Among Us Mods and Variants that Provide Crewmates an Advantage for a Change

Among Us has grown leaps and bounds in terms of popularity among casual players, content creators, streamers and even past the gaming sector to bring in non-endemic personalities.
However, a large portion of the credit should be reserved for the community that brought out interesting variations and mods to prevent the game from reaching the Fall Guys monotone and fizzling out early.
One huge problem was that most mods and variants would cater to the Impostors rather than the Crewmates, with variations like the Dead by Daylight theme, Zombie Mod and even the Jester Mod working against the Crewmates, putting their lives on the spaceship in danger.
Fret not though, for there have been new mods and variants that have attempted to hand the power back to Crewmates on the spaceship and make it relatively easier for them to eliminate the Impostors and save everyone. We take a peep at some of them in this list.
1. The Sheriff Mod
Every town needs a Sheriff. The difference here is that it’s a spaceship, not a town. Impostors have been roaming all too freely. But, with a Sheriff to police their behaviour, things will get easier for the Crewmates.
The Sheriff Mod adds a Sheriff role to the game, making one random crewmate The Sheriff. The Sheriff has the power to kill but the flip side of the ability is that the said person can kill both Impostors and Crewmates. By design, they need to kill the Impostors and if they do end up firing at a Crewmate, the Sheriff will sacrifice his own life as well.
Generally, the Sheriff’s visibility in the lobby is turned off to add that extra spice in-game needed, with Impostors also needing to work out who the Sheriff is before acting upon their agenda.
The high risk, high reward Sheriff role prevents crewmates from being totally defenseless against the Impostors while also adding the prospect of losing two crewmates if the Sheriff fires at the wrong person.
This mod has been made available for download by Woodi-dev on Github.
2. The Doctor or Medic Mod
Impostors keep eliminating crewmates one by one until they are found or eliminated. But, what will happen if the dead crewmates could come back to life? The Doctor Mod is just that, with a Doctor role added to the lobby. One random crewmate becomes the doctor every game and has the power to resurrect fellow crewmates, with an extra Revive Button visible on his controls just like the ‘Kill’ and ‘Report’ Buttons are visible on screen. Once the Doctor is close enough to a body, the revive button will be available and can be used to bring the crewmate back from the dead.
However, this could make the game infinitely harder for impostors as the dead crewmates would reveal the culprit at one go. To avoid this, it is ensured that the crewmate has a clean memory and pretends to not remember how he was killed and by whom. In simple words, the resurrected crewmate will not be allowed to reveal the details of their death and the killer to aid their cause.
Still, the prospect of crewmates being revived will add an extra cushion of safety, with The Doctor’s visibility hidden in the settings. The Impostors will be sweating to find out who the Doctor is and to eliminate the said crewmate first in order to prevent any revives in the future.
A fun mod from Socksfor1 that is quite similar to The Medic Mod, which serves the same purpose bearing a different name.
There is another Doctor Mod though, which is shown by Sloppy Gaming to have a Drag button as well. In this mod, the Doctor or Medic can only revive in certain specific areas of the map. However, the Medic can relocate the body by using the Drag button to an area where they can use the Revive ability. This balances the game by adding the prospect of the Medic being revealed to the Impostors as they attempt to drag and revive their fellow crewmates.
3. The Engineer Mod
Created by King for YouTube content creator SSundee, the Engineer Mod adds a unique role called the Engineer. This is by far one of the most unique roles present in the Modded Among Us universe, with the engineer having a wide range of abilities.
The Engineer has several buttons like Shock, Cameras, +Camera, Complete and Drone. The crewmate that is randomly assigned the role can place cameras at several places on the map and can view it with the Cameras button. If someone comes close to the camera, they can use the Shock button to literally electrocute the character. The Drone feature is the best one yet for a Modded Role. If and when the Engineer activates the Drone ability, it transforms him into a drone and subsequently, the Drone can venture around the map and complete tasks with just a click by pressing the Complete button.
Be wary of lurking Impostors that will wait to see who the drone actually is. This can be avoided by naturally returning to the original state in a somewhat secluded space after ensuring no one is around. The additional Cameras aid the Engineer’s cause, making it increasingly difficult for the Impostors to get away with a kill, which is why this is one of the toughest roles to counter as an Impostor in Among Us.
4. The Jester Mod
The Jester Mod adds the Jester role that acts as a pseudo-Impostor. Jester’s responsibility is to act as a suspect or act sus at all times and to somehow instill the belief in the fellow crewmates that he is indeed the Impostor. This gives Impostors an extra cushion of safety. However, they must be wary of not letting the crewmates vote the Jester out because in case it happens, the Jester wins the lobby.
This is not a natural mod that gives crewmates additional power. Rather, it equips a single crewmate with the power to win the game solo while also taking some shine away from the Impostors.
This mod can be accessed from Socksfor1’s official discord, with the YouTuber credited with making this new game mode and popularising it in the initial stages.
While the crewmates also end up losing in case Jester wins, it does prevent Impostors from winning it, which makes things even and intriguing in the lobby, giving Impostors one more thing to worry about.
5. Mourning Mini
The Mourning Mini is one of the most hilarious Mods available in Among Us. While it does not grant crewmates with any power or roles, the Mourning Mini Mod equips the pets of dead characters to continuously emit a mourning sound or mourn. This allows fellow crewmates to locate the dead ones quicker and makes it harder for Impostors to get away with kills.
This mod does add a hilarity factor to the game while also making the game harder for the Impostors to a certain degree. Humour trumps Tragedy. Anybody?
6. Crewmates with Hands
If by power, you mean distinguishable character trait or something similar, this mod has got you covered. The Crewmates with Hands equips Crewmates with actual lifelike hands, making them more humane in appearance. Impostors might not want to catch these hands and the crewmates will look to catch the Impostors red-handed.