Summoners War: Sky Arena – New Monster Puppeteer, QOL Improvements, and Much More in Patch 7.1.5

A ton of new stuff is in store for players playing Summoners War: Sky Arena as the 8-year old turn-based RPG is gearing itself for the festivities around Christmas and New Year. Apart from the new and exciting events, Com2US has dropped a huge patch that features 5 new monsters, multiple QOL improvements, and tons of holiday goodies. Summoners War: Sky Arena is available to be downloaded as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Let’s get into the details for Patch 7.1.5 which is currently live in-game as we speak!
Table of Contents
This Patch 7.1.5 brings new monsters called the Puppeteers that were first seen in this YouTube video on Summoners War official YouTube channel. As per standard, the new monsters are all going to be of 5-Star rarity and only available to be summoned via summoning mystical scrolls, legendary scrolls, crystal summons, and elemental scrolls. A new event that boosts the rate of obtaining the new monsters is also ongoing to help players add them to their collection with a better rate. With base rates of obtaining 5-Star monsters being only 0.5%, players are going to need every bit of their luck if they aim to add these new monsters to their collection. Mock Battles featuring Puppeteer’s are also being added that will aim to showcase their power to the players who do not currently own them while incentivizing players with a mystical scroll and 50 crystals
New Monster Puppeteer
The new 5-Star monster Puppeteer have been added to Summoners War: Sky Arena with Patch 7.1.5. The teaser for the monsters was revealed to all the players on various social media feeds by Com2US to build up the excitement! The monsters resemble your usual ventriloquist controlling inanimate dolls, except the dolls are controlling themselves. The new monsters are different with different playstyles. Puppeteers are in general a more offensive type of monster that excel in dealing damage and crowd-controlling enemies. Here are the different element Puppeteer’s and their skills:
Fire Puppeteer (Zima)
- Horse Rider Puppet – Attacks the enemy and increases your Attack Bar by 20%.
- Cursed Apple – Installs a bomb that detonates after 2 tums on the enemy target and stuns the enemy with a 50% chance.
- Cycle of Eternity – Attacks all enemies to remove all beneficial effects and blocks them from removing harmful effects for 2 turns.
- Leader Skill – Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
Zima is a one of the newest bombers that is going to be joining the roster of monsters in Summoners War: Sky Arena. Zima’s abilities are quite similar to that of Seara, the wind elemental oracle that has been the face of the game for over 7 years. The idea of recycling abilities and providing them to new monsters is something that Com2US are well-known for. Zima brings a great single-targeted burst with his bombs. Her ability to remove all beneficial effects and blocking removal of debuffs almost guarantees that enemies do not remove the bombs. Paired with the likes of Seara, players can guarantee easily bursting any target of their choice with double bombs that cannot be removed.
Water Puppeteer (Zibala)
- Horse Rider Puppet – Attacks the enemy and increases your Attack Bar by 20%.
- Improvise – Decreases the skill cooldown time of the ally target by 1 tum and increases the ally’s Attack Bar by 50%.
- Magical Time – Attacks all enemies to increase their skill cooldown time by I turn each and freezes them for I turn.
- Leader Skill – Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters by 41%.
Zibala is the water elemental version of the new Puppeteer monster. Zibala is listed as a utility/Support type monster that excels in supporting allies while debuffing enemies. Zibala is one of the only monsters in the game that is able to push the Attack bar by 50%, although of a single ally only. Zibala’s 3rd ability Magical Time helps in negating offensive counters from the enemy as it is an AOE-targeted Freezing ability. The increase in cooldowns of enemies also helps to render them useless even if they resist the Freeze debuff as their abilities would be on cooldown. On top of that, her leader skill is perfectly suited for her own skillset as all of her abilities require a high amount of Accuracy to land on targets.
Wind Puppeteer (Smicer)
- Horse Rider Puppet – Attacks the enemy and increases your Attack Bar by 20%.
- Cursed Apple – Installs a bomb that detonates after 2 tums on the enemy target and stuns the enemy with a 50% chance.
