PUBG Mobile’s Latest Patch V1.3 Set for March 9 Release

There is a colossal update coming to PUBG Mobile in the month of March. Patch version 1.3 is set to go live in PUBG Mobile, with lots of new features available for the enthusiasts. As players wait in anticipation for the Season 18 update to go live on March 9, let us take a look at the new features that are set to arrive along with patch version 1.3
Hundred Rhythms game mode to celebrate PUBG Mobile’s third anniversary
A new game mode is set to be introduced with the March 9 update. Called the ‘Hundred Rhythms’ mode, the first point is that it is a classic themed mode, which means it will be available to play on classic maps like Erangel.
While not much is known about the Hundred Rhythms mode, there are set to be three powers added to the Battle Royale experience in this mode – each power coming with its own ability and/or effect.
The survival power will equip you with the Ghillie suit for a certain period of time when activated and will also automatically heal the players gradually back to their original health. One of the other powers creates an AOE barrier around the player within which the players receive a slight heal during the time they are inside the barrier. Also, any incoming bullets from outside the barrier have its effect or damage heavily decreased, thanks to the barrier. The last power acts like a radar of sorts, which when activated, will spot enemies within a certain range while killing an enemy within the range of the ‘radar’ will heal the players.
Motor Glider is coming to PUBG Mobile
The vehicle will allow players to roam the map aerially and will add a new dimension of travel in the Battle Royale’s mobile version.
Mosin Nagant – An Improved Kar98k
A new sniper rifle is also being introduced. Named Mosin Nagant, it works and looks just like a Kar98 but seems to inflict more damage and have a lesser damage drop-off over distance compared to the similar-looking sniper rifle, making sniping even more rewarding for the players.
Royale Pass Season 18
The Season 18 Royale Pass will arrive, albeit at a later date. The new Royale Pass is set to be released on March 17 and not on the 9th. As usual, it will come with its own rewards and two reward lines, a free one and a premium reward line.
Release the Karakin?
Karakin was available in the 1.3.0 beta test version and while there has been no mention of its release in this patch, the new map is expected to arrive soon.
Metro Royale: Honor – A new Chapter beckons
The current chapter of Metro Royale will end and the game mode will resume with a new chapter post-update. The rankings and everything else will receive a reset. However, some data from the previous chapter is likely to be carried over to the new one.
The History of PUBG Mobile Community Event
PUBG Mobile announced a new event to celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of the game. The History of the PUBG Mobile event will run from the 9th of March to the 30th of the month. PUBG Mobile calls on the users to make a 30 second clip that depicts ‘a story’. Players are free to use cinematics, screenshots and gameplay recorded by them and sourced from PUBG Mobile releases. There are prizes up for grabs for the top 5 chosen ones from the community, with the top three receiving an iPhone and the other two receiving UC worth tens of dollars.
Miscellaneous Updates
The Runic Power mode will end with this update and the Extreme Hunt Mode will now not be available every day. Instead, the game mode will only be open on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the week.
The Cheer Parks or the Anniversary Adventure Parks will be present in order to commemorate the 3rd Anniversary of the cult hit that is PUBG Mobile. Players can play various arcades and do miscellaneous activities at the said parks at the 3rd Anniversary Music Festival.
A new short film is also set to be released by PUBG Mobile on the 9th of March and it seems to be named The Growth, as evidenced in the hashtag used by PUBG Mobile on their Twitter handle while releasing a 24 second trailer of the short film.