
- Three brand new playable characters: Multiple Man, Polaris, and Silver Surfer.
- Raid Season Update: New Rewards and Milestones for all the players.
- “Super Sleuth” trait for the Multiple Man Event Campaign named “X-Factor Investigations” but, for a limited time.
- Saved Squads Update: Enjoy five new slots when you reach Commander Lvl 75 and five more at Lvl 80.
- “Falcon and Winter Soldier” event.
- Coming Soon: S.T.R.I.K.E. Pass! Earn exclusive content and even more rewards on completing Daily Objectives, which will help you maximize your S.T.R.I.K.E. Pass progress!
- Coming Soon: MARVEL Strike Force’s 3rd Anniversary! Limited-time events!
- Iso-8 Update: Iso-8 Classes can now be viewed on the Helicarrier Offense, Set Defense, and Battle History screen.
Updates to Existing Characters
Base Focus has now been increased by 33%
Special – Cross Slash
Old Description: Attacks enemies for 240% of Piercing damage and applies Defense Down for two turns of the primary target. Also, it grants one Ability Energy to a Longshot ally.
New Description – Attack enemies for 240% of Piercing damage and applies Defense Down for two turns. However, now, it applies the Defense Down to all targets. Also, it grants one Ability Energy to a Longshot ally. Additionally, this attack cannot be blocked anymore.
Passive – Force of Will
Old Description – On self or an ally Crit, Shatterstar barriers himself and other X-Factor allies for 20% of Maximum Health. On Turn, Heal for 20% of his Maximum Health.
New Description – On self or an ally Crit, Barriers self, and X-Factor allies for 20% of his Maximum Health. On Turn, Heal for 20% of his Maximum Health.
Basic – Blade Toss
Old Description – Attacks the primary target for 240% damage and Bonus Attack damage of 160%. If Shatterstar is an ally, Bonus Attack damage is increased by 210%.
New Description – Attacks the primary target for 240% damage and Bonus Attack damage of 160%. If Shatterstar is an ally, Bonus Attack damage is increased by 210%, cannot be dodged.
Ultimate – Knife Assault
Old Description: Attacks the primary target for 550% damage. Moreover, this attack has a 50% bonus Crit Chance. Interestingly, the damage is also increased by an amount equivalent to his total Crit Chance.
New Description: Attacks the primary target for 550% damage. Moreover, this attack has a 50% bonus Crit Chance. Interestingly, the damage is also increased by an amount equivalent to his total Crit Chance. (This attack cannot be blocked)
To know in detail about the bug fixes that arrived with this update, make sure you go through the official release notes on MARVEL Strike Force’s official website.