Who could imagine? In one second, you have lost your pet, minutes later, you found it and even get a job! When you were out there on the hunt, Papa Louie called to let you know your lovely pet was found at his new business: a pancakeria! And since you had to go there to pick it up, why not start running the place? Play Papa’s Pancakeria to Go! on PC and Mac with BlueStacks and transform yourself into a multitask employee between each area of the shop and go from buttering to topping and many other tasks that you must perform perfectly, in order to delight your customers and get compliments from your employers! How about a hot mug of coffee, or even a refreshing juice for breakfast? And what about brunch, what are we having? There is no right answer to that, at least not if you manage to create delicious combos that will definitely make your customers smile like never before. Are you up for the job? Play Papa’s Pancakeria to Go! on PC with BlueStacks and transform your dream job in a long lasting career!
Play on PC with BlueStacks or from our cloud
- Overview
- Game Features
- How to Play
Page Modified On: December 04, 2020
Play Papa's Pancakeria To Go! on PC or Mac
Game Features
Game controls
- Zoom in / Out
- Tap Spots
- Macros
- Multi Instance
- Multi Instance Sync
- Eco Mode
- Game controls
- Enhancements
![Multi Instance](https://cdn-www.bluestacks.com/bs-images/FE_MULTI_INSTANCE-opt-1.jpg)
Multi Instance
![Multi Instance Sync](https://cdn-www.bluestacks.com/bs-images/FE_MULTI_INSTANCE_SYNC-opt-1.jpg)
Multi Instance Sync
![Eco Mode](https://cdn-www.bluestacks.com/bs-images/eco-opt-1.jpg)
Eco Mode
How to Download and Play Papa's Pancakeria To Go! on PC or Mac
Download and install BlueStacks on your PC or Mac
Complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store, or do it later
Look for Papa's Pancakeria To Go! in the search bar at the top right corner
Click to install Papa's Pancakeria To Go! from the search results
Complete Google sign-in (if you skipped step 2) to install Papa's Pancakeria To Go!
Click the Papa's Pancakeria To Go! icon on the home screen to start playing
Download Papa’s Pancakeria to Go! on Windows 7, 8, 10 with BlueStacks and use the most powerful gaming engine ever created! Forget about those clumsy controls and tiny screen of your smartphone: play it big, on your PC, with the mouse and the keyboard to help you achieve your goals. Plus, and most important, rely on a much faster and stable internet connection, avoiding lags and, of course, delicious toppings! The best workers will always count on the best tools. Be one of them and delight your customers with the most amazing preparations only a person with no complications in her mind could do: you! Let those worries behind you and embrace ultimate freedom by relying on the incredible advantages only BlueStacks 4 can give you!
Minimum System Requirements
With BlueStacks 5, you can get started on a PC that fulfills the following requirements.
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 or above, macOS 11 (Big Sur) or above
Intel, AMD or Apple Silicon Processor
at least 4GB
10GB Free Disk Space
* You must be an Administrator on your PC. Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
Papa's Pancakeria To Go! - FAQs
- How to play Papa's Pancakeria To Go! on Windows PC & Mac?
Play Papa's Pancakeria To Go! on your PC or Mac by following these simple steps.
- Click on 'Play Papa's Pancakeria To Go! on PC’ to download BlueStacks
- Install it and log-in to Google Play Store
- Launch and play the game.
- Why is BlueStacks the fastest and safest platform to play games on PC?
BlueStacks respects your privacy and is always safe and secure to use. It does not carry any malware, spyware, or any sort of additional software that could harm your PC.
It is engineered to optimize speed and performance for a seamless gaming experience.
- What are Papa's Pancakeria To Go! PC requirements?
Minimum requirement to run Papa's Pancakeria To Go! on your PC
- OS: Microsoft Windows 7 or above MacOS 11 (Big Sur) or above
- Processor: Intel, AMD or Apple Silicon Processor
- RAM: Your PC must have at least 4GB of RAM. (Note that having 4GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)
- HDD: 10GB Free Disk Space.
- You must be an Administrator on your PC.