- Ventriloquism (Passive) – Decreases the Attack Bar of the enemy with the highest Attack Bar by 20% at the start of each turn and Silences the enemy for 1 turn. [Automatic Effect]
- Leader Skill – Increase the Resistance of ally monsters by 41%.
Smicer is the Wind elemental version of the Puppeteer monster. Smicer shares the same capabilities of bursting a single target with his single-targeted bomb that is placed by her 2nd skill. Her passive ability is a unqiue ability that can counter many cleave team compositions in the Arena. She can Silence and decrease the attack bar of the enemy with the highest Attack at the start of each turn. Although, it looks great on paper but it can be easily countered by an Immunity buff.
Light Puppeteer (Kovarci)
- Horse Rider Puppet – Attacks the enemy and increases your Attack Bar by 20%.
- Improvise – Decreases the skill cooldown time of the ally target by 1 tum and increases the ally’s Attack Bar by 50%.
- Puppet Ball – Removes all harmful effects of all allies and increases their Attack Power for 2 turns. Additionally, their Attack Bar increases by 20%.
- Leader Skill – Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 33%.
Kovarci, the light elemental Puppeteer shares the same 1st and 2nd ability as the Water Puppeteer. Of course, this makes her a great support/attack bar booster. On top of the attack bar boosting, her 3rd ability is one of the best anti-cleave skills in the game that will definitely rank her among the best monsters for PvP content. She can easily cleanse all debuffs, provide attack buff to all allies, and increase their attack bars by 20% each.
Dark Puppeteer (Zenisek)
- Horse Rider Puppet – Attacks the enemy and increases your Attack Bar by 20%.
- Cursed Apple – Installs a bomb that detonates after 2 tums on the enemy target and stuns the enemy with a 50% chance.
- Marionette (Passive) – Removes all harmful effects of an ally under inability effects at the start of each turn. The removal prioritizes the ally with the most harmful effects. [Automatic Effect]
- Leader Skill – Increase the Defense of ally monsters by 33%.
Zenisek is the Dark elemental version of the Puppeteer monster. Sharing the same 1st and 2nd abilties with the Fire and Wind elemental versions, he can also apply a single targeted bombs while stunning them for 1 turn with a 50% chance. Her passive ability is a unique ability that states it removes all debuffs from allies that are under inability effects. Inability effects account the following debuffs – Stuns, Freeze, Sleep, and Incapacitated.
SP Summon Up – Puppeteer
After the update, Com2US is holding a new special summoning event for the Puppeteer’s where players will have a higher chance of summoning them if they are able to summon a 5-Star monster. Players can opt to check-mark the SP summon event during their summoning sessions from the Summonhenge. By ticking the event, the event will be active.
By unticking the event, the event will not be considered active. The rates for the different rarities of the monsters remain the same. The event can be active on all summoning scrolls except Ancient Transcendence Scroll, 8-Year Transcendence Scroll, Exclusive Summon, Monster Piece Summon, Guild Summon, SWC Scroll.
New Mock Battle Stages
Patch 7.1.5 has already brought the new hero Puppeteer as a collectible monster! However, not all players will be able to summon them and use them in their adventures. Do not worry as Puppeteers will be added to the Mock Battle stages for players to test them and get familiar with their abilities. Com2US is adding a new stage in the Battle Ground content where players can use these new monsters and strategize to defeat the floors. As usual, the rewards will remain the same as in other stages: Mystical Scroll x 1 + Crystal x 50 + Mana Stones x 150,000.
QOL Improvements
A host of new QOL improvements are going to be taking place with the new Patch 7.1.5:
- [Monster > Collection > Search] You can now search by the name of a Monster that was previously unavailable due to the inclusion of prohibited words.
- [Rune Management] The ratio of the left area (Monster stat info and Rune engraving screen) in the Rune management page has been adjusted to fix the issue of the screen overlapping in some resolutions.
- [Arena Interserver Battle, 2vs2 Team Battle, Special League] The icons have been improved to be more intuitive.
Many other bugs and QOL changes are made which can be seen by reading their official patch notes.
We recommend playing Summoners War: Sky Arena on a PC using BlueStacks with a keyboard and mouse for the best experience.