Hey bros! PewDiePie one of your favorite Youtubers released an amazing 2D game that is super fun to play. The object of the game is to go through the levels and beat them much like how you would play Super Mario Bros way back in the day. Throughout beating all the levels and bosses, collect coins to buy other Youtube Stars as Marzia, CinnamonToastKen, JackSepticEye, and many more.

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Here are the pros and cons to this game:


-This game has an awesome retro feel. It will really take you back to games you played during your childhood like Super Mario and Megaman! A user said it felt “old but new”.

-You can share your scores and progress with your Facebook friends. Brag about your winnings and compete with each other.

-The voice overs are of real Youtube gamers. This gives the game a very authentic feel and so cool that PewDiePie got so many others involved.



-This game costs you $4.99. Pretty hefty for a mobile game, however, most users seem to think it is worth it.

-The controls are kind of hard to use. It takes a while to get used to.

-Few minor bugs

There you  have it. Have you bought this game? Tell us your thoughts and comments!

For those who have not seen the trailer, here it is!


Legend of the Brofist is available in the Google Play store and the Apple App Store

Stay awesome 🙂