BlueStacks Game Controls: Play Android Games on PC with Keyboard and Mouse or Gamepad

We can’t even count how many times we’ve fumbled our fingers playing our favorite mobile FPS, RPG, or action fighter game on a flagship smartphone. Even with a 5.8- or 6-inch screen, we always seem to end up getting more frustrated than ever, especially when we miss a sure-fire headshot from behind or we don’t get to land our punch because of a delay worth no more than a fraction of a second. If this wasn’t enough, the uncomfortable hand and wrist position means we can’t game seriously or for more than 20-30 minutes at a time.
The BlueStacks Android emulator lets you play your favorite mobile games without having to worry about tapping the exact location on a tiny screen, skewing your eyes to see minuscule targets, getting wrist pains, or missing your shots because of lag. While you sit in a comfortable and ergonomic position at your desk, BlueStacks Game Controls makes it possible to bind movements and any other in-game actions to simple shortcuts on your keyboard or mouse.
And, if that wasn’t enough, BlueStacks even supports gamepads for quite a few games. So now, you can play your favourite mobile games even more comfortably. Just pick the device of your choice, plug in and start playing.
Unlock Your Gaming Potential with the Guidance Panel
Since we play all our favorite mobile titles on BlueStacks, we regularly find ourselves switching between two or more games. And when you play so many things at the same time, it can be easy to get mixed up even with basic commands. Fortunately for us, when you launch an application on BlueStacks, the Guidance Panel comes up on the right-hand side of the BlueStacks window to remind you of what’s going on. Each game has a default control scheme, while some of them also have more advanced settings.
As your game is loading, you can use this dead time for a quick scroll through the control scheme and make any modifications you might deem necessary. The BlueStacks devs went out of their way to improve our experience within some of the most famous mobile games out there, such as CoD or Free Fire. To see dedicated advanced options for these games, you can click on the Settings tab. If you already know what you’re doing, you can easily minimize the Guidance Panel with the ‘x’ button.
Getting to Know the Default Controls
Speaking of controls, you will notice that each game’s default key binds are visible on your screen from the moment you run the application. Since we already know what we’re doing, we usually play with the “Do not show on launch” option activated, but we’ll turn it off for now. The key overlay is an awesome feature that can help you get more accustomed with the UI without cluttering your vision. Once you’re familiar with the configuration, you can turn down the opacity of the Game Controls using the Show/Hide Overlay option (eye icon) to a point where it doesn’t distract you from what’s going on in front of you. We found this flexibility extremely beneficial, as it keeps us in touch with what we need to press during moments of pressure when we sometimes forget the exact shortcut for an action, yet we cannot afford to take our eyes off the screen.
However, when you find yourself pinned down by the enemy team in a Free Fire match, you can easily switch things up in a matter of seconds. To edit any of the current key binds, you can click on the “Edit” button at the bottom of the window and simply tap on the individual buttons you want to modify. Considering how complicated it is to get into most games’ native settings, the BlueStacks default Game Controls are a breath of fresh air. If you’ve got the time, you can save your control scheme under a new configuration to keep things nice and tidy.
In less than two seconds, we were able to drive our vehicle to a safe location, use a medkit, flank our opponent and turn the tide of the battle in our favor. We can almost taste that sumptuous chicken/tofu dinner.
Mastering the Game with Advanced Controls
When you find that games are throwing increasingly complicated actions your way, you can rely on BlueStacks’ Advanced Controls to streamline your play experience. To get here, all you have to do is press the Edit button on your Guidance Panel. A great example is the repeated tap. Instead of tapping 3-4 times on an area, you can use the repeated tap function to do this at the press of no more than one keyboard button.
In KOFA, the repeated tap helps us juggle fighters much easier when we have an interval of dead time between the CDs of our skills. Since abilities take priority over regular hits, you can have as many repeated taps as you want and cancel them out when needed. We use the spare time to keep our eye on our strong abilities and use them as soon as they’re available. This also makes it possible for us to be more vigilant of our opponents in League or Arena matches. Some of them have invulnerability or dangerous grab skills of their own and when you reach those high ranks, it takes just one good hit for your entire match to go sideways.
When we were up against an enemy T7 Jin, we were fortunate enough to be able to use the Game Controls to juggle him for the entire time. We used Punch to Cascade Kick Combo, which gives us SA and damage immunity, so we could pretty much brute force our way up close and personal, then continued with Double Lift and Savage Sword.
In Black Desert Mobile, the Script function makes it possible to Auto-Combat even before the function is unlocked. Everything you have to do is enable a script from the Advanced Controls Section, give it a key bind, and then go through the combat motions you normally would. Record the actions as taps and then add an endless repeat function at the end of it. Voila! Now you can raise newbie characters without having to go through the boring tutorial manually. Alternatively, you can also use the Macro Recorder. While it is much simpler than Scripts, it does limit your customization possibilities somewhat.
Share Your Config with the Community
Whether you’re a content creator or someone looking to reach the high ranks, being able to back-up your control configuration is always a welcome possibility. With the Import/Export function, you can easily export your current set-up with just a few clicks. To do this, first press the export button right beside “Control scheme” in “Advanced Game Controls.” Then, select which one of the configurations you want to export and browse to the desired folder on your PC. The file will be saved as .cfg.
It doesn’t get any easier than this. Your friends or fans will now be able to play just like you do. In addition, if you want to play your favorite game on a different machine – say, when you’re on holiday, visiting in-laws, or whatnot – this BlueStacks feature will spare you hours’ worth of effort required to figure out precisely what key binds, swaps, and scripts you were using. Especially when scripts are concerned, this will save you a great deal of time.
Overall, BlueStacks Game Controls feature is a major reason why you’ll want to switch to playing your favorite game on PC. The enhanced control, automatization, and sharing possibilities are among the kernel benefits of this Android emulator. If you’re serious about your mobile gaming, there’s no better way to take things to the next level than with BlueStacks. As we speak, thousands of BlueStacks instances are farming away in BDM, KOFA, and other popular games